Molecule framework has been built for enthusiast game developers with more than five years of experience on mobile gaming and more than ten on general game development.
Due the better compatibility of mobile browsers with actual html5 specifications and the natural evolution of the hardware inside them, html5 mobile gaming arise as a true possibility nowadays; that it’s given rise to Molecule, which borns from the idea of create a simple yet powerful framework to build html5 cross-platform games on an easy and efficient way.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Pageres is a command-line tool for generating screenshots in different resolutions for websites. Pageres is focus on sizes: you could script it to generate screenshots of responsive websites. The command-line options allow you to specify many dimensions at once, so it’s easy to generate results for a responsive site.
Requirements: PhantomJS
License: MIT License
WOW.js reveals CSS animation as you scroll down a page. By default, you should use it to trigger animate.css animations, but you can easily change the settings to your favorite animation library.
It’s easily customizable, you can change the animation settings like style, delay, length, offset, iterations and etc. It’s fast execution with lightweight code: the browser will like it. It’s licensed under MIT License.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Total.js is one of the best web application frameworks for creating a rich web sites and web services. The framework has good documentation and contains many examples. It supports friendly URL, XHR, JSON, LESS CSS (CSS 3), JavaScript minifier, XSS protected, resources, modules and supports MVC architecture.
The framework has no dependencies. Complete functionality is built in its core. You can install any module by the Node Package Manager. Framework doesn’t limit you. You can write whatever you want or rewrite existing functionality. It’s easy, simple and safe.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Creditly.js gives you everything you need in order to create a sleek, intuitive credit card form. Just copy the html, css, and javascript to get an intuitive credit card form in seconds. You get credit card validation using the Luhn algorithm for free.
Whenever an error occurs after you call the validate method on a Creditly object, an event will be triggered on the HTML body element. This event, named creditly_client_validation_error, will contain a data object with the selectors of the inputs that failed validation and also the messages of the failed validation.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Vex is a modern dialog library which is highly configurable, easily stylable, and gets out of the way. You’ll love vex because it’s tiny (6kb minified, 2kb minifed + gzipped), has a clear and simple API, works on mobile devices, and can be customized to match your style in seconds.
It supports built in CSS spinner for asynchronous dialogs. You can open multiple dialogs at once and close them individually or all at once. It has been tested on IE8+, Firefox 4+, Current WebKit (Chrome, Safari), Opera.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
ImageLightbox.js is a lightbox only for images, not video, text, and iframes at once. No captions, navigation buttons or background cover by default. Nothing that would distract user from the main purpose. Just one source file which is only 4kb in size when minified. No messy markup.
If the default functionality is not enough, you can easily extend the plugin with custom JavaScript functions, change the settings or use a couple of useful method functions. Best of all, images fit to any screen size and are swipe-able (native behavior) on touch capable devices.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Zoomerang.js is a drop-in library that allows your users to zoom in on almost any element on your existing page. No setup, arbitrary styling. This is largely inspired by Medium’s avatar zoom in effect, with improvements (you can resize / scroll the page when it’s zoomed in and it still works).
It works best on fixed size elements such as display: block, display: inline-block and img elements. CSS Transform is required. Please note that it depends on the way browsers handle CSS transforms and has limited compatibility.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Tether is a javascript library for efficiently making an absolutely positioned element stay next to another element on the page. For example, you might want a tooltip or dialog to open, and remain, next to the relevant item on the page.
Tether includes the ability to constrain the element within the viewport, it’s scroll parent, any other element on the page, or a fixed bounding box. When it exceedes those constraints it can be pinned to the edge, flip to the other side of it’s target, or hide itself.
Tether optimizes it’s location placement to result in the minimum amount of ‘jankyness’ as the page is scrolled and resized. The page can maintain 60fps scrolling even with dozens or hundreds of tethers on screen. Tether is 5kb minified and gzipped, and supports IE9+, and all modern browsers.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Mondrian is a free vector graphics web app like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. Mondrian offers all the tools needed to create, modify, and export simple SVG files. Mondrian also supports undo/redo through a file history API that stores operations.
The entire app is written in Coffeescript. You have to manually compile the app every time you make changes. Mondrian officially supports only the latest desktop stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. All of the Mondrian code and documentation is available under the MIT License.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License