Reel is a jQuery plugin which takes an image tag and makes it a live “projection” of pre-built animation frames sequence. Its aim is to provide a 360° view of something or someplace. Great alternative to widely used Flash techniques. Stitched image is not required, but they do support them too.
Try reel for yourself. Place your mouse pointer over images below. And roll your mouse wheel up/down or drag the image left/right. Reel has been tested in Safari 3+, Firefox 3+, Chrome and IE 5.5+.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT and GPL License
Nivo Slider is a new jQuery image slider with 9 unique transition effects. It is simple and lightweight. Nivo Slider is built with directional and control navigation. It has been tested on Internet Explorer v7+, Firefox v3+, Google Chrome v4 and Safari v4. You are free to use it under the GPL license.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: GPL License
Few days ago, we have mentioned Qhub, which is a simple way to create a Q&A website. However, hosted version is only available to us only. How about a Q&A system that is open source and also let us install on our own server? Our readers have pointed out the following Open Source Q&A Systems.
OSQA is an Open Source Q&A System written using Django. Users can ask and answer questions, comment and vote for the questions of others and their answers. Both questions and answers can be revised and improved. Questions can be tagged with the relevant keywords to simplify future access and organize the accumulated material. OSQA can be downloaded from the project’s GitHub repository at It is under GNU General Public License.

Shapado is another Stack Overflow-like app written in Ruby on Rails, mongomapper and mongodb. It is available under the GNU Affero General Public License. Shapado can be downloaded from Gitorious at

Requirements: Django or Ruby on Rails Framework
License: GPL License
Ketchup is a slim jQuery Plugin that validates your forms. It aims to be very flexible and extendable for its appearance and functionality. Although Ketchup is designed to be styled and extended by you, it already looks tasty and gives you the most common validations by default. If there is no validation fits your needs, you can always write your own too. You can make your own ketchup with ease.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License
jDigiClock is a jQuery plugin inspired from HTC Hero Clock Widget. To use the jDigiClock plugin, simply include the jQuery library, the jDigiClock source file and jDigiClock core stylesheet file inside the <head> tag of your HTML document.
jDigiClock accepts a lot of configuration options, e.g. Clock images path, Weather images path, Set AM/PM option, Weather location code, Set weather metric mode: C or F, Weather update in minutes.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT and GPL License
We love Mac apps, especially for their attention to detail. CoreAnimation makes it so easy to create useful and eye-pleasing effects. Quicksand aims at providing a similar experience for users on the web. It can reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation.
At the very basic level, Quicksand replaces one collection of items with another. All you need to do is provide those two sets of items. Advanced demonstrations include custom jQuery code to achieve some of the goals, like sorting or making Ajax calls. This code can be copied and used freely, but it’s not part of the plugin.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT and GPL2 License
Plupload allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.
Plupload is currently separated into a Core API and a jQuery upload queue widget this enables you to either use it out of the box or write your own custom implementation. Drag/drop support of files is currently only available in Firefox 3.5+. Image resizing is only possible on Firefox 3.5+ and only at a fixed quality.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: GPL v2 License
jQuery MultiSelect Plugin was intended to re-factor Cory LaViska’s MultiSelect implementation, but it quickly turned into a complete re-write with a focus on speed and ThemeRoller support. This plugin turns an ordinary HTML select control into an elegant drop down list of checkboxes.
jQuery MultiSelect Plugin is compatible with jQuery 1.4.0+ and all themes from jQuery UI 1.7+. It is known to work in Firefox 2+, IE 6+, Chrome Beta/4, Safari 4 and Opera 10.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License
Brosho ‘Design in the Browser’ jQuery Plugin allows you to style your markup right in your browser with a build-in element selector and CSS editor. Generate the CSS code of altered elements with one click and use it in your own stylesheet.
You can stop switching between your Editor and the Browser and changes will occur immediately without reloading the page. Once you are done designing your mockup you can generate the CSS code, copy and paste it to your stylesheet and tweak it to your likings. Much faster and better!

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License
StyledButton jQuery plugin is an attempt to recreate Google’s imageless buttons and prove that it doesn’t take a whole team of engineers and an endless cycle of code revision and quality control (their own words) to pull this off.
The buttons automatically adapt to paddings and other styling you wish to use. They allow for a lot of stylistic customisation via a few lines of css while keeping all the display critical css rules hidden deep inside the plugin.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, GPL License