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SmoothState.js – Transitions without Hard Cuts and White Flashes

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tools

We’ve accepted the jankiness of page loads as a quirk of the web even though there is no technical reason for it. SmoothState.js lets you add transitions to eliminate the hard cuts and white flashes of page loads that deface the beauty of the user experience.

Javascript SPA frameworks, sometimes referred to as MVC frameworks, are a common way to solve this issue. However, these frameworks often lose the benefits of unobtrusive code, such as resilience to errors, performance, and accessibility. smoothState.js lets you start adding transitions that eliminate the hard cuts of page loads to improve the beauty of the experience. It does this with:

Progressive enhancement – a technique that exemplifies the principles universal design

  • jQuery – a library a great many of us are familiar with
  • history.pushState() – a method that lets us maintain browsing expectations
  • Ajax – a way for us to request and store pages on the user’s device without refreshing the page

SmoothState.js will unobtrusively enhance your website’s page loads to behave more like a single-page application framework. This allows you to add page transitions and create a nicer experince for your users.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://smoothstate.com/
License: MIT License

Material Kit – Free Bootstrap UI Kit for Google Material Design

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

Material Kit is a Free Bootstrap UI Kit with a fresh, new design inspired by Google’s material design. You asked for it, so we built it. It’s a great pleasure to introduce to you the material concepts in an easy to use and beautiful set of components. Along with the restyling of the Bootstrap elements, you will find three fully-coded example pages, to help you design your next project.

Material Kit makes use of light, surface and movement. It uses a deliberate color choice, edge-to-edge imagery and large scale typography. The general layout resembles sheets of paper following multiple different layers, so that the depth and order is obvious. The navigation stays mainly on the left and the actions on the right.

Material Kit is based on the Github Repo from Fez who did an amazing job creating the backbone for the material effects, animations and transitions. Big thanks to his team for their forward thinking efforts.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://demos.creative-tim.com/material-kit/index.html
License: License Free

Vivaldi – A new Browser from Original Opera Co-Founder

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

We are all absolutely unique and we want different things. Vivaldi web browser lets you do things your way by adapting to you and not the other way around. You prefer the browser tabs placed at the bottom or on the side of the window? – You prefer a different address bar location? Go ahead and customize your preferences be it your keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, appearance and so on.

Are you a keyboard person? Then Vivaldi is your delight. Quick Commands let you search through open tabs, bookmarks, history, settings and more with one single keyboard shortcut. Quick commands menu is highly customizable allowing you to create your own commands and run them instantly. Tired of unorganized tabs in your browser? Let the mess be cleaned up with Vivaldi. Organize your tabs using Tab stacks, a feature that you will fall in love with. It lets you group multiple tabs into one. It can’t get better than this – just drag a tab over to another for an uncomplicated grouping.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://vivaldi.com/
License: License Free

Manage and Protect Your Devices with Bushel

Posted · Category: Tools

Rapidly growing small businesses often see IT as a hassle. While they know it is important and fundamental to their business’ success—they cannot afford a full-time IT person. This is why it’s critical to understand the solutions that are currently out there. Mobile device management offers a wide range of services and is a great solution for companies who don’t have dedicated IT.

For the longest time, a lack of IT funds has been a predicament for small businesses. Owners find themselves spending countless hours setting up the security on each of their Apple products by hand, and after all of that work, there is still a lack of confidence that they are fully secure. However, Bushel, offers an affordable solution for managing devices and adding security.

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Bushel is a simple-to-use, cloud-based tool that allows small and medium companies to manage all of the Apple devices in an office at once. With Bushel, business owners can easily set up and protect all the devices distributed across team members, and any new Apple devices added will be quickly covered as well. This tool allows owners to provide access to company email accounts, install work apps to devices, and makes it possible to separate company data from personal data.

Take complex, time-consuming tasks and simplify them into an affordable management tool with Bushel. With the built-in security features you can take back your nights and weekends and maybe sleep a little better at night, too. For example, if a device is ever lost or stolen, you have the ability to either remotely lock the device or wipe the data on it completely. Because the app is cloud-based, owners can access all of these features to easily manage Apple devices anytime from anywhere.

Bushel helps to make operations simple so that owners can focus on what matters most right now: growing a company and supporting employees. It has also helped to create balance in the lives of business owners.

There are always new solutions in the world of technology and it helps for business owners to be aware of what they are. With Bushel, you can support your users without help from IT.

Bushel offers the following features, and more:

  • – Configure email addresses automatically
  • – Setup Wi-Fi one time
  • – Send apps to devices in bulk
  • – Manage devices from anywhere

Bushel makes mobile device management affordable. Create an account and your first three devices are free and each additional devices is just $2 per device per month.

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Add Special Effects to Your GIFs with GIF Editor

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

GIF Editor lets you add animated stickers, fun filters, and captions to your GIFs. Simply choose a GIF to get started by entering a GIF URL or any GIPHY link or by dragging and dropping your image files. On the Stickers tab, search our entire sticker collection to add funny or weird GIF stickers to your GIF. Just type in your search term or click on our suggested searches, and click on the sticker you want to add to your GIF. You can add as many stickers as you want!

Click the Filters tab, choose a filter, and decide whether to apply it to the whole background or the entire GIF. Click the Caption tab, then type your witty, relevant, or irrelevant caption text into the Caption field. You can share your GIF on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, text message, email, and everywhere!


Requirements: –
Demo: http://giphy.com/create/gifeditor
License: License Free

Privacy – Gives You a New Card No. for Every Transaction

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

Privacy gives you a new card number for every transaction. This protects you from card fraud, data breaches, and identity theft. Privacy is the first payments product that keeps your personal information private. And the best thing is, it’s even easier than using your regular credit card online. Privacy Visa Cards may be used everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted. Their mission is to build elegant, usable software that protects your privacy and security. You deserve the best. Protect yourself online without sacrificing convenience and ease of use.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://privacy.com/
License: License Free

Make 2D and 3D Games with Superpowers & HTML5

Posted · Category: Tools

Superpowers is an HTML5 development environment for making 2D and 3D games. It can be extended with plugins and lets you collaborate in real-time. Superpowers is a downloadable HTML5 app. You can use it solo like a regular offline game maker, or setup a password and let friends join in on your project through their Web browser. It’s great for working together over long periods of time, for jamming over a weekend, or just for helping each other out with debugging!


Requirements: HTML5 Support Browser
Demo: http://superpowers-html5.com/index.en.html
License: ISC License

Streamlined Image Resizing for Social Media with Landscape

Posted · Category: Social, Tools

Landscape is a powerful image resizing tool designed to help social media marketers, content creators and business owners develop a standout presence in an increasingly visual social world. Their tool offers social media professionals an efficient way to produce multiple image sizes optimized for social media profiles, messages and campaigns – ultimately giving them more time to focus on what matters most: fostering engagement and authentic conversations through social.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://sproutsocial.com/landscape
License: License Free

AnimateMate – Create Animations Straight out of Sketch

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tools

You know feeling when you just need a simple animation for your awesome concept and you realize that it’s a huge process to move all assets into some other application? That’s a lot of hassle! That’s why AnimateMate is made in order to produce and export simple animations straight out of Sketch. It’s not exactly rocket science, but it can lighten your workflow in some cases. It is released under MIT License.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://animatemate.com/
License: MIT License

Attendize: Open Source & Self-hosted Ticket Selling Platform

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

Attendize is a free, open-source & self-hosted ticket selling and event management platform. You can add custom event posters, text and social sharing options to your event pages to make them stand out. Refund, search, e-mail, edit, delete, print or export. Attendize has powerful attendee management tools. Attendize has a straightforward and well designed checkout process. Users will have their tickets in just a few clicks. Attendize was designed to work on any sized device, so you can easily manage your events on the go.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://www.attendize.com/
License: License Free

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