Despite the huge bandwidth increases, websites don’t get much faster. This is because the biggest botteneck in loading web pages is latency. InstantClick is a JavaScript library that dramatically speeds up your website, making navigation effectively instant in most cases.
Before a visitor clicks on a link, he hovers over that link. Between these two events, 200 ms to 300 ms usually pass by. InstantClick makes use of that time to preload the page, so that the page is already there when you click. InstantClick uses pushState and Ajax, a combo known as pjax.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: License Free
Editorially is a new collaborative writing and editing platform. Their goal is to support and encourage that writing process — from the first flash of inspiration all the way through to publication, and at every point in between.
Editorially achieves this goal in many ways: a Markdown-based writing environment lets you focus on the words and create clean markup easily; collaboration tools let you invite friends and trusted colleagues to review or edit your work; a document version system lets you mark points in a document’s history and compare versions to see what changed; notes and activity feeds encourage you to reflect on your work, for yourself and for others; and discussion threads recognize that the conversation around a text is just as important as the text itself.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
WOW.js reveals CSS animation as you scroll down a page. By default, you should use it to trigger animate.css animations, but you can easily change the settings to your favorite animation library.
It’s easily customizable, you can change the animation settings like style, delay, length, offset, iterations and etc. It’s fast execution with lightweight code: the browser will like it. It’s licensed under MIT License.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License is an open source tool that helps you analyze your website speed and performance based on performance best practices and metrics. It collects data from multiple pages on your website, analyze the pages using the rules and output the result as HTML or JUnit XML.
You can analyze one site, analyze & compare multiple sites or let it run in your CI tool to make sure that your site is always built the best way for speed. is released under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0.
Requirements: –
License: Apache 2.0 License
Zoomerang.js is a drop-in library that allows your users to zoom in on almost any element on your existing page. No setup, arbitrary styling. This is largely inspired by Medium’s avatar zoom in effect, with improvements (you can resize / scroll the page when it’s zoomed in and it still works).
It works best on fixed size elements such as display: block, display: inline-block and img elements. CSS Transform is required. Please note that it depends on the way browsers handle CSS transforms and has limited compatibility.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Mondrian is a free vector graphics web app like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. Mondrian offers all the tools needed to create, modify, and export simple SVG files. Mondrian also supports undo/redo through a file history API that stores operations.
The entire app is written in Coffeescript. You have to manually compile the app every time you make changes. Mondrian officially supports only the latest desktop stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. All of the Mondrian code and documentation is available under the MIT License.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License
ScrollReveal.js is a simple way to create and maintain how elements fade in, triggered when they enter the viewport. It helps you to build declarative on-scroll reveal animations for your websites. By adding a data-scrollreveal attribute to an element, it will automatically be revealed (using default values) as soon as the element is within the viewport. It is released under MIT License.
Requirements: JavaScript
License: MIT License
Sometimes, the standard CSS properties just can’t manipulate elements to fit in the way you want them to, or your fit methods need to be more dynamic, or you’re not using the DOM at all and need to perform these computations more abstractly.
Either way, if you’ve ever needed to work out how an object of any size should fit into another of any size, or find yourself writing the same code to do this over and over again, you’ll understand how fit.js might be useful. Fit.js has a very simple purpose and that is to help you fit things into other things.
Requirements: JavaScript
License: License Free
ExtractCSS is an online tool which can extract ids, classes and inline styles from HTML document and output them as CSS stylesheet. All you have to do is to type or paste your HTML document and let extractCSS to do the rest for you. ExtractCSS is an open source project, you can check out the repository at GitHub.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
CountUp.js is a dependency-free, lightweight JavaScript “class” that can be used to quickly create animations that display numerical data in a more interesting way. Despite its name, countUp can count in either direction, depending on the startVal and endVal params that you pass. Bower and Component .json files are included, as well as a coffeescript version.
Requirements: JavaScript
License: License Free