Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with modern technologies like Symfony components and Doctrine. It provides an awesome platform for theme and extension developers. Pagekit gives you the tools to create beautiful websites. No matter if it’s a simple blog, your company’s website or a web service.
Pagekit is published for free under the MIT license. You are free to modify, share and redistribute it without any limitations. It is up to you how you want to license your themes and extensions. Use the MIT, GPL or any other license. This gives you as a developer real freedom.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Blast.js separates text in order to facilitate typographic manipulation. It has four delimiters built in: character, word, sentence, and element. Alternatively, Blast can match custom regular expressions and phrases.
Blast is highly accurate; it neither dumbly splits words at spaces nor dumbly splits sentences at periods. Features include: 1) By traversing text nodes, all HTML, event handlers, and spacing are preserved. Thus, you can safely apply Blast to any part of your page. 2) Automatic class and ID generation make text manipulation simple. 4) Blast can be fully undone with a single call. 5) All Latin alphabet languages and UTF-8 characters are supported.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Pakyow is an open-source framework for the modern web. Build working software faster with a development process that remains friendly to both designers and developers. It’s built for getting along. Pakyow empowers the designer with a view-first development process.
The views are created in isolation from the back-end app, giving the designer complete control over the front-end through the entire development process. You can create a working, navigable prototype of your app without writing a line of back-end code. Later, add the back-end as a layer on top of the view, leaving the prototype intact.
Requirements: Ruby
License: MIT License
Fingerprinting is a technique, outlined in the research by Electronic Frontier Foundation, of anonymously identifying a web browser with accuracy of up to 94%.
A browser is queried for its agent string, screen color depth, language, installed plugins with supported mime types, timezone offset and other capabilities, such as local storage and session storage. Then these values are passed through a hashing function to produce a fingerprint that gives weak guarantees of uniqueness. No cookies are stored to identify a browser.
FingerprintJS is a fast browser fingerprint library. Written in pure JavaScript, no dependencies. By default uses Murmur hashing and returns a 32bit integer number. Hashing function can be easily replaced. Feather weight: only 1.2 KB when gzipped.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
There’s a thousand CSV libraries for Javascript. Papa Parse is different. It’s written with correctness and performance in mind. Papa is the first multi-threaded CSV parser that runs on web pages. It can parse files gigabytes in size without crashing the browser. It correctly handles malformed or edge-case CSV text. It can parse files on the local filesystem or download them over the Internet. Papa is boss.
Privacy advocates also use Papa Parse to avoid having to transmit sensitive files over the Internet. Now all the processing can be done locally on the client’s computer. This is especially significant considering some organizations’ policies.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
Vanilla Masker is a pure javascript input masker. Now you can use a simple and pure javascript lib to mask your input elements, without need to load jQuery or Zepto to do it. Don’t worry about where this will work, because this is a cross-browser and cross-device library. It is licensed under MIT License.
Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your modal windows, tooltips, notices and more. You can use jQuery selectors to add tooltips to elements easily. You can set up modal windows the same way as tooltips. But most of times you’d want more variety, like a title or HTML content. The jBox library is quite powerful and offers a vast variety of options to customize appearance and behavior.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Dense is a jQuery plugin that offers an easy way to serve device pixel ratio aware images, bringing in retina support to your website. Clear the blurry, images be crisp.
The responsive, retina-ready image is implemented by simply including the jQuery plugin on the page and calling its $.fn.dense() initializer method. The initializer method is set to target those img elements that should serve retina-ready images when needed. The plugin can be included and invoked by using either browser globals or AMD.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Breach is a browser for the HTML5 era. It’s entirely written in Javascript. Free. Modular. Hackable. Everything in the browser is a module, a web-app running in its own process. Construct your own browsing experience by selecting the right modules for you.
Want vertical tabs? Write some JS & CSS! Customised autocomplete engine? JS! Every behavior is programmatic and exposed through APIs. The entire technological stack is opensource. Modify existing modules and create your owns to extend the behavior of Breach.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Pattern Lab is a collection of tools to help you create atomic design systems. At its core, Pattern Lab is a custom static site generator that constructs an interface by stitching atoms, molecules, and organisms together to form templates and pages.
Pattern Lab serves as your project’s pattern library and frontend style guide, but you’re simultaneously able to see components abstractly and in context. Testing across multiple browsers and devices is tedious. Page Follow streamlines the development process by syncing navigation from one browser with any other browser connected to the same Pattern Lab site.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License