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Graphic Resources

Naver – A jQuery Plugin for Responsive Navigation

Posted · Category: Menu, MIT License

Naver is a jQuery plugin for responsive navigation. It is an easy way to turn any navigation system into a responsive-ready, mobile-friendly toggle. The navigation states can be also be animated. It has been tested in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7+. It is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in personal and commercial projects.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.benplum.com/formstone/naver/
License: MIT License

PHP HTTP Framework for RESTful Web Service

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Guzzle takes the pain out of sending HTTP requests and the redundancy out of creating web service clients. It’s a framework that includes the tools needed to create a robust web service client, including: Service descriptions for defining the inputs and outputs of an API, resource iterators for traversing paginated resources, batching for sending a large number of requests as efficiently as possible.


Requirements: PHP Framework
Demo: http://guzzlephp.org/
License: MIT License

Transform Textfield into Fullscreen Editor with jQuery

Posted · Category: Forms, MIT License

jQuery Fullscreen Editor Plugin transforms textfields to customizable editors, either it can be used within a form or standalone. You can set the Maximum width and height for fullscreen editor. You can show semi-transparent overlay behind the editor in fullscreen mode as well. The transition effect while switching fullscreen mode can be fade or slide-in.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://burakson.github.io/fseditor/
License: MIT License

Let Visitors Control Your Site with Voice Commands

Posted · Category: MIT License, Sound

Annyang is a tiny javascript library that lets your visitors control your site with voice commands. Annyang has no dependencies, weighs less than 1kb, and is free to use and modify. It plays nicely with all browsers, progressively enhancing browsers that support SpeechRecognition, while leaving users with older browsers unaffected. It is licensed under MIT License.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: https://www.talater.com/annyang/
License: MIT License

Adding Badges, Images or Videos on Your Favicon

Posted · Category: GPL License, MIT License, Tools

Favico.js make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos. You can easily animate your favicon with animated badges. You can customize type of animation, background color and text color. It supports animation like slide, fade, pop. All code is open source and dual licensed under GPL and MIT.


Requirements: Twitter Bootstrap
Demo: http://lab.ejci.net/favico.js/
License: MIT & GPL License

Glide.js: Responsive & Touch Friendly jQuery Slider

Posted · Category: Gallery, MIT License

Glide.js is responsive and touch-friendly jQuery slider. Based on CSS3 transitions with fallback to older broswers. It’s simple, lightweight and fast. Designed to slide, no less, no more.

It works on smartphones, tablets and desktops. It supports Swipe event, Arrows and bullets navigation, Keyboard navigation, Public API with callbacks, Autoplay and Pause on hover. It is released under MIT License.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://jedrzejchalubek.com/glide/
License: MIT License

Animo.js: Powerful Tool for Managing CSS Animations

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Animo.js is a powerful little tool for managing CSS animations. It includes features like Stack animations, create cross-browser blurring, set callbacks on animation completion. Animo includes the amazing animate.css library by Dan Eden which provides you with nearly 60 beautiful animations from attention seekers to entrances and exits. He has also added a few helper animations to the library.

Animo’s only dependency is jQuery 2 or later. The source includes animate.css plus the helper animations made specifically for animo but you can use whatever stylesheet of animations you’d like.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://labs.bigroomstudios.com/libraries/animo-js
License: MIT License

Easily Create Your Own Bootstrap Themes Quickly

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tools

Bootstrap Magic themes generator is featuring Bootstrap 3 and AngularJS. You can easily create your own Twitter Bootstrap theme quickly. You can see instantly what you are changing on the content. You can also add awesome webfonts from Google Webfont. They are all included in font magic typehead. Satisfy? Download your personalized CSS, minified or not and LESS variables.


Requirements: Twitter Bootstrap
Demo: http://pikock.github.io/bootstrap-magic/
License: MIT License

Create iOS Style Notifications with iosOverlay.js

Posted · Category: GPL License, MIT License, Popup

iosOverlay.js is iOS-style overlays/notifications for the web. It has been tested on IE7+, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Desktop Safari, Mobile Safari — iPhone & iPad. To prevent icon flickers as they load, you have to preload image resources. Spin.js is required if you want to use a spinner object. And jQuery is required for a fallback CSS animation support.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://taitems.github.io/iOS-Overlay/
License: MIT & GPL License

A Clear Way to Structure HTML in Responsive Manner

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Intention.js offers a light-weight and clear way to dynamically restructure HTML in a responsive manner. The methods for manipulation are placed with the elements themselves, so flexible layouts don’t seem so abstract and messy.

You can easily increase layout options and flexibility, reducing development time and lessening the necessity of media-query-driven stylesheet overrides. And you can easily add your own contexts on top of these or create all your own custom threshold group. Intention.js is tested to work on all modern browsers, including Internet Explorer back to IE8!


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://intentionjs.com/
License: MIT License

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