jQuery Face Detection Plugin detects faces on images, videos and canvases to get theirs coordinates. It tracks a face and outputs the coordinate positions of the face model as an array. We believe that face recognition will open up a ton of possibilities in how we interact not just with each other.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://facedetection.jaysalvat.com/
License: License Free
Nibbler is a free tool for testing websites. Enter the address of any website and Nibbler will give you a report scoring the website out of 10 for key areas, including accessibility, SEO, social media and technology. Nibbler is fast and completely free.
Nibbler uses “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3” for all requests. Because Nibbler is a bot, and not a real web browser, it shouldn’t affect most analytics results. Modern analytics solutions generally use Javascript to detect visitors.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://nibbler.silktide.com/
License: License Free
Walkway.js is an easy way to animate SVG images consisting of line and path elements. Simply create a new Walkway instance with a supplied options object. When you want to start animating call .draw on the returned instance providing an optional callback that will be called when drawing is complete. Currently, Walkway.js only works on path and line elements.

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://www.connoratherton.com/walkway
License: License Free
Muzli is the ultimate designer’s toolbox. Bringing you the freshest design, UI, UX and interactive news and shots from around the web. All the design inspiration you need. You can enjoy the most inspiring stuff out there. Never miss the next big thing. Muzli will replace your default tab, it will become your home page, so you don’t miss anything.

Requirements: Chrome Browser
Demo: http://muz.li/
License: License Free
Codrops has updated and added some more effects to the Hover Effect Ideas. It’s a second set of styles with some fresh effects with various transitions. The structure of the demos was a fullscreen grid before, but now they have adjusted it to contain single rows of figures where it’s easier to see how an effect looks in its normal state and when hovering.
As in the previous set, they try to make the effects as smooth as possible, not using any transition on properties that affect layout or painting. But trying out new things, there could be some glitches in Firefox on Windows (tiny border of SVG shown).

Requirements: Modern Browsers
Demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/HoverEffectIdeas/
License: License Free
SocialDoe provides a simple and effective solution to present your projects and passion. It is an online space where creative personalities and professionals can exchange ideas, share feedback and get inspired.
Any creative human being, who wishes to move on with their passion, will feel at home here. Socialdoe is the right place for designers and everyone who wishes to share their inspirations with others. Join the group of art enthusiasts who want to enhance the world with their work.
All plans include the use of custom domains, portfolio editing, Google Analytics, HTTPS password protection, embeding URL’s on profile (e.g. external links to your shop, social media profiles like behance), unlimited bandwidth, responsive page (view your page on laptop, smartphone or tablet), Socialdoe audience (followings, likes & comments).

Source: https://socialdoe.com/
Google has introduced a new email app, from the same team that builds Gmail, but intended as something completely different from Gmail. Inbox is an app that built on everything they learned from Gmail, Inbox is a fresh start that goes beyond email to help you get back to what matters.
Inbox automatically categorizes your incoming messages into “Bundles,†which are broken out into things like Travel, Purchases, and Social. You can also create your own Bundles from tags, or by grouping messages into Bundles. The app’s still in the invite stage, and Google says the first round of invites are already out in the world.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.google.com/inbox/
License: License Free
BeeFree makes it easy to create an email message that can be used to send a company newsletter, announce a new product, promote a sale, etc. It’s free to use: you don’t even need to create an account of any kind.
You can use BeeFree to create an email message using its innovative, easy-to-use features. You can then preview the message to see how it will likely look in your email client, send a test to yourself, download the HTML source code so that you can use it in another application, or use it in an email campaign by signing up for a MailUp account.

Requirements: –
Demo: https://beefree.io
License: License Free
While designing a website or a web application, you can’t deny the importance of web design tools that help to simplify your tasks and complete your project on time.
FreeIconMaker.com is the first free online icon maker that allows you to create your own templates and share them with others. In this article we will create a set of simple yet trendy flat-style icons using this online icon editor without any Photoshop or Illustrator skills. Enjoy!

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teehan+lax has just released iOS 8 GUI PSD (iPhone 6). The sole purpose of this file is to help you pitch, design and build amazing software. The file nor its elements are to be repurposed as your own. It can’t be broken apart and used to create similar tools.
The PSD is a well organized, labeled and layered PSD full of editable shape layers. Most people find it useful for mocking up apps. Others use it to concept ideas or create custom interface elements that work harmoniously with those native to iOS.

Requirements: Photoshop
Demo: http://www.teehanlax.com/tools/iphone/
License: License Free