It’s difficult to get consensus on how much or how little a framework should do. Flatiron is an unobtrusive framework initiative for node.js. No one agrees on frameworks. Flatiron’s approach is to package simple to use yet full featured components and let developers subtract or add what they want.
Flatiron promotes code organization and sustainability by clearly separating development concerns. Each component works elegantly with or without its counterparts. Many of the components work the same in the browser as they do on the server. This is the motivation behind flatiron.

Requirements: Node.js
License: License Free
Maqetta is an open source project that provides WYSIWYG visual authoring of HTML5 user interfaces. The Maqetta application itself is authored in HTML, and therefore runs in the browser without requiring additional plugins or downloads.
Maqetta allows User Experience Designers (UXD) to perform drag/drop assembly of live UI mockups. One of Maqetta’s key design goals is to create developer-ready UI mockups that promote efficient hand-off from designers to developers. The user interfaces created by Maqetta are real-life web applications that can be handed off to developers, who can then transform the application incrementally from UI mockup into final shipping application.
Maqetta is available under a commercial-friendly open source license. You can download the source code and install it on your own server, customize the code to fit your needs and/or contribute improvements to the open source project.

Requirements: –
License: Open Source License
Sometimes, I love the way people creating some really simple but really sweet web applications. Cupcake Ipsum is definitely one of them. It makes people love your project even more.
Cupcake Ipsum generates a random text based on different sweet treats. You can choose the number and the length of paragraphs, start the first paragraph with “Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet†and if you still need to spice up your lorem ipsum – you can â€add some love†to the text. Here is what I got:
“Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet brownie gummies applicake sugar plum faworki gummi bears. Cotton candy I love chocolate bar fruitcake fruitcake gingerbread I love muffin. I love I love I love croissant tiramisu jelly I love.”

Requirements: –
License: License Free
After more than six million performed tests, Pingdom has just released version 2.0 of the Full Page Test. This new Full Page Test is still completely free to use. It still helps you profile your website’s performance. But now it’s even better.
The whole point of Full Page Test tool is to help you analyze the load speed of your websites and learn how to make them faster. With the help of this tool you can identify what about a web page is fast, slow, too big, what best practices you’re not following, and so on.
In short, it’s a free, easy-to-use tool to help webmasters and web developers everywhere optimize the performance of their websites.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Would you like to create a template with a fullscreen grid of images and content areas? The idea is to have a Draggable Image Boxes Grid that shows boxes of thumbnails and menu like items. Once clicked, the thumbnail will expand to the full size image and the menu item box will expand to a fullscreen content area.
The main idea for this template and its effects comes from the beautiful Flash-based website of Stephen Hamilton. To make the grid draggable, they used jQuery.kinetic by Dave Taylor. The jQuery plugin allows smooth drag scrolling and it’s just what we need in our grid.

Requirements: Javascript Framework
License: License Free
Kippt is a new and elegant way to bookmark and save notes. Kippt makes it easy to save, organize, search and read information you find on the web.
Found something awesome? You can add it to your Inbox or Read Later list and deal with it later. Organize the best stuff in to lists. You can also drag & drop links to lists. No tags, just search. Read long articles in the reader mode. There are also browser extensions to make it even easier.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
jTicker takes an elements’ children and displays them one by one, in sequence, writing their text ‘ticker tape’ style. It is smart enough to ticker text from an element heirarchy, inserting elements back into the DOM tree as it needs them. That means almost any content can be ‘tickered’.
jTicker handles any number of alternating cursors (or just one). jTicker’s cursor container is styleable using the class .cursor, or can be defined as your own jQuery object. jTicker reacts to jQuery events “play”, “stop” and “control”.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
Tutorialzine has written a great tutorial: Create an iOS-like Home Screen using CoffeeScript. CoffeeScript is a neat programming language meant to enhance the good parts of JavaScript, while working around the not so good. It makes OOP easy and introduces a number of useful additions such as comprehensions, new syntax for functions and scope handling, along with numerous small improvements.
But don’t fall pray to the hype surrounding it just yet – CoffeeScript isn’t going to replace JavaScript any time soon, as it sacrifices some of the agility that JS provides in attempt to make development easier. The CS way might not be the best fit for your project.

Requirements: CoffeeScript
License: License Free
Have you ever thought of combine your Twitter, Digg, Facebook and Delicious counters into one single counter? The Share Counter can be fully customized by CSS. It loads pretty fast with only 2kb. It’s easy to use, you simply add or rename the classes of the link to be shared and the element that will hold the counts.
You may use the Share Counter in non-commercial and commercial projects. It may also be included in other software, themes and templates intended for sale or distribution.

Requirements: Javascript enabled
License: License Free
jQuery Timelinr is a simple plugin helps you to give more life to the boring timelines. It supports horizontal and vertical layouts, and you can specify parameters for most attributes: speed, transparency, auto-play and etc… You can also customize the style with CSS easily.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free