Woopra is a web-tracking & analysis tool. It is mainly targeted for small to medium websites ranging from few hundreds up to tens of thousands of daily page views. Essentially, it is targeted for blogs interested in the most minuscule details of every single action. In addition, Woopra provides a precise real-time streaming of every single activity on the website. Woopra also features a clean interface, including many graphical visualization components, such as charts, maps, panels… Along with many other clean and advanced options that make Woopra an ideal solution for webmasters who desire to discern all the aspects of their website. Here are the main features of Woopra.
Live Tracking
Webmaster will be immediately updated with all the actions taking place on his website. Woopra makes tracking seamless with its inherent live technology.
Rich Interface
Woopra provides an intuitive interface to display complex data sets (such as maps, charts, etc…) , without discarding the balance between design and function, creating elegant data visualizations.
Activity Search
Woopra log shows you all the events on your website in chronological order, offering an outstanding tool to go back in time and identify all the actions that took place.
Instant Messaging
Woopra enables you to engage your visitors by starting a conversation with them; a friendly popup will appear on the web page to establish the chat. Also, Woopra provides your visitors with a special link on the page, to be able to start a conversation.
By putting valuable information around real-time data, Woopra provides an on-demand notification component highlight operational data and apply intelligence to make the data actionable and to spot special events.
Developer Tools
For developers and enthusiast users, Woopra provides a full featured API that allows extracting a website’s data into several common web 2.0 formats, making it useful for use within your own application.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.woopra.com/
License: License Free
Piwik is an open source web analytics software. It gives interesting reports on your website visitors, your popular pages, the search engines keywords and etc… Piwik is built with plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you don’t need. Piwik being installed on your server, the data is stored in your own database. You can very easily embed your graphs in your blog or website or dashboard.

If you are a developer, you can definitely help. One of their main mid term objective is to make it easy for external developers to build plugins for Piwik. Help is also welcome if you want to work on the core of Piwik: there are lots of interesting problems to solve, new features to implement and bugs to fix.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://piwik.org/blog/piwik-open-source-web-analytics/
License: GPL License
RobotReplay lets you record and watch your website visitors in action. Replay the actual mouse movements of your visitors. View recorded sessions of every mouse movement, click and keystroke. What areas of the page do users spend a lot of time on. Do they appear to get lost? RobotReplay allows us to see where the readers get bored in order to improve the site’s usability and convert more visitors to buyers.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.robotreplay.com/
License: License Free

MochiBot is a Flash traffic monitoring tool that tracks the performance of individual Flash content files (SWFs) no matter where they end up on the web. If your SWF is on 5 different servers, then MochiBot will count the number of views that SWF got for all 5 servers. You simply copy and paste a few lines of ActionScript from MochiBot into your Flash file (FLA), and publish the SWF. Every time your Flash content is played, MochiBot sends a signal to our servers indicating where it is and that it’s being played.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.mochibot.com/my/dashboard.html
License: License Free
FoldSpy is a tool for finding out the actual dimensions of your visitor’s browser window. It gives you access to this data and presents it in completely new way, the data from FoldSpy is overlayed on your site. FoldSpy is most useful for people who need real data to make important layout decisions. It can answer questions like “where do I put this ad if I want 85% of my visitors to see it without scrolling?†Now, you can find the answer in seconds and because the FoldSpy data is displayed in-place, on your site, the answer can be viewed in a way that’s most useful.

Requirements: Modern Browsers with Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://www.foldspy.com/overview/
License: License Free
Site Meter is a comprehensive real time website tracking and counter tools give you instant access to vital information and data about your sites audience. With the detailed reporting you’ll have a clear picture of who is visiting your site, how they found you, where they came from, what interests them and much more.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.sitemeter.com/?a=samplestats&HELP=ON
License: License Free
Do you want to get a heatmap of where your visitors are clicking and enhance your website’s result? Now you can install it on your own server without paying a penny. ClickHeat is a visual heatmap of clicks on a HTML page, showing hot and cold click zones. You are free to download it and start visualize your visitors in order to find out which design encourages visitors to click deeper.
Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Internet Explorer 6+, Konqueror
Demo: http://www.labsmedia.com/clickheat/index.php (Username:demo Password:demo)
License: GPL License
Reinvigorate Snoop is a real-time tracking tool for your website which is running in the System Tray (Windows) / System Status Bar (Mac) you no longer need to endlessly flip between your work and stats. When something happens, Snoop will let you know. Snoop will run on any website or blogging platform that allows JavaScript. Simply insert the tracking snippet on any page you want tracked and we take care of the rest. You can assign different events with different sounds, e.g. new visitors, comments and donation,etc. You’ll know the instant someone makes a comment on your website, visits your website, make a donation, etc..

Requirements: Internet Explorer 5+, Firefox 1.0+, Opera 8+, Safari
Demo: http://report.reinvigorate.net/snoop
License: License Free
StatCounter is a free and highly configureable web tracker and real-time detailed web stats. Insert a simple piece of their code on your web page, you will be able to analyse and monitor all the visitors to your website immediately.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.statcounter.com
License: License Free
SlimStat is an extensible web site analytics program. Its interface is an exercise in simplicity. Visits, referrers, browsers versions, platforms and searches can all be taken in at a glance. It is similar to Mint, but SlimStat is completely free for everyone. SlimStat also has the following features.
- Drill-down and filter data in any way you choose
- Shows visits and unique IPs, not just hits
- Option to hide visits from search engine crawlers
- Allows you to ignore specified IP address ranges
- Attempts to filter out spam
- Contains several security fixes

Requirements: Any Servers with PHP and Mysql Database Support
Demo: http://wettone.com/code/slimstat#screenshots
License: GPL License