Filament Group wrote an article describing how to use JavaScript to scrape data from an HTML table and generate charts using the HTML 5 Canvas element. The technique is particularly useful because the data for the visualization already exists in the page in structured tabular format, making it accessible to people who browse the web with a screen reader or other assistive technology.
Now they have rewritten and extended the code behind the technique and packaged it up as a new jQuery plugin called “Visualize“, which you can download. The plugin provides a simple method for generating bar, line, area, and pie charts from an HTML table, and allows you to configure them in a variety of ways.

Requirements: IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3.5, Safari 3 and 4, Opera 9
License: MIT, GPL License
PhotoDiary is a web application which lets you to easily publish a brand new photo blog on the web. The application frontend is built upon Flash technology and data is managed through a dedicated web control panel, developed in PHP.
The interesting thing about PhotoDiary is that users who are viewing your PhotoDiary are able to add comments by putting yellow sticky notes on the photos.
To run PhotoDiary on your own web server, support for MySQL, PHP and GD Library technologies is required. This software is published according to a GNU GPL3.

Requirements: Flash,MySQL, PHP and GD Library
License: GPL v3 License
UIzard is an in-browser web application development tool built on various Javascript Framework. You can add and arrange UI components easily by using Drag & Drop in-browser environment. You can also edit JavaScript Code or Html Code on the in-browser environment without operating other editors. You can preview the result of your works immediately.
UIzard is an open source project, following GPL v2 License. However, it is only a beta version so it can be a little unstable at the moment. You can always see UIzard in action here.

Requirements: –
License: GPL v2 License
The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated.
BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction. It is particular useful for creating loading screen for web application. BlockUI is compatible with jQuery v1.2.3 and later.

Requirements: jQuery Framework v1.2.3+
License: MIT, GPL License
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today’s websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb. This library contains some useful JavaScript tools like tabs, tooltips, accordions, overlays, smooth navigation, great visual effects and all those “web 2.0” goodies that you have seen on your favourite websites.
You don’t need to be a programmer to use these tools. They have lots of Demos you can explore and you can copy their source code to your site and things will work. Each tool is used in a similar manner and by learning one tool you can easily learn the other tools.
And above all, the library is constantly maintained and updated. Expect to see new releases coming out on a regular basis. This library is dual licensed under MIT and GPL 2+ licenses.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL 2+ License
Moousture is a mouse gesture library with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you. Implemented on Mootools following the Object Oriented standards. Library is aimed to set out a future framework for mouse guesters for any browser including modern mobile devices.
Its based on three major concepts. A probe, which probes the pointing device. A monitor, which tests the stability of probed device on given intervals and accordingly notifies Moousture events (onStable, onUnstable, onMove). And a Moousture recorder class that records the mouse movements and invoke the guesture object passed to it. Each class allows you to tune the way gestures for yourself.

Requirements: MooTools Framework
License: GPL License
The Dock is a set of iconic images that expand when rolled over with the cursor, and usually perform some action when clicked. jqDock is a jQuery plugin that mimics that behaviour by transforming a contiguous set of HTML images into an expanding Dock, vertical or horizontal, with or without labels.
Basically, jqDock expands a reduced size image towards its full size when the cursor is on or near it. You can specify a vertical or horizontal orientation for the Dock, and select the direction in which the image should expand and whether to show labels or not. The styling and positioning of the Dock is (almost) entirely down to you.
You should also check out other Fish Eye Menus we mentioned earlier.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License

Developer Kevin van Zonneveld was once working on a project with a lot of client(JS) / server(PHP) interaction, and he found himself coding PHP functions (like base64_decode & urldecode) in JavaScript to smoothen communication between the two languages.
He stored the stored the functions in a file called PHP.JS which was included in the project. But even when the project was done, it remained fun trying to port PHP functions to JavaScript, and so the library grew.
Kevin decided to share the little library on his blog, triggering the enthusiasm of a lot of PHP developers longing for PHP functionality in JavaScript. PHP.JS is an open source project in which they try to port PHP functions to JavaScript. By including the PHP.JS library in your own projects, you can use your favorite PHP functions client-side.
Requirements: Javascript Enabled
License: MIT and GPL Licenses
dhtmlxScheduler is a web-based event calendar which provides simple in-browser scheduling solution. With smooth Ajax-enabled interface dhtmlxScheduler allows users to add, modify or delete events without refreshing the web page.
Intuitive drag-n-drop behavior gives the possibility to change events date and start/end time by simply dragging the event boxes. The calendar events can be displayed in Day/Week/Month views.
dhtmlxScheduler is very lightweight (about 19KB gzipped), cross-browser and highly customizable. Each aspect of the calendar interface can be configured through JavaScript API. Developers can easily add/update events, change date format, time scale or calendar language.

Although dhtmlxScheduler is a pure JavaScript solution, it can be easily connected to the backend database with the help of dhtmlxConnector, a PHP extension that enables data communication between client-side interface and server-side datasource.
You can also use your own server-side code written in any language (PHP, Java, ASP, etc.) to bind scheduler content to the database. dhtmlxScheduler is distributed under GNU GPL and commercial licenses.
Requirements: –
License: GPL and Commercial Licenses
TokenInput jQuery Plugin allows users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen something similar on Facebook or TextboxList by Devthought.
There is an intuitive UI for selecting multiple items from a large list, the layout is fully in controlled with CSS, and easily customisable. Also, the result caching reduces server load. Users can select items using the mouse or keyboard. TokenInput jQuery Plugin is released under GPL2.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: GPL2 License