Booklet is a jQuery tool for displaying content on the web in a flipbook layout. It was built using the jQuery library. It is licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses. Codrops has written a tutorial to show us how to use and customize it in order to create a virtual Moleskine notebook with jQuery Booklet.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT and GPL License
SlideNote is a customizable, flexible jQuery plugin that makes it easy to display sliding notifications on your website or in your web application. SlideNote offers a set of options that allow you to modify the behavior and/or content of the script. You can specify how far down the user must scroll before the notification slides into view.
SlideNote is compatible with jQuery 1.4.3 and current versions of major browsers. IE8 is the only version of Internet Explorer that is officially supported.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
The HEAD section is the worst place to load scripts. It’s painfully slow. The more and the bigger the worse it gets. Move the scrips to the bottom of the page and you cannot use HTML5 and CSS3 safely.
The single best solution to this universal problem is to include Head JS on top of the page and load rest of the scripts with it. Head JS speeds up, simplifies and modernizes your site. Head JS loads scripts in parallel without blocking the page. The performance will be improved even with a single minified script.
Requirements: Javascript Enabled
License: MIT License
Zepto.js is a JavaScript framework for mobile apps and sites, with a jQuery-compatible syntax. The goal is have a 2k library that handles most basic drudge work with a nice API that you might already know so you can concentrate on getting stuff done.
Zepto.js is about 10 times smaller than jQuery or Prototype, yet provides a large subset of the features those libraries offer, thanks to all the goodness of advanced JavaScript and new DOM features in mobile WebKit browsers.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License
VexFlow is an open-source web-based music notation rendering API. It is written completely in JavaScript, and runs right in the browser. VexFlow supports HTML5 Canvas and SVG. The score below can be rendered in your browser.
Requirements: Javascript Enabled
License: MIT License
Snippet jQuery Syntax Highlighter is built on top of the SHJS script found on SourceForge. Snippet provides a quick and easy way of highlighting source code passages in HTML documents. There are 39 unique color schemes to choose from.
It has been tested compatible in IE 6, IE 7, IE 8, FF 3.6, Chrome 6.0, Safari 5.0, Opera 10.62. This script is released under the MIT license and is completely open to modification and redistribution.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
We have published a post about jQuery Mobile Project a couple of months ago. Today, they have pleased to announce the first alpha release of the jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile is a user interface framework, built on top of jQuery, designed to simplify the process of building applications that target mobile devices.
There are two guiding principles of the jQuery Mobile project that differentiates it from most other offerings: It’s completely built on the principle of progressive enhancement and is designed to be functional in all HTML-capable mobile browsers.
There are demos and documentation for all the components in jQuery Mobile 1.0a1: Theming and Layout, Headers/Footers (Fixed and Persistent), Form Controls, Dialogs, List Views, Events, Transitions.
Requirements: –
License: MIT, GPL License
When appropriate, Trevor Davis really like the ones that add smooth scrolling and highlight the navigation depending upon which part of the page you have scrolled to. That’s why he wrote jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin.
He wanted the page to scroll smoothly when the navigation was clicked, so he used the jQuery ScrollTo plugin. He also wanted the page to automatically highlight the correct navigation section depending upon which section was scrolled to, and that was where he added some custom code.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License
Easy Accordion plugin will get your definition lists (DTs) and generate a nice and smooth horizontal accordion. You can then decide to make it a timed slideshow or leave it still.
Easy Accordion plugin keeps the HTML to the minimum, is SEO friendly and fully accessible, uses the CSS rotation to rotate the slide titles (no need for images), works in all the major browsers, allows for autoplay, it’s opensource and fully customizable and, what count most, it’s free! And it has been tested on Firefox 3.5+, IE6/7/8, Safari 5+ and Google Chrome.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License
Most jQuery image sliders hover at around 8 kbs for minified versions, and around 15kbs or more for uncompressed development files, but what if there was a way to keep the simple fades, slides, and a couple other nifty bits, but strip the bloated and corny diagonal-cross fades or spiral dissolves.
Orbit is a killer jQuery plugin that lets you create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size, and even includes some parameters for making awesome captions and a sweet timer.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License