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Highly Customizable Tagging System jQuery Plugin

Posted · Category: Forms, MIT License

TaggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an highly customizable front-end tag system. It is less than 3 kb and support major browsers in the world. It is licensed under MIT License.

There are several ways to customize the default behavior of taggingJS: 1. Use a JavaScript custom_options object to customize the global taggingJS behavior. 2. Use data attributes in the tagBox HTML Markup. 3. Use a combination of the first two way.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://sniperwolf.github.io/taggingJS/
License: MIT License

Drag and Drop jQuery File Uploader with Progress Bar

Posted · Category: GPL License, MIT License, Upload

jQuery File Uploader is a jQuery plugin to drag and drop files, including ajax upload and progress bar. The idea for this plugin is to keep it very simple; unlike other options/plugins that mess up a lot with the markup and provide some really ‘hacky’ ways to make it available for prehistoric browsers.

The focus will be for modern browsers, but also providing a method to know when is the plugin is not supported; with an easy interface to use on any design you come up. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.


Requirements: jQuery frameworks
Demo: http://danielm.herokuapp.com/demos/dnd/image-preview.php
License: MIT, GPL License

Picturefill – A Smart Responsive Images Approach

Posted · Category: GPL License, MIT License, Tools

Picturefill is a Responsive Images approach that you can use today that mimics the proposed picture element using spans, for safety sake. Picturefill natively supports HD(Retina) image replacement. While numerous other solutions exist, picturefill has the added benefit of performance for the user in only being served one image.

Picturefill works best in browsers that support CSS3 media queries. Internet Explorer 8 and older have no support for CSS3 Media Queries, so in the examples above, IE will receive the first data-src image reference. Picturefill supports a broad range of browsers and devices, provided that you stick with the markup conventions provided.


Requirements: JavaScript frameworks
Demo: http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/
License: MIT, GPL2 License

Refills – Components Based on Bourbon, Bitters & Neat

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Bourbon provides Sass mixins and eliminates vendor prefixes, for faster CSS coding. Neat provides a lightweight grid framework. Bitters provides basic variables and structure to a Bourbon/Neat project. Refills are prepackaged patterns and components, built on top of Bourbon, Bitters, and Neat.

Simply click the “Show Code” link under the component/pattern you want to copy to your project and use the “copy” buttons to get the code to your clipboard. If a component uses Javascript, that code will be included at the bottom of the HTML file. Each component/pattern has a set of variables at the very top of its Scss file. These pull out the most important properties of the component/pattern to enable quick changes of color, size and general appearance.


Requirements: Bourbon, Neat, Butters frameworks
Demo: http://refills.bourbon.io/
License: MIT License

30+ Impressive Pure CSS Hover Effects Collection

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tooltips

iHover is an impressive hover effects collection, powered by pure CSS3, no dependency, work well with Bootstrap 3. It’s built with Scss CSS (file included), easy modification with variables. There is Modular code, no need to include the entire file.

There are over 30+ hover effects in one pack. And it’s well documented. iHover is pretty easy to use. All you need to do is to write some HTML markup. You just need to include the CSS file and you are ready to go.


Requirements: CSS
Demo: http://gudh.github.io/ihover/dist/index.html
License: MIT License

Framework7 – HTML Framework for Building iOS7 Apps

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Framework7 is a full Featured HTML Framework For Building iOS7 Apps. Framework7 allows you to be flexible with list views (table views). You can make them as navigation menus, you can use there icons, inputs, and any elements inside of the list, and even make them nested.

Because Framework7 uses Ajax for navigation between pages you will need a server. So to make it work you should put dist folder (or Kitchen Sink) on a server. Or, as an option, you may use Grunt’s server. Framework7 is on early development stage, so many things may be changed and sorted in a short time.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.idangero.us/framework7/
License: MIT License

CutJS – 2D HTML5 Rendering Engine for Games

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

CutJS is lightweight, fast and interactable 2D HTML5 rendering engine for game development, it is open-source, cross-platform and compatible with modern browsers and mobile devices.

CutJS is a Canvas library inspired by DOM and jQuery with a new concept called pinning introduced instead of styling. CutJS provides a DOM-like tree data model to compose your app and internally manages rendering cycles and drawing your app, it also process and distribute mouse events to targeted tree nodes.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://cutjs.org/
License: MIT License

Let’s Chat – Self-Hosted Chat App with File Uploads

Posted · Category: Chat, MIT License

Let’s Chat is a self-hosted chat app for small teams. It supports Persistent messages, Multiple rooms, New message alerts, Mentions (hey @you), Image embeds, Code pasting, File uploads, SSL/TLS and more. It is licensed under MIT License.


Requirements: NodeJS and Mongo
Demo: https://github.com/sdelements/lets-chat
License: MIT License

Bootflat – Flat UI Kit for Bootstrap CSS Framework

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Bootflat is an open source Flat UI KIT based on Bootstrap 3.1.0 CSS framework. It provides a faster, easier and less repetitive way for web developers to create elegant web apps.

Bootflat is built on the foundations of Bootstrap, visioned in a stunning flat design. Bootstrap itself is a trusted, reliable and proven tool for developers. Built with Sass 3.3.3. Bootflat is compatible with the following browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome.

For the designers, they also offer a free PSD file for you, it including a set of beautiful and pure components, which you can use to create startup projects, websites or iOS/Android Apps.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://bootflat.github.io/
License: MIT License

Copy Text to Clipboard using Zero Clipboard

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tools

The ZeroClipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie and a JavaScript interface. The “Zero” signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.

This library is fully compatible with Flash Player 10.0.0 and above, which requires that the clipboard copy operation be initiated by a user click event inside the Flash movie. This is achieved by automatically floating the invisible movie on top of a DOM element of your choice. Works in IE7+ and all of the evergreen browsers.


Requirements: Flash and JavaScript Enabled
Demo: http://zeroclipboard.org/
License: MIT License

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