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Get Professional & Constructive Feedback on Your Concepts

Posted · Category: Tools

Getting ready to launch a brand new concept? Would you like to know what other professionals think before you release it to the world?

Concept Feedback is designed specifically for small and medium business marketers, graphic designers, and web developers. Concept Feedback provides a simple tool to get quality feedback on marketing concepts. You can upload and share your website, advertisement, logo and more. Best of all, it’s 100% Free!

Concept Feedback

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.conceptfeedback.com/
License: License Free

Lessn – An Extremely Simple, Personal URL Shortener

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

Lessn is an extremely simple, personal url shortener written in PHP with MySQL and mod_rewrite. The installation is very simple with full instruction in a readme file. Lessn is offered free, as is, sans support and without warranty (but is really not as scary as all that).

Open /lessn/-/config.php in a plaintext editor and create a Lessn username and password then enter your database connection details. Upload the entire /lessn/ directory to your server. For the shortest urls, place it at the root of your site and rename to a single character. And then visit http://yourdomain.com/x/-/ to Lessn a new url and grab the bookmarklets.


Requirements: PHP 4.4.8+ and MySQL 4.1.25+
Demo: http://www.shauninman.com/archive/2009/08/17/less_n
License: License Free

Flipping Like a Card with QuickFlip 2 jQuery Plugin

Posted · Category: BSD License, Tools

QuickFlip is a jQuery plugin that uses a CSS trick to cause a div, paragraph or any other piece of HTML markup to flip like a card. QuickFlip uses two panels: a front and a back. When a flip occurs, the front panel is split in half with Javascript. The right and left halves slide into one another, and afterwards the opposite occurs with the back panel.

QuickFlip 2 is now even easier to implement. The new script pulls in and applies the necessary styling, so there is no need to include a QuickFlip stylesheet or to define the dimensions of the panel you’re flipping.

Additionally, QuickFlip 2 makes triggering the flip effect much simpler due to a new flip function that can be attached to any jQuery selector. Finally, the QuickFlip plugin has been performance-tuned and is running pretty quickly.

jQuery Flip

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://jonraasch.com/blog/quickflip-2-jquery-plugin
License: FreeBSD License

Create Stunning Flash Websites for Free with Wix

Posted · Category: Tools

Wix offers you a simple powerful online platform to make flash websites for free. There is no downloads or programming needed. You just need to use The Wix Editor, which is an online user friendly drag and drop builder. It is loaded with tons of designs, media items, effects, and animations. All Wix websites are search engine friendly. So you can focus on promoting your Flash website.

Wix has introduced some new features recently. You can now work on “Areas” for easy layout and structure. You can also add scrollbars to the paragraphs now. There are new skins and colors for contact form. And finally, you can add Twitter feeds to your site as well.

Free Flash Sites

Source: http://www.wix.com/

UIzard – Web Based Web Application Development Tool

Posted · Category: GPL License, Tools

UIzard is an in-browser web application development tool built on various Javascript Framework. You can add and arrange UI components easily by using Drag & Drop in-browser environment. You can also edit JavaScript Code or Html Code on the in-browser environment without operating other editors. You can preview the result of your works immediately.

UIzard is an open source project, following GPL v2 License. However, it is only a beta version so it can be a little unstable at the moment. You can always see UIzard in action here.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://uizard.org/UIzard/uizard.php?action=newProject
License: GPL v2 License

Prevent User Activity with jQuery BlockUI Plugin

Posted · Category: GPL License, MIT License, Tools

The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated.

BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction. It is particular useful for creating loading screen for web application. BlockUI is compatible with jQuery v1.2.3 and later.

Loading Screen

Requirements: jQuery Framework v1.2.3+
Demo: http://malsup.com/jquery/block/
License: MIT, GPL License

Create Your Own Manga-Style Avatar Online for Free

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

Manga is a Flash Web Application that allows 
way. You
Programmes, or even on website, Forum, Blog and wherever you want in the virtual world.

With FaceyourManga you can create your own pretty and funny Avatar without needing any artistic skills. Once you have completed the Avatar, enter your nickname, birth date and e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail containing the Avatar immediately.

Create Avatar Online

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.faceyourmanga.com/
License: License Free

Google Analytics API is Now Available to Developers

Posted · Category: Stats, Tools

It is a good news to web application developers. Google Analytics Data Export API beta is now publicly available to all Analytics users. The Data Export API is easy to use and provides read-only access to all your Analytics data. Any data that’s available through the standard Analytics web interface is available through the API.

Developers can integrate Google Analytics into their existing products and create standalone applications that they sell. Users could see snapshots of their Analytics data in developer created dashboards and gadgets. Individuals and business owners will have opportunities to access their Google Analytics information in a variety of new ways with Google Analytics Data Export API.

For example, you can accessing Analytics from your desktop with Polaris from now on. Polaris is a cross-platform desktop widget for Google Analytics. With 8 standard reports it’s the easiest way keep your data always instantly available. The rich interface and swift navigation make it a pleasure to use.

Desktop Analytics

Traffic Analytics

Source: http://analytics.blogspot.com/2009/04/attention-developers…

Coding Anytime and Anywhere with PHPanywhere

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

PHPanywhere is a web based free Integrated Development Environment or IDE for the PHP language, in other words it is an application that gives developers all the code editing capabilities they need to develop PHP applications online. It includes a real-time syntax code editor with support for all web formats and a powerful FTP editor.

PHPanywhere works in a browser, you can start coding right away, no need for installing anything. Best of all you can work from anywhere. You can also share your work and allow others to work on your projects on PHPanywhere easily.

PHP Anywhere

Requirements: –
Demo: https://codeanywhere.com/
License: License Free

Wikirank Shows You What’s Popular on Wikipedia

Posted · Category: Stats, Tools


Wikirank shows you what people are reading on Wikipedia. It’s based on the actual usage data from the Wikipedia servers, which the Wikimedia foundation makes available as a public service. They take that data, process it, and give it back to you in a format that’s easy to use and share. Wikirank reveals emerging trends, and lets you embed relevant charts in blog posts and on social media sites.

From a technical perspective, the charts on Wikirank are based on logs from Wikipedia’s HTTP Squid proxy servers. That means every single page load is recorded, whether initiated by a human with a browser or a Web spider crawling through. Therefore, the numbers for a topic on a particular day can’t be considered absolute impressions the way, say, an ad server might count them.

The data of Wikirank indicates relative increases or decreases, so the shape of the charts is more important than the specific number of views. Comparisons are even more interesting, as relative interest in multiple topics can be ranked.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://wikirank.com
License: GFDL License

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