D3 is a small, free JavaScript library for manipulating HTML documents based on data. D3 can help you quickly visualize your data as HTML or SVG, handle interactivity, and incorporate smooth transitions and staged animations into your pages.
D3 is not a traditional visualization framework. Rather than provide a monolithic system with all the features anyone may ever need, D3 solves only the crux of the problem: efficient manipulation of documents based on data. This gives D3 extraordinary flexibility, exposing the full capabilities of underlying technologies such as CSS3, HTML5 and SVG. It avoids learning a new intermediate proprietary representation.

Requirements: Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://mbostock.github.com/d3/
License: License Free
Have you been fascinated by the visual clarity of the London Underground map? Finally, with the advent of HTML5 element and jQuery, it is now possible to implement this in a way that with a little bit of effort, anyone who knows HTML can easily create a subway map.
Subway Map Visualization jQuery Plugin lets you create a beautiful, interactive subway map visualization for their website using HTML markup. The map size, line width and colors can all be customizable. The markup used to create the map is search engine friendly too.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.kalyani.com/2010/10/subway-map-visualization…
License: License Free
Text messaging has become extremely widespread throughout the world – to the point where an increasing number of web applications have integrated SMS to notify users of events, sales or coupons directly through their mobile devices. Nettuts has written a tutorial: How to Send Text Messages with PHP.
There are a myriad of methods to accomplish the task of sending a SMS through a web application. This method is really meant for low volume messaging (most likely less than 1,000 text messages per month) and developers looking to get their feet wet without forking out cash.

Source: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/how-to-send-text-messages…
Drop-shadows are easy enough to create using pseudo-elements. It’s a nice and robust way to progressively enhance a design. The article: CSS drop-shadows without images, is a summary of the technique and some of the possible appearances.
There is no need for extra markup, the effect can be applied to a single element. A couple of pseudo-elements are generated from an element and then pushed behind it.

Requirements: Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+, Opera 10.6+
Demo: http://nicolasgallagher.com/css-drop-shadows…
License: License Free
AddyOsmani has written a really throughout article on Building Single Page Applications(SPAs) With jQuery’s Best Friends; DocumentCloud’s Backbone.js, Underscore.js, LAB.js and jQuery templating.
SPAs are web applications or websites which persistently run in the same page without requiring a reload for further navigation. All of the code needed for your initial load in these applications is driven by either local data or data retrieved from a web server on demand, such as any additional data required from your app that might be driven by user actions.

Requirements: jQuery, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, LAB.js
Demo: http://addyosmani.com/resources/backbonegallery/
License: License Free
Webalys has created a Free User Interface Design Framework for Web Designers. It includes GUI library – Hundreds vector elements for interface design, Minimal UI icons set – 260 vector icons for Illustrator, Styles library – 200 styles to apply in Illustrator.
You can now design faster wireframes and create better mockup deliverables in Illustrator. You can customize easily the vectors GUI elements to your own needs : you can easily resize, color or tweak their appearance.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.webalys.com/design-interface…
License: License Free
CSS Level 3 brings with it some incredibly powerful styling features. Rounded corners, soft drop shadows, gradient fills, and so on. CSS3 promises to do away with all that! But as we all know, due to Internet Explorer’s lack of support for any of these features, we need CSS3 PIE.
PIE stands for Progressive Internet Explorer. It is an IE attached behavior which, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties. CSS3 PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://css3pie.com/
License: License Free
Tutorialzine are teaching us how to build a cross-browser, jQuery Custom Confirm Dialog Replacement. You can choose the text, buttons, and actions that will be executed when they are clicked.
You can customize the appearance of the dialog by modifying jquery.confirm.css. As the message attribute of the dialog takes HTML text, you can further customize it by displaying images and icons in the confirm window. You can even alternatively use this plugin as an alert dialog – you will just need to pass a single button with no action attribute.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://demo.tutorialzine.com/2010/12/better-confirm-box…
License: License Free
You have probably seen face detection at work in programs like iPhoto and Picasa, but what if you could do that performantly in JavaScript? Chinese developer Liu Liu has done the honors, and implemented Face Detection in JavaScript via HTML5 Canvas.
The algorithm is implemented on top of a JS port of a C-based computer vision library by the same author. It works off a grayscale version of the image, and seems to be quite reliable in detecting faces in photographs. The demo then draws a red box around each face in the picture, but the library could be used to do much more interesting things with this data.

Requirements: Javascript, HTML5 Canvas
Demo: http://badassjs.com/post/1461943420/face-detection…
License: License Free
Animated Gif Generator lets you easily create an animated gif by uploading a series of still images (gif, jpg, or png). Simply use the form to upload each image as desired. Once you’ve uploaded your images, you can also change the order of the images by dragging on each frame, or delete a frame by clicking the “x” icon. It is really a handy tool if you would like to create gif images online.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/animatedgif/
License: License Free