We can create javascript treeview component quickly with jsTree. It accepts various data sources including predefined HTML, JSON and XML. User can open, close, rename, create, delete nodes easily. jsTree supports drag & drop and multiple select as well. And also, jsTree supports easy CSS customization of icons, dots, background, fonts & sizes. So that you can create your own unique javascript treeview component easily.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.jstree.com/jsTree/examples/
License: MIT, GPL License

VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution to be used together with a Content Management System (CMS) called Joomla! (and Mambo). Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made easy for use in a PHP/MySQL environment.
All you need is to download the latest Joomla distribution from www.joomla.org and the VirtueMart package from this site. Joomla provides the Core System and the Framework, which VirtueMart can use. So you can easily use a complete Shopping Cart Solution within your own dynamic Website (“Portal”), together with many other Plug-Ins, called Components and Modules, like Forums, FAQ, Guestbooks and Galleries.
VirtueMart is free software released under the GNU General Public License. No limitations exist for VirtueMart. You can create and maintain a site with an unlimited number of categories, products, orders, customers, etc.
Requirements: Joomla! Framework
Demo: http://virtuemart.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view…
License: GPL License
CSS Frameworks have been a hot topic the past few months. Although they’ve been getting a lot of heat from semantic freaks and minimalists (for adding unnecessary code), I think they’re a step forward. Web design is about doing things quickly and beautifully. No matter how you feel about frameworks, it’s undeniable that they speed up the design process.
We have seen some of the popular CSS Framework like, 960.gs, Blueprint, YAML. Capsize Designs decided to combine the good points of each of them to get something that I was satisfied with. He has pretty much taken the entire grid from Blueprint (with a bunch of his own changes) and the entire typography from Tripoli (with a bunch more of his changes). Since most of it came from BlueprintCSS or Tripoli, This CSS Framework is called BlueTrip. The end result ended up really nice.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://capsizedesigns.com/blog/2008/04/bluetripcss…
License: MIT and GPL License

Kaltura has built an open source video platform to empower online video management, creation, interaction and collaboration on any site and across sites. The platform is geared to serving both premium rich-media content and user generated content: from management and display of content to advanced interactive functionality.
With one click, any site owner can embed full interactive video capabilities: an interactive video player including an upload/import tool and a web-based video mixer. Their skinable interactive player allows you to have full control over the look and feel and allows to pick from a long list of functionality.

However, the Community Edition is still under development. It offers the full Kaltura collaborative media platform, running on your site. It enables you to host and stream the videos from your data center, behind your firewall. And it’s 100% free, and licensed under the GPL. Stay tuned.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://corp.kaltura.com/
License: GPL License
Free CSS Drop-Down Menu Framework does not only separate HTML from CSS, but even CSS definitions are categorized into structural and thematic types. Thus creating a new drop-down means creating only a new theme since structure is permanent.
Your unordered List can be transformed by changing class name only. Available transformations including horizontal, vertical left-to-right, vertical right-to-left, horizontal linear and horizontal upwards. Free CSS Drop-Down Menu is cross browser that there are some configurations available for Windows Internet Explorer 5 or later, Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or later, Opera 7 or later, Apple Safari 2 or later.

Requirements: Internet Explorer 5+, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 7+, Apple Safari 2+
Demo: http://www.lwis.net/free-css-drop-down-menu/
License: GPL License
WYMeditor is a web-based WYSIWYM XHTML editor. WYMeditor has been created to generate perfectly structured XHTML strict code, to conform to the W3C XHTML specifications and to facilitate further processing by modern applications.
With WYMeditor, the code can’t be contaminated by visual informations like font styles and weights, borders, colors, …The end-user defines content meaning, which will determine its aspect by the use of style sheets. The result is easy and quick maintenance of information.

WYMeditor has been integrated in many open or proprietary applications, such as: Drupal, Symphony, Radiant, TYPO3, WordPress, Rails, CakePHP and etc…
Requirements: –
Demo: http://files.wymeditor.org/wymeditor/trunk/src/examples/
License: MIT, GPL License
Treeview is a lightweight and flexible jQuery Plugin which transforms an unordered list into an expandable and collapsible tree. It is great for unobtrusive navigation enhancements. Treeview supports both location and cookie based persistence. It has been tested in Firefox 2, IE 6 & 7, Opera 9 and Safari 3.

Requirements: Firefox 2, IE 6 & 7, Opera 9, Safari 3
Demo: http://jquery.bassistance.de/treeview/demo/
License: MIT, GPL License
Elgg is an open, flexible social networking engine, designed to run at the heart of any socially-aware application. Building on Elgg is easy, and because the engine handles common web application and social functionality for you, you can concentrate on developing your idea.
It runs on Apache, PHP and MySQL – the same open source platform that the majority of web applications are written in. Elgg is compatible with enterprise technologies like the Zend Platform and any server environment that can run the Apache web server.
Elgg supports technologies like OpenDD, OpenID and OpenSocial, and they are directly involved in community efforts to push the envelope when it comes to data portability, federation and the user experience. Elgg is a great way to future-proof your social applications.

You can also look at other Open Source Social Network Platform we have mentioned few months ago. I am sure you can find the one which is suitable for you to start your own social network site.
Requirements: PHP 5.2+, MySQL 5+, Apache Server with GD and Mod_rewrite
Demo: http://elgg.org
License: GPL License
The “seekAttention” plugin gracefully get’s your users attention by fading out a definable area but leaving the target element (the element which is seeking attention) un-faded and thereby focusing the users attention on it.
The definable area (to be called “container” from this point forward) can be the entire page or any element which surrounds the target element and the colour which overlays the container can also be defined by you. Not only will it focus the element but it will automatically scroll the page if the element is out of the users view. It works very well in Firefox 2 or 3, Google Chrome and Safari (on Windows). It works quite well on IE7 and Opera as well.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://enhance.qd-creative.co.uk/demo/seekAttention/
License: MIT, GPL License

ZK is the a proven Ajax + Mobile framework designed to maximize enterprises operation efficiency and minimize the development cost. With groundbreaking Direct RIA architecture, ZK simplifies and speeds the creation, deployment and maintenance of rich Internet applications.
By programming user interfaces directly, developing Web application is as intuitive as programming desktop applications. By programming database and enterprise resource access directly, developers no longer have to worry about exposure of business logic to the client and exposure of business data over the Internet .
ZK is an open source Ajax + Mobile framework. ZK developer community is extremely active with 20+ translations, 100+ articles/blogs, and 100,000+ lines of codes, 700,000+ downloads, from 190+ countries.
Alos, ZK is designed from the ground up to be secure. ZK protects enterprise applications from cross-site scripting, malicious JavaScript/SQL injection, exposure of business logic to the client, and exposure of business data over Internet. Scalability, Clustering and Failover: ZK supports high scalability and availability with serializable user interfaces, and pluggable failover manager. ZK is compatible with the clustering and load balancing support found in modern application servers.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.zkoss.org/
License: GPL License