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Ext JS a Javascript Framework with Ajax and Stunning UI

Posted · Category: Framework, LGPL License


Ext is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. In early 2006, Jack Slocum began working on a set of extension utilities for the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library. These extensions were quickly organized into an independent library of code and distributed under the name “yui-ext“. By the end of the year, the library had gained so much in popularity that the name was changed simply to Ext, a reflection of its maturity and independence as a framework.

Requirements: Internet Explorer 6+, FireFox 1.5+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+
Demo: http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/index.html
License: LGPL License

Free Web Counter for Your Website from SiteMeter

Posted · Category: License Free, Stats

sitemeter.gifSite Meter is a comprehensive real time website tracking and counter tools give you instant access to vital information and data about your sites audience. With the detailed reporting you’ll have a clear picture of who is visiting your site, how they found you, where they came from, what interests them and much more.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=samplestats&HELP=ON
License: License Free

Logo Design Inspiration from LogoPond

Posted · Category: Inspiration

LogoPond is a Logo showcase gallery. It contains more than 10000 logos from 6000+ members. Most of the logos look really impressive and professional. LogoPond is a great place to inspire yourself fantastic logo designs. Create a new user account and you can start sharing your wonderful logos as well.


Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://logopond.com
License: N/A

Vitamin – Give Your Web App International Appeal

Posted · Category: Information

Building a web application can be a lot of fun. However, there is a problem if we are having a web app with users in more languages than just English. Where do you start with internationalisation? Steve Ellis published a great article about How To Give Your Web Application an International Appeal which breaks into two parts. In Part I Steve Ellis covered the basics of internationalisation. In Part II he takes us around the world with several real life examples, like tricky plurals, dynamic data, localising images, video and audio, and more.

Original Article: http://www.thinkvitamin.com/features/webapps/give-your-web-app-international…

ChatStat is a Mixture of Live Chat and Statistics

Posted · Category: Chat, License Free

chatstat1.gifNow you can chat with visitors to your website instantly using text or even voice! ChatStat provides every website owner, and eCommerce store with live interaction and tracking technology, making every dialog with their prospects and customers as effective as if they walked into a storefront and were greeted by their most talented staff. ChatStat’s innovative Live Customer Interaction system applies the Web 2.0 paradigm to instant ‘live’ human interaction and web analytics. There are many exciting features e.g. Live Translation for text chat in up to 40 languages and get Website Analytics displayed using MovingGraph Technology. Proactive 2-way live chat is free for up to two operators!


Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.chatstat.com
License: License Free ( Up to 2 Operators )

Smooth and Lightweight ModalBox for Popups

Posted · Category: License Free, Popup


ModalBox is a JavaScript technique for creating modern (Web 2.0-style) modal dialogs or even wizards (sequences of dialogs) without using conventional popups and page reloads. It’s inspired by Mac OS X modal dialogs. ModalBox is built with pure JavaScript and is very lightweight (10kb).


Requirements: Safari, Camino, Firefox 1+ and Internet Explorer 6+, Opera 8+
Demo: http://wildbit.com/demos/modalbox/
License: License Free

Drag and Drop Flash Polaroid Photo Gallery

Posted · Category: CC License, Gallery

Christopher Einarsrud was intended to develop a flash photo gallery called Polaroid Gallery for his online portfolio in year 2006, but he ended up going for something completely different. He thought that it might come in handy for someone else, so he decided to release it as a free and open source flash gallery for everyone. All the photos are displayed as Polaroid Photos, you can move them around with your mouse. You can also double click on each photo to zoom in. Polaroid Gallery looks so fresh and stunning that I would like to have one too.


Requirements: Modern Browsers with Flash
Demo: http://www.no3dfx.com/polaroid/
License: Creative Commons License

Install ClickHeat to Show HeatMap on Your Own Server

Posted · Category: GPL License, Stats

ClickHeatDo you want to get a heatmap of where your visitors are clicking and enhance your website’s result? Now you can install it on your own server without paying a penny. ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. You are free to download it and start visualize your visitors in order to find out which design encourages visitors to click deeper.

Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Internet Explorer 6+, Konqueror
Demo: http://www.labsmedia.com/clickheat/index.php (Username:demo Password:demo)
License: GPL License

Original and Professional Patterns Designed by DinPattern

Posted · Category: License Free, Patterns

DinPattern has designed some original and professional patterns. All patterns available there are free to use. The author designed these patterns just out of fun, and make no money from them. But, if you feel you have gotten some good use out of them, and like to leave a tip to keep the site going.

DinPattern DinPattern

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.dinpattern.com/patterns01.php
License: License Free

Ajax CAPTCHA Validate the Field in Real Time

Posted · Category: Forms, License Free

Despite of the fact that there are increasing number of spam on the internet, we need some tools to defend it. Psyrens has created an Ajax CAPTCHA which allow us to validate the CAPTCHA field in real time. It is very simple but extremely useful.


Requirements: Any Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://psyrens.com/captcha/
License: License Free

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