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Graphic Resources

Giving Away One Set of 264 Apple’s OS X Style Icons

Posted · Category: Announcement, Icons, License Free

Kombine has designed “Pro Toolbar Icons” which is a set of 264 toolbar icons and buttons to help users intuitively understand the functions of your application. All icons in this set are PNG images with transparency and designed to fit the look of Apple’s OS X operating system. It is very useful when building websites and web applications. You can Preview the full set of 264 icons or Download the Quick Reference Card here.


The full set of icons costs $59.95, however you can get a set of 45 common toolbar icons for FREE. Kreg Wallace, the designer of the Kombine toolbar icons is very kind by giving away one set of 264 “Pro Toolbar Icons ” for FREE to one of WebAppers readers . You can use them on both personal and commercial projects. If you would like to be the one Lucky Guy, it is really easy.

To participate, you only have to

Make a comment on this post.

* You will get 2 more entries if you have a link back to this post or Webappers.

I would like to keep this event short, so that we do not have to wait too long for the result. Kreg Wallace will pick the winner on 24th September. Thank you Kreg Wallace for the icons and thank you all for the participation in advance.

*** 2007-09-10 UPDATE ***
Kreg Wallace said
Hey folks. Just so you know, I’m more inclined to pick someone who plans to use the icons for an interesting project. So, if you have a software application or web site you want to use the icons for, indicate that in your comments.

This contest has ended, please view http://www.webappers.com/2007/09/26/winner-of-264-toolbar-icons-set/ 

Read the rest of this entry »

5,000+ Free Stock Photos from Public-Domain-Photos

Posted · Category: License Free, Stock Photos

Public-Domain-Photos.com contains over 5,000 high resolution free photos for personal and commercial use. You may use these images for any purpose, but if some photo contains logos and products you need to be careful. Using someone else’s trademark commercially can get you sued. They have some cliparts you may find useful as well.


Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://public-domain-photos.com/
License: License Free

Maps Track Where Your Site Visitors Come From

Posted · Category: License Free, Maps

With maps.amung.us you get to see exactly where your site visitors are from – live! The maps update themselves on your site without having to reload the whole page. The maps are customizable which you can choose different backgrounds, pin shapes and color schemes. Embeddable maps are available in two sizes, a full size version and a smaller version for sites that have lesser space. Just copy the code into your website to get it working.


Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://maps.amung.us/
License: License Free

Devthought CSS + Javascript Fancy Menu

Posted · Category: License Free, Menu

I think many readers are familiar with this awesome Javascript CSS Menu by Devthought, but I really need to include it in WebAppers. Fancy Menu is nothing to do with Flash. it is a custom navigation bar with some cute Javascript effects that will certainly impress your friends. It requires Mootools library, this beauty is contained in 1.5kb. Not only that, but it’s also cross browser (tested on Internet Explorer 6/7, Firefox and Safari) and accessible.


Requirements: Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox and Safari
Demo: http://devthought.com/cssjavascript-true-power-fancy-menu/
License: License Free

20 Types of Free Charts from PHP/SWF Charts

Posted · Category: Charts, License Free

PHP/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful PHP tool to create attractive web charts and graphs from dynamic data. Use PHP scripts to generate or gather the data from databases, then pass it to this tool to generate Flash (swf) charts and graphs. PHP/SWF Charts makes the best of both the PHP and SWF worlds. PHP scripts provide integration, and Flash provides the best graphic quality. It supports many charts types, Line, Column, Stacked column, Floating column, 3D column, Stacked 3D column, Parallel 3D column, Pie, 3D Pie, Bar, Stacked bar, Floating bar, Area, Stacked area, Candlestick, Scatter, Polar, Mixed, Composite and Joined. Can you ask for more? They have the following main features.

  • Web charts and graphs from dynamic data
  • Live and interactive chart updates without reloading the web page
  • Clickable charts, and drill-down
  • Animated transitions
  • Printable charts
  • Simple and flexible chart generation

PHP/SWF Charts is free to download and use. The free, unregistered version contains all the features except for:

  1. Clicking a chart takes the user to the PHP/SWF Charts web site
  2. No displaying charts inside another flash file
  3. No technical support, and no product updates by e-mail


Requirements: Flash Player 6+, Server with PHP Support
Demo: http://www.maani.us/charts/index.php?menu=Gallery
License: License Free

CSS Compressor to Save Your Bandwidth

Posted · Category: Code, License Free

We can use this CSS Compressor made by CSS Drive to compress the CSS to increase loading speed and save on bandwidth as well. You can choose from three levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. The “Normal” mode should work well in most cases, creating a good balance between the two. It can also strip all of your comments automatically as well. However, I suggest that you keep your original CSS file, it can make your life much easier if you need to edit your CSS file.

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.cssdrive.com/index.php/main/csscompressor/
License: License Free

Thousands of Royalty Free Photos for Download

Posted · Category: License Free, Stock Photos


Thousands of royalty free photos for websites, PowerPoint presentations, newsletters, forums, blogs, schools and homework in FreeDigitalPhotos.net. All images can also be used for artist’s reference, and video productions. All royalty free images may be used for commercial and non commercial work – If you use a free image on a website, you must place a text hyperlink on that website to FreeDigitalPhotos.net. This includes forums, blogs and networking sites such as MySpace. Many images are now available in higher resolution for $5 or $10 (depending on image size). Your photo can be downloaded instantly following secure online payment.

Requirements: Terms of Use
Demo: http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
License: License Free

Free Polls for Gathering Opinions with PollDaddy

Posted · Category: License Free, Polls

I think many people are familiar with PollDaddy which is an online tool, which allows you to create free polls and place them on your website, blog, MySpace, hi5, Friendster or Xanga account or anywhere online.

PollDaddy is simple and flexible, allowing you to customize our styles to match your website or email campaign. Deliver your poll through JavaScript, flash, direct link, widget or RSS to survey your user’s opinions.

It looks really nice as well. You can choose different themes for your polls. The only drawback is that there is a PollDaddy.com link on your polls.

polldaddy.png polldadyy2.png

Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.polldaddy.com
License: License Free

How to Create a YUI Based Lightbox

Posted · Category: Gallery, License Free, Popup

Code Central has shown us how easily one can create a lightbox using YUI’s Dialog class. The lightbox incorporated many new features, along with old features such as drop and drag, it has an image preloader, it can scale large images to fit the window, it has a maximum button that allows you to inflate scaled images. You can even double click on the title bar to switch between maximized and scaled mode (for images that are larger than browser’s window area). You can also hide the lightbox conveniently by clicking on the image.


Requirements: Firefox 2+, Netscape 8+, IE 6+, Opera 9+
Demo: http://test.thecodecentral.com/demos/lightboxrev/lightbox.html
License: License Free

Jonas Rask Design Free Icons for Developers

Posted · Category: Icons, License Free

Jonas Rask Design has created a set of beautiful 32 x 32 px toolbar icons. He has decided to release these free for developers and private individuals alike. You can use them in your applications, in your toolbar, on your website. It’s entirely up to you. A credit or backlink is not required but appreciated. Package includes ICNS,PNG, TIFF, Mac Icons and Pixadex iContainer versions. Enjoy.

*UPDTAE 19 July 2008
Site has been moved. You can download this set of icons on http://jonas.seph.ws/stuff/drf.zip


Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://jonas.seph.ws/
License: License Free

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