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Graphic Resources

pChart – PHP Charting Library under GPL License

Posted · Category: Charts, GPL License

pChart is a PHP class oriented framework designed to create aliased charts. Most of todays chart libraries have a cost, pChart is intended to be free. Data can be retrieved from SQL queries, CSV files, or manually provided. Focus has been put on rendering quality introducing an aliasing algorithm to draw eye candy graphics. This project is still under development and new features or fix are made every week.

PHP Charting Library

PHP Charting Library

Requirements: PHP
Demo: http://pchart.sourceforge.net/demo.php
License: GPL License

Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit for Web Designers

Posted · Category: CC License, Framework

Yahoo! Design Stencil Kit version 1.0 is available for OmniGraffle, Visio (XML), Adobe Illustrator (PDF and SVG), and Adobe Photoshop (PNG), and covers the following topics:

  • Ad Units
  • Calendars
  • Carousels
  • Charts and Tables
  • UI Controls
  • Form Elements
  • Grids
  • Menus and Buttons
  • Mobile – General
  • Mobile – iPhone
  • Navigation and Pagination
  • OS Elements
  • Placeholder Text
  • Screen Resolutions
  • Tabs
  • Windows and Containers

Yahoo! Design Stencils

I am sure you will find them useful when designing user interface for your website / web application. All of them are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/wireframes/
License: Creative Commons 2.5 License

Google Doctype – Open Encyclopedia and Reference Library

Posted · Category: CC License, Information

Google Doctype is an open encyclopedia and reference library. Written by web developers, for web developers. It includes articles on web security, JavaScript DOM manipulation, CSS tips and tricks, and more. The reference section includes a growing library of test cases for checking cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility.

Many sites offer browser compatibility charts, but few back up their compatibility claims with repeatable tests. Google believes strongly in the value of test cases and automated regression testing. All of the tests in Google Doctype can be run individually or in groups, using the JSUnit automated testing framework. This allows us to update our charts quickly and easily as new browser versions come out. It also allows you to test in your own browser to see exactly what the compatibility claims mean.

Many sites offer developer resources for the open web, but few sites make those resources available under open licenses. You can read, but you can’t download. Or you can download, but you can’t redistribute. Google makes it easy to download the entire encyclopedia and take it with you, publish it on your private intranet, or package it for redistribution.

Source: Google Doctype

Open Source Silverlight Data Visualization Tool

Posted · Category: Charts, GPL License

Visifire is a set of open source data visualization components – powered by Silverlight. With Visifire you can create and embed visually stunning animated Silverlight Charts within minutes. Visifire is easy to use and independent of the server side technology. It can be used with ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, JSP, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails or just simple HTML. Visit Visifire Gallery or design your own chart using Chart Designer.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.visifire.com/
License: GPL License

The Processing Language

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

John Resig has ported the Processing visualization language to JavaScript, using the Canvas element called The Processing Language. The first portion of the project was writing a parser to dynamically convert code written in the Processing language, to JavaScript. This involves a lot of gnarly regular expressions chewing up the code, spitting it out in a format that the browser understands. The language includes a number of interesting aspects as follow.

  • Types and type casting – Type information is generally discarded, but becomes important in variable declaration and in casting (which is generally handled well).
  • Classes – The full class system is supported (can be instantiated, etc. just fine).
  • Method overloading and multiple constructors – Within classes you can have multiple method (or constructor) definitions – with the appropriate methods being called, based upon their signature length.
  • Inheritance – Even classical-style inheritance is supported.

The second portion of the project is the full 2d Processing API. This includes all sorts of different methods:

  • Shapes drawing
  • Canvas manipulation
  • Pixel utilities
  • Image drawing
  • Math functions
  • Keyboard and mouse access
  • Objects (point, arrays, random number generators)
  • Color manipulation
  • Font selection and text drawing
  • Buffers

The full source code of The Processing Language is contained within a single file. It comes in at about 5000 lines, compresses down to less than 10kb. It is licensed under MIT license.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://dev.jquery.com/~john/processing.js/examples/basic/
License: MIT License

Polls Boutique – Free Polls on Every Topic

Posted · Category: License Free, Polls

Polls Boutique is one of the polls resources on the web, offering a wide selection of polls on every topic. In Polls Boutique, anyone can vote on existing polls, and post new polls. It’s simple, quick and free. The polls can include pictures, embedded video, audio, hyperlinks and text.

After voting, users get to see their buddy icon represented near the poll option of their choice, and see what others are voting. It’s a fun way to meet new people with the same opinions (or not) as yours. The results page offers a great statistical playing field with cute pie charts and graphs showing all kinds of different statistical data harvested from the votes.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.pollsb.com/
License: License Free

Woopra Realtime Web Tracking & Analytics Tool

Posted · Category: License Free, Stats

Woopra is a web-tracking & analysis tool. It is mainly targeted for small to medium websites ranging from few hundreds up to tens of thousands of daily page views. Essentially, it is targeted for blogs interested in the most minuscule details of every single action. In addition, Woopra provides a precise real-time streaming of every single activity on the website. Woopra also features a clean interface, including many graphical visualization components, such as charts, maps, panels… Along with many other clean and advanced options that make Woopra an ideal solution for webmasters who desire to discern all the aspects of their website. Here are the main features of Woopra.

Live Tracking
Webmaster will be immediately updated with all the actions taking place on his website. Woopra makes tracking seamless with its inherent live technology.

Rich Interface
Woopra provides an intuitive interface to display complex data sets (such as maps, charts, etc…) , without discarding the balance between design and function, creating elegant data visualizations.

Activity Search
Woopra log shows you all the events on your website in chronological order, offering an outstanding tool to go back in time and identify all the actions that took place.

Instant Messaging
Woopra enables you to engage your visitors by starting a conversation with them; a friendly popup will appear on the web page to establish the chat. Also, Woopra provides your visitors with a special link on the page, to be able to start a conversation.

By putting valuable information around real-time data, Woopra provides an on-demand notification component highlight operational data and apply intelligence to make the data actionable and to spot special events.

Developer Tools
For developers and enthusiast users, Woopra provides a full featured API that allows extracting a website’s data into several common web 2.0 formats, making it useful for use within your own application.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.woopra.com/
License: License Free

Free Web Application Icons Set

Posted · Category: CC License, Icons

After few weeks of icons design and development. WebAppers is very happy to announce the release of “Web Application Icons Set” with 3D effect and glossy style. There are 20 icons designed specially for web applications (e.g. Charts, Profile, Search, Add, Delete, Email, Print, Warning and etc…). Icons come in 3 sizes; 48×48 px, 32×32 px, and 24×24 px. All of them are in PNG format with transparent background. Web Application Icons Set is completely Free for both personal and commercial projects in any way you like.


If you like this icons set, please do not forget to Stumble / Digg this or give some link love to this post. It will be more encouraging if you can leave a comment as well. I am more than happy to bringing you more great icons for free in the near future.

Download: Download Now
License: Creative Commons 3.0 License

You can also check out the Premium Web Application Icons designed by webiconset.com. They do offer some quality Free Icons as well.


Open Flash Chart – Flash Charting Component for Free

Posted · Category: Charts, GPL License

Open Flash Chart is a charting component made by Flash. Open Flash Chart, is open source. It is free to use and you get the source code to fiddle with. You can create some really nice looking Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Area Charts and etc… easily. To use it, you simply need to include the Open Flash Chart in your HTML, and provide the data file on the server. The data file is either a text file, or a .php, Perl, Python, Java (or another flavour of dynamic) page.



Requirements: Flash 8+
Demo: http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart/
License: GPL License

Include a Chart in a Webpage with Google Chart API

Posted · Category: Charts, License Free

We have been waiting so long for Google Chart API. Google has finally released Google Charts API, which returns a PNG-format image in response to a URL. Several types of image can be generated: line, bar, and pie charts for example. For each image type you can specify attributes such as size, colors, and labels.

You can include a Chart API image in a webpage by embedding a URL within an <img> tag. When the webpage is displayed in a browser the Chart API renders the image within the page.

The chart above is generated dynamically and displayed in your browser with the following code.
<img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chd=s:hW&chs=480x150&chl=Large Portion|Small Portion">
Go and check out the developer’s guide of Google Chart API now.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/
License: License Free

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