PHPanywhere is a web based free Integrated Development Environment or IDE for the PHP language, in other words it is an application that gives developers all the code editing capabilities they need to develop PHP applications online. It includes a real-time syntax code editor with support for all web formats and a powerful FTP editor.
PHPanywhere works in a browser, you can start coding right away, no need for installing anything. Best of all you can work from anywhere. You can also share your work and allow others to work on your projects on PHPanywhere easily.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
If you use Skype I am sure that you noticed that animated button for adding more people to a chat. When you mouseover on it, the icon on the left “jumps” for a few times. The animation looks really attractive.
Janko is going to show you how to create the Skype-like Buttons using jQuery and some simple CSS. The code is tested in Firefox, Safari and IE7.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
We have mentioned TextboxList a while ago, which is something similar to Facebook List Input. Now New TextboxList has been rewritten from scratch, and it’s more powerful and flexible than ever.
It is compatible with MooTools 1.2.x. It does not depend on a specific data source (XHR, Json). Instead, the developer supplies the data which can come from anywhere. New TextboxList is now using Binary search for maximum performance. It supports new options, such as addOnEnter, which adds boxes upon pressing enter (useful for tags or categories widgets).

Requirements: Mootools 1.2.x
License: License Free
GalleryView aims to provide jQuery users with a flexible, attractive content gallery that is both easy to implement and a snap to customize. Two sets of navigation graphics are supplied to support both light and dark colored galleries.
The back and forward buttons are semi-transparent to work with any color background. GalleryView allows for users to create their own themes easily by creating only three new graphics for the pointer, back button and forward button.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
The layout of is simple and beautiful. Yet, one of the most awesome things about the website is the search functionality. It gives you suggestions (with images) about the several products they offer, making it really user-friendly. Marco has recreated the effect by creating a Fancy Search Suggestion Plugin.
It makes use of several techniques: MySQL (for the database), HTML/CSS for styling, PHP for retrieving the data and jQuery for the AJAX request. This technique would be great if it were converted to a plugin for a CMS (WordPress/Joomla/Drupal etc.), but also just very cool to have on your website.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
WebInjection is an Icon Pack for webmasters and web developers. The set includes 26 stylish icons, each icon is a .png at 48×48px. It is free for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. This icon set is created by Midtone Design Studio, you can view his another Icon Pack – Colorful Mania Iconset as well.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
WebKreation has showed us how to create a Sliding Login Panel using Mootools. Recently, he has improved both the design and functionalities of the script and released a Nice and Clean Sliding Login Panel in jQuery this time. The panel overlaps content instead of pushing the content down. Although the script is really simple with the basic jQuery “SlideUp” and “SlideDown” effect, the design of the panel looks really neat and pretty. You may find it useful on some of your projects.

Requirements: IE6, IE7, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome
License: License Free
Marco has created a Polaroid Photo Viewer with CSS3 and jQuery by combining the CSS3 Box Shadow and Rotate properties. When dragging a polaroid around, you’ll see the shadow. When it’s placed down, it’s randomly rotated to the left or the right.
Sadly, CSS3 and HTML5 aren’t the standards yet. Not all modern browsers will be able to show off the full effect. It only works on Apples Safari and Google Chrome as they are the only browsers supporting the Transform and Box-Shadow property of CSS3 via the -webkit- prefix. If you are interested in creating a Polaroid Gallery, you can also look at the Drag and Drop Polaroid Photo Gallery in Flash?

Requirements: Safari and Google Chrome
License: License Free
GoView made screen recordings easy. You can start recording your computer’s screen and audio with just two clicks. Snipping out unwanted segments is as simple as using a pair of scissors. You can also insert title slides to add polish and act as section dividers. After all, your recording is instantly ready to be viewed an share online. It’s quick. It’s easy. And it’s free.

Requirements: Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0
License: License Free
Cufón is similar to Typeface.js which aims to become a worthy alternative to sIFR, and despite its merits still remains painfully tricky to set up and use. Cufón consists of two individual parts as well – a font generator, which converts fonts to a proprietary format and a rendering engine written in JavaScript.
It works on every major browser on the market. There is near-zero configuration needed for standard use cases. And it is fast, even for sufficiently large amounts of text.

Requirements: Canvas and VML
License: License Free