ColorToy 2.0 is a Flash based color scheme generator and picker. It generates complementary color schemes based on your inputted color values or randomly. There are three ways to use ColorToy.
1. Enter a RGB value. e.g. 211,21,52 and hit “Submit RGB”. ColorToy 2.0 will then generate your complementary color scheme.
2. Enter a HEX value e.g. #c0ffee and hit “Submit Hex”. ColorToy 2.0 will then generate your complementary color scheme based on your HEX value.
3. Hitting “Random” will generate a random color and associated complementary color scheme. Go on, give it a click.
You can also check out the collection of other useful Color Scheme Generators we have mentioned on WebAppers a while ago.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Woopra is a web-tracking & analysis tool. It is mainly targeted for small to medium websites ranging from few hundreds up to tens of thousands of daily page views. Essentially, it is targeted for blogs interested in the most minuscule details of every single action. In addition, Woopra provides a precise real-time streaming of every single activity on the website. Woopra also features a clean interface, including many graphical visualization components, such as charts, maps, panels… Along with many other clean and advanced options that make Woopra an ideal solution for webmasters who desire to discern all the aspects of their website. Here are the main features of Woopra.
Live Tracking
Webmaster will be immediately updated with all the actions taking place on his website. Woopra makes tracking seamless with its inherent live technology.
Rich Interface
Woopra provides an intuitive interface to display complex data sets (such as maps, charts, etc…) , without discarding the balance between design and function, creating elegant data visualizations.
Activity Search
Woopra log shows you all the events on your website in chronological order, offering an outstanding tool to go back in time and identify all the actions that took place.
Instant Messaging
Woopra enables you to engage your visitors by starting a conversation with them; a friendly popup will appear on the web page to establish the chat. Also, Woopra provides your visitors with a special link on the page, to be able to start a conversation.
By putting valuable information around real-time data, Woopra provides an on-demand notification component highlight operational data and apply intelligence to make the data actionable and to spot special events.
Developer Tools
For developers and enthusiast users, Woopra provides a full featured API that allows extracting a website’s data into several common web 2.0 formats, making it useful for use within your own application.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Jayhan present you the vector dotted world map free for download. It comes with three different dot sizes which is fine, medium and large to cater for different purpose and needs. This dotted world map is based on the world map resource from Deviant Art, and Jayhan overlay a dotted pattern on top and slowly remove the unwanted dots to form the shape of the world. It took Jayhan several days to accomplish this. UK was missing in the map. However, Dotted world map vector V1.1 has now included UK as well.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Freerange Stock was formed with the goal to provide quality stock photos for free. They feel that free stock photos can be good photos. Freerange is an advertising revenue supported photographic community – photographers get paid when users click on the ads that appear next to their submissions. Images on the site are either shot by Freerange Stock, drawn from Freerange archives, or contributed by a talented community of photographers.
Just sign up for a free membership, log in, and download high-quality, high- resolution free stock photos and free textures. All images are at least 2400 x 1600, and photos can be used for commercial or personal projects.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Google has introduced Ajax Language API. This new API boasts two functions, language translation and language detection – which cover 13 languages and 29 translation pairs. With the AJAX Language API, you can translate and detect the language of blocks of text within a webpage using only Javascript. The language API is designed to be simple and easy to use to translate and detect languages on the fly when offline translations are not available. They plan on adding more exciting capabilities to the AJAX Language API in the future, so stay tuned.
I have been waiting for this Language API from Google Translator for a long long time. Now we are able to translate our web pages, paragraphs or even words into different languages in real time. The Language Detection function comes in very handy as well. How exciting is that!
Requirements: –
License: License Free
PS Brushes has a cleaner look to minimize the usless content and give you direct access to almost all Photoshop Brushes around the internet. All the photoshop brushes are categorized into the following categories, Abstract, Animals, Around the House, Drawings, Fractals, Grunge, Hearts, Humans, Landscapes, Music, Oriental, Outer Space, Patterns, Photos & Frames, Plants, Religious, Scratches, Shapes, Street & Misc Signs, Structural, Text & Type and War Brushes.
Requirements: –
License: License Free offer free, high quality image collections that can be use in both personal and commercial web design projects. Each collection features a group of 15 images that share a common theme. They’ve created dozens of collections based on a variety of themes. Every DesignPack can be downloaded as a single ZIP file. File sizes vary between 3-5MB. You can browse the Image Catalog to see what’s available.
Although mentioned that there will be new sets added monthly, it seems like they have stopped updating the site since 2005.
Requirements: –
License: License Free let us creating professional looking CSS menus for your Website easily. You can create your menu with drop down DHTML sub-menu online, without writing a single line of code. And more importantly, it is free. There are many different menu styles for you to choose from. You can customize the font, background, border, padding, margin, link, hover state and etc… anything you can imagine. And after all, you can download the menu and integrate into your website easily.
Requirements: –
License: License Free
Remember the time when I introduced Nice List of Open Source Fish Eye Menu? The dock’s ‘fish-eye’ effect, whereby icons expand and contract as the mouse moves over them. Now, we have another solution for it, MacStyleDock function allows this feature to be implemented easily.
Safalra has pointed out some usability issues when using dock as well. Anyone considering using the dock should be aware of the usability issues it raises. Firstly, the dock is generated entirely using JavaScript. If no alternative navigation is available then the site will be impossible to navigate for those without JavaScript. Secondly, the dock item magnification itself harms usability. Because the dock icons expand dynamically, they move on screen. The user has to correct for this movement, and this slows down their use of the dock.
Requirements: Any Modern Browsers with Javscript Enabled
License: License Free
Markup Generator is a simple tool created for xhtml/css coders that are tired of writing boring frame code at the very beginning of slicing work. It’s main purpose is to speed up your work by generating xhtml markup and a css frame out of very intuitive, shortened syntax so you can jump directly to the elements styling.
This tool uses enhanced, line-by-line, css-a-like syntax with space indent to generate xhtml markup. You can add tag, ids, classes, content and an additional code.
Requirements: –
License: License Free