Picturefill is a Responsive Images approach that you can use today that mimics the proposed picture element using spans, for safety sake. Picturefill natively supports HD(Retina) image replacement. While numerous other solutions exist, picturefill has the added benefit of performance for the user in only being served one image.
Picturefill works best in browsers that support CSS3 media queries. Internet Explorer 8 and older have no support for CSS3 Media Queries, so in the examples above, IE will receive the first data-src image reference. Picturefill supports a broad range of browsers and devices, provided that you stick with the markup conventions provided.

Requirements: JavaScript frameworks
Demo: http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/
License: MIT, GPL2 License
GridList is a drag and drop library for a two-dimensional resizable and responsive list of items. An agnostic GridList class that manages the two-dimensional positions from a list of items within a virtual matrix. A jQuery plugin built on top of the GridList class that translates the generic items positions into responsive DOM elements with drag and drop capabilities.
Please note that the current implementation is for a horizontal grid. This means that the number of rows is configurable, whereas columns extend dynamically, based on the number, size and position of items placed inside the grid.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://ubervu.github.io/grid/
License: Apache 2.0 License
The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. The “Zero” signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.
This library is fully compatible with Flash Player 10.0.0 and above, which requires that the clipboard copy operation be initiated by a user click event inside the Flash movie. This is achieved by automatically floating the invisible movie on top of a DOM element of your choice. Works in IE7+ and all of the evergreen browsers.

Requirements: Flash and JavaScript Enabled
Demo: http://zeroclipboard.org/
License: MIT License
Obelisk.js is a JavaScript Engine for building isometric pixel objects. With the simple and flexible API provided by this engine, you can easily add isometric pixel element like brick, cube, pyramid onto HTML5 canvas.
Obelisk.js strictly follows the pixel neat pattern: lines with 1:2 pixel dot arrangement, leading to an angle of 22.6 degrees. Also you should know this is not only for game, just try it out and pixelate something. Have fun.

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: https://github.com/nosir/obelisk.js
License: MIT License
ShareDrop is HTML5 clone of Apple AirDrop service. It allows you to transfer files directly between devices, without having to upload them to any server first. It uses WebRTC for secure peer-to-peer file transfer and Firebase for presence management and WebRTC signaling.
At the moment ShareDrop allows you to send files only to other devices in the same local network, i.e. devices with the same public IP address.
The main difference between ShareDrop and AirDrop is that ShareDrop requires internet connection to find devices, while AirDrop doesn’t need one – it creates ad-hoc wireless network between them. On the other hand, ShareDrop allows you to send files between mobile (Android) and desktop devices. At the moment, it supports Chrome (desktop and mobile) 33+ and Opera 20+.

Requirements: –
Demo: https://www.sharedrop.io/
License: MIT License
Scroll Depth is a small Google Analytics plugin that allows you to measure how far down the page your users are scrolling. It monitors the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points, sending a Google Analytics Event at each one.
You can also track when specific elements on the page are scrolled into view. On a blog, for example, you could send a Scroll Depth event whenever the user reaches the end of a post. The plugin supports Universal Analytics, Classic Google Analytics, and Google Tag Manager.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://scrolldepth.parsnip.io/
License: MIT, GPL License
Most online invoicing sites are expensive. They shouldn’t be. The aim of Invoice Ninja is to provide a free, open-source alternative for invoicing. Additionally, the hope is this codebase will serve as a sample site for Laravel as well as other JavaScript technologies.
Invoicing with no monthly fee. Free, now and forever! Quality invoicing to build your business and get paid. Create beautiful email-ready. PDF invoices created instantly as you type. The ‘Save & send’ feature saves you time and impresses clients. PayPal? Authorize.Net? Stripe? They support many payment technologies.

Requirements: –
Demo: https://github.com/hillelcoren/invoice-ninja
License: License Free
Scout Realtime is a better top command: it gives you disk, memory, network, CPU, and process metrics. And it gives you smooth-flowing charts for everything. Troubleshooting is so much easier when you can see a few minutes worth of realtime data instead of watching individual numbers flash on your terminal window.
You need Ruby 1.9.3+ on your server to run scout_realtime. And you need a public IP or domain name to view scout_realtime in your browser.

Requirements: Ruby 1.9.3+
Demo: http://scoutapp.github.io/scout_realtime/
License: MIT License
MixItUp is a jQuery plugin providing animated filtering and sorting. It is great for managing any categorized or ordered content like portfolios, galleries and blogs, but can also function as a powerful tool for engaging application UI and data-visualisation.
MixItUp plays nice with your existing HTML and CSS, making it a great choice for responsive layouts. Rather than using absolute positioning to control layout, MixItUp is designed to work with your existing inline-flow layout. Want to use percentages, media queries, inline-block, or even flex box? No problem.

Requirements: jQuery framework
Demo: https://mixitup.kunkalabs.com/
License: Creative Commons License
Gremlins.js is a monkey testing library written in JavaScript, for Node.js and the browser. Use it to check the robustness of web applications by unleashing a horde of undisciplined gremlins.
Gremlins.js simulates random user actions: gremlins click anywhere in the window, enter random data in forms, or move the mouse over elements that don’t expect it. Their goal: triggering JavaScript errors, or making the application fail. If gremlins can’t break an application, congrats! The application is robust enough to be released to real users.

Requirements: Javascript framework
Demo: https://github.com/marmelab/gremlins.js
License: MIT License