Urban Fonts has an amazing collection of over 8,000 free fonts for you to download fonts. You can customize the look of the font previews by typing your own text in the input text field provided in all the font pages, or switch to an alphabetical view. The Names button switches your preview back to the name of the font. The colors of the text and background can be easily changed using the built in color picker. Urban Fonts also lets you choose how many fonts you’d like to have displayed in your page.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.urbanfonts.com/free-fonts.htm
License: License Free
SEOmoz’s Web 2.0 Awards reviewed hundreds of sites in the Web 2.0 sphere to uncover the best in each of 41 categories, e.g. Business, Blog Guides, Real Estate, Web Development and Design, Mashups and Marketing,etc. From there, they assembled a team of 25 of the most knowledgeable, well-respected experts in the field to vote on the winners. Do enjoy the best of web 2.0!
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/
License: N/A
WebSnapr lets you capture screenshots/thumbnails of almost any web page. Let your visitors to instantly visualize any web page before clicking. WebSnapr also provides us the WebSnapr Preview Bubble which is a simple, unobtrusive script used to display an overlay bubble showing a hyperlink target thumbnail using WebSnapr. It’s a snap to setup which can increase site traffic, click-through rate and site stickiness.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.websnapr.com/previewbubble/
License: License Free
Unobtrusive Table Sort Script can sort dates (dd-mm-yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd formats accepted), currency values (£, $, €, ¥ and ¤), numbers/floats and plain-text (sorted in a case-insensitive manner). It also enables zebra striping the table rows and highlighting the currently sorted column. All table column s are sortable. You can implement your own sort function easily if you would like to. The table looks really nice as well.
Requirements: Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://www.frequency-decoder.com/demo/table-sort-revisited/
License: Creative Commons License
RoundCube is a modern webmail solution which is easy to install and that runs on a standard PHP/MySQL configuration. The skins use the latest web standards such as XHTML and CSS 2. There are many exciting features RoundCube provides, for example, Multilingual capabilities, Full support of HTML, Find-as-you-type address book integration, Spell Checking and Complete customization with skins. RoundCube Webmail is released under the GPL License. Everyone is welcome to download and use it, deploy it and to re-distribute it.
Requirements: Server with PHP and mySQL
Demo: http://roundcube.net/?p=demo
License: GPL License
A set of Emprise Javascript Charts ( Line, Area, Scatter, Pie, Bar and Function series ) with zooming, scaling and scrolling ablity. Built with compatibility in mind and tested on all major browsers, you can be assured your charts will function consistently for the broadest range of end users. Every aspect of the charting display can be configured and customized through well-documented properties and methods. It is free for everyone unless you want extra features.
Requirements: Safari, Camino, Firefox and Internet Explorer 6+, Opera
Demo: http://www.ejschart.com/examples/index.php
License: License Free
Does your web application have international appeal? Do you support multiple languages? Do you need a set of Flag Icons? Icon Drawer produced more then 220 flag icons representing countries and unions all over the world in PNG format. Sizes : 16×16, 24×24, 32×32, 48×48. They look so pretty.
Icon Drawer also produced Mac OS X application icons such as Chess, GarageBand, Quick Time Player, Mail, Pages, Preview, iChat, iPhoto, iTunes, Address Book, Text Edit, iCal in black and blue colors. If you wish to all these icons on your website/web application, you need to place link Icon Drawer on your site. (Somewhere on static first level page, not in blog or news page).
Requirements: Link to Icon Drawer
Demo: http://www.icondrawer.com/free.php
License: License Free ( Required Link to Icon Drawer )
Census RIA Data Loading Benchmarks is a Flex application to demostrate various methods of loading data in RIAs and see how these methods impact performance, bandwidth and client momery usage. Census renders a large chunk of data using Ajax ( HTML, SOAP, XML and JSON ), Dojo, Flex ( SOAP to AS and E4X, XML to AS and E4X, AMF3 and Paged). We can see the Server Exec Time, Transfer Time, Parse Time and Render Time easily.
Link: http://www.jamesward.org/census/
Really Easy Field Validation from Dexagogo allow us to attach to the form’s onsubmit event, read out all the form elements’ classes and perform validation if required. If a field fails validation, reveal field validation advice and prevent the form from submitting. All the validations can be done in real time which means if the field does not validate, error messages will be popped up after swtching to another field. And the validations can be done after users clicking form’s submit button. This form validation script is extremely easy to integrate into your website or web application.
Requirements: Any Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://tetlaw.id.au/upload/dev/validation
License: MIT License
Ext is a JavaScript framework for building web applications. In early 2006, Jack Slocum began working on a set of extension utilities for the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library. These extensions were quickly organized into an independent library of code and distributed under the name “yui-ext“. By the end of the year, the library had gained so much in popularity that the name was changed simply to Ext, a reflection of its maturity and independence as a framework.
Requirements: Internet Explorer 6+, FireFox 1.5+, Safari 2+, Opera 9+
Demo: http://extjs.com/deploy/ext/docs/index.html
License: LGPL License