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2 Winners of Giving Away 2x SEO Book

Posted · Category: Announcement

Thank you for everyone who participated in “5,000 Readers Milestone Giving Away 2x SEO Book” Event. It was very successful. There are about 100 people shared their opinions about the most important factors of SEO. I have come up with the following conclusion.

1. Content is King (32 Votes)
2. Valid Code, Semantic Clean Markup (19 Votes)
3. Keywords (16 Votes)
4. Title Tags (7 Votes)
5. Alt Tags (5 Votes)
6. Links (5 Votes)
7. Sitemap (4 Votes)
8. Good Domain Name (2 Votes)

As we can see from the above, most of the people believe the best SEO is to have good and quality content. And valid code and semantic clean markup is very important as well. After than it would be keywords density within your content. I have found all of your suggestions and experiences about SEO are very useful. I recommend everyone have a look at all valuable comments. I am sure you can learn something from them. It was very difficult for me to pick the best 2 from the list, so I have just picked 2 lucky winners randomly.

1. Zike
2. David

Congratulations. You will receive an email for the download of SEO Book shortly. Thank you very much. And please stay tuned with the coming Giving Away Events.

Text2PNG Converts Text to PNG with Javascript

Posted · Category: Fonts, Tools

Remember the time when we are creating graphical headlines and navigations of special fonts in Photoshop, optimize and save the image into GIF or PNG formats, and then upload it to the server. If we would like to change the text for the headlines, we need to do the whole process once again. Now, you do not have to do it in this clumsy way and you do not have to do it with Flash either. Text2PNG can do that for you automatically.

Text2PNG provides webmasters the ability to convert their website headlines and navigations to PNG images automatically. The process is very simple, you just code your headlines in usual HTML and CSS with an element ID. And then by adding a small JavaScript file and selecting which tags to replace, it will replace the selected headlines into graphical PNG format with your chosen font. How easy is that! You can view the example below.


In order to speed up the process of the script, they cache all the image on the browser cache and on the server. Each PNG image expiration is set to ten years from the day it’s created. However, you can always update the images on your site when the content is changed. The new images will be generated and cached again.

You can have a look at the fonts they support. If you would like to use the script in your blog or other content management system, you can use the Font Selection Tool, which allows you to select the font you need for your website easily. You can have a look at the screenshot below.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.text2png.com
License: License Free

Em Based Layouts Vertical Rhythm Calculator

Posted · Category: Fonts, License Free, Tools

Typography on the web has become a point of focus for standards based developers recently. One of the key concepts that we can use within our sites is consistent line-height in CSS terms. If you think of a ruled notebook, the lines are all equal heights.

The concept is fairly straight forward but in practice can be confusing especially for a CSS newcomer. All sizing needs to be relative to the base size. This allows for easy scaling up or down while keeping the required spacing and layout consistent, this can be refereed to as an elastic layout. To allow this we need to specify measurements in percent or em. Em calculator save you the hassle of all of those calculations.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.jameswhittaker.com/blog/article/em-based…
License: License Free

Shadowbox Cross-Platform Fully-Documented Media Viewer

Posted · Category: Gallery, LGPL License, Popup

Shadowbox is a cross-browser (supports Firefox 1.5+, Camino, Safari 2+, Opera 9+ and Internet Explorer 6+), cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript. In other words, it is similar to lightbox but focusing on displaying different media formats, e.g. Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media Player.

It’s easy to use Shadowbox with your JavaScript library of choice for a given project as well. Shadowbox comes bundled with adapters for Yahoo! User Interface Library, Ext (standalone), Prototype + Scriptaculous and jQuery. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display pictures and movies in all major browsers without navigating away from the linking page.


Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Camino, Safari 2+, Opera 9+ and IE 6+
Demo: http://mjijackson.com/shadowbox
License: LGPL License

Three Sets of Glossy and Modern Icons from DeviantART

Posted · Category: CC License, Icons

WebAppers is going to release a set of beautiful web application icons, they would be free for both personal and commercial use. These icons are currently under development, and will be released in the next 2 – 3 weeks. Please stay tuned. At the moment, you can have a look at the following three sets of glossy and modern icons available at deviantART first.


Feel free to use these Colourful Pie Chart Icons. They are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0. The sizes of the icons are included: 512, 256, 128, 64, 32. Please do not use these icons on illegal and unpleasant activity (example; porn, warez, hacking, anti-religion, racism, etc).


The name says HP Dock Icon Set but it’s really not HP themed. I just used the colours and such from the monitor icon. They are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Work 3.0. The sizes of the icons are included: 1024, 512, 256.


You are free to use Pandora Icons for personal use. However, if you intend to use these icons for a more corporate use (skins, etc) then please PM the author with the request, letting him know what you want to use them for. Also, author would appreciate a credit for the work, and a link back.

Demo: Colourful Pie Chart Icons
Demo: HP Dock Icons
Demo: Project Pandora Icons

Teaching Sells: Building Membership Sites That Work

Posted · Category: Advertisement, Reviews


Darren Rowse, from Problogger said Teaching Sells is one of the most compelling and viable approaches to a real online business he has come across. I totally agree with that. Basically, Teaching Sells teach you how to to create membership websites that actually sell with Five Step-by-Step Training Courses. Here’s What you will learn when you enroll in the Teaching Sells Training Program.

  • Multimedia content strategies that result in valuable paid courses and a sustainable business
  • Detailed marketing methods that work without wasteful spending on advertising
  • Tools and techniques for producing dazzling interactive content that creates happy repeat customers
  • Multiple business models to choose from in order to best achieve your revenue and lifestyle goals
  • Easy instructions for building airtight interactive learning environments and membership websites
  • Forum access to instructors and a step-by-step methodology to build your first paid interactive content site.

You can download the free report to evaluate Teaching Sells first.

One of the most important things is that Teaching Sells provide members A Private Label Rights Content Library containing high-demand niche content (updated monthly with fresh ebooks and articles) that you can repurpose for your membership sites. The following are few examples of the e-books that you can download and resell.

  • 10 Dollar Profit Plans
  • 100 Succulent Chinese Recipes
  • 1000 Atkins Diet Recipes
  • 10000 Dreams Interpreted
  • 101 Camping & Outdoor Recipes

Teaching Sells members are able to promote the training program and earn substantial commissions as well. The affiliate program is available to members in good standing only, so you won’t be competing against the whole world. They will pay you 50% of the initial sign-up fee (currently $197) when someone joins Teaching Sells from your referral. Plus, they will also continue to pay you 50% of the monthly recurring fees (currently $49) for that subscriber who remains in good standing beyond the first three month period. Commissions are paid monthly via PayPal Mass-Pay. They pay by the 20th of the month after the month in which the commission is earned.

Source: Sign Up Now

Aptana Jaxer – The World’s First True Ajax Server

Posted · Category: GPL License, Tools


Modern web sites and applications use Ajax to create engaging user experiences: the HTML and CSS are set in motion using JavaScript running in the browser and calling back the server. To achieve this, the server needs to prepare the web page appropriately, and to know what to do when the JavaScript calls it. But the server knows nothing about the HTML and CSS DOM, nor how to handle JavaScript data, and you can’t code it in JavaScript.

Jaxer changes all that. Jaxer is the world’s first true Ajax server. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are native to Jaxer, as are XMLHttpRequests, JSON, DOM scripting, etc. And as a server it offers access to databases, files, and networking, as well as logging, process management, scalability, security, integration APIs, and extensibility.

Jaxer is licensed under the GPL, and leverages the ubiquitous Mozilla engine that is used in Firefox 3, which means that Jaxer is fully compatible with the latest JavaScript standards, including access to all of the features you are familiar with — from Date to Math to window and document, and even JavaScript 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 — they’re all there. If you know JavaScript and HTML, you can already build Jaxer applications.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.aptana.com/jaxer/
License: GPL License

Boost Website Load Time with Javascript CSS Compressor

Posted · Category: Code, LGPL License, Tools

One of the keys to getting your pages to load quicker is to make fewer HTTP requests. So, for example, if you have 6 javascript files it would be much quicker for you to join all the JavaScript together into one file and serve that instead. You can decrease the loading time further by minify your JavaScript, CSS and HTML. And also, by gzipping your page’s components and adding a far-future expires header can make your pages load faster as well.

However, doing all these manually is a pain. Aciddrop has set up a PHP script to automatically do them for you. On the test page the load time with the compressor turned on was generally below second, and without the compressor between 3-5 seconds. The Yahoo Yslow rating went from F(45) to A(97) as well.

Requirements: PHP 4+
Demo: http://aciddrop.com/2008/01/21/boost-your-website-load-time…
License: LGPL License

Open Source Job Board for Commercial Applications

Posted · Category: eCommerce, MIT License

jobberBase is an open source job board software extracted from the successful Romanian IT job board jobber.ro. The design of jobberBase is very clean, simple and easy to use. It has some popular features of modern job boards which includes Post jobs without an account, Search for jobs, Apply to jobs, RSS feeds of latest jobs and Site-widget which can be places on other websites for displaying current jobs.

Most importantly, You can use jobberBase free of charge, for anything you like (including commercial applications). You only need to keep the copyright and license remarks. Do you think WebAppers needs a job board like this? So that Web Designers and Web Developers can get freelance jobs here or collaborate together?


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.jobberbase.com/
License: MIT License

COLOURlovers Free Advanced DHTML Color Picker

Posted · Category: Color Schemes, License Free

There are many types of color pickers, now we have one more option. COLOURlovers found that web developers needed to have a more advanced color picker to work inside the application… and since COPASO is built with DHTML it was easy enough to pull out the picker to use on the other creation pages of websites. They have modularized the color picker code and offer it to others to use on their own sites and projects. So here is the code to get the Free Advanced DHTML Color Picker working on your site for free.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2008/01/16/free…
License: License Free

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