It has been well said by someone,
“If you wake up at a different time, and that too in a different place… could you wake up as a different person?â€
And what purpose does this quote serves here?
Then let me give a brief on this. This is the Age of the Internet. And as we are well aware of the fact that its use has cut all the boundaries and now, everything in this world is accessible at a single click. For instance, if you running a business website and the site is accessed in a different place, far away from the native roots, at a different time and by an alien person. Then, who would be telling that person about your business, more importantly how would you create that one ever lasting impression. You cannot afford to “wake up as a different person or identity†for different people every time.
Then, who gives you this power of creating that that visual communication between the visitor and you, that serves as an extension of your business?
The answer is the LOGO of your company. Read the rest of this entry »
Nick La was trying to style CSS3 border-radius to image element and he realized that Firefox doesn’t display border-radius on images. Then he figured a way to work around it – wrap a span tag around with the original image as a background-image.
And also, Darcy Clarke has written a piece of jQuery code which does the magic tag wrapping automatically. You can view the tutorial on CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery.

Source: CSS3 Rounded Image with jQuery
Alex Marandon has written a comprehensive guide about How to build a web widget (using jQuery). It covers only techniques which are specific to web widgets so you should already be familiar with JavaScript, jQuery and web development if you want to follow easily.
The interesting points will be: ensure the widget’s code doesn’t accidentally mess up with the rest of the page, dynamically load external CSS and JavaScript files, bypass browsers’ single-origin policy using JSONP.

Source: http://alexmarandon.com/articles/web_widget_jquery/
At the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling close to half a billion active users.
Pingdom has published an article: Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site, which takes a look at some of the software and techniques they use to accomplish that.

Source: http://royal.pingdom.com/2010/06/18/the-software-behind-facebook/

“Advertising generally works to reinforce consumer trends rather than initiating themâ€
This quote becomes quite contradictory in its own terms when it comes to the web designing world. Trends hold a lot of importance when when it comes to incorporating any structure, layout, design, or even a single graphic to a website.
Technology changes with each click of the mouse. Every day, at every single click, a new trend or technology emerges, which changes web design trends. It undergoes a continuous and a very fast pace.
The web world of designs is going more humane, aesthetic, and functional in appeal. As the web industry is fickle, more and more designs trends are on their full pace. Sole web presence doesn’t really work. Incorporation of interactive and attractive designs in a website was, is and will always remain important and thus won’t hamper the new emerging trends.
The best way to communicate any idea in the world of web design is a good and a subtle straight-forward design. And it acts as an icing on the cake, when a website is launched with a creative and unique layouts. It does not stop at having a great content, the entire layout and how it has been structured, decides its readability and influence on the reader. Read the rest of this entry »
Every new Apple mobile device and every new Mac — along with the latest version of Apple’s Safari web browser — supports web standards including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. These web standards are open, reliable, highly secure, and efficient. They allow web designers and developers to create advanced graphics, typography, animations, and transitions.
Apple has demonstrated how the latest version of Apple’s Safari web browser, new Macs, and new Apple mobile devices all support the capabilities of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Not all browsers offer this support. But soon other modern browsers will take advantage of these same web standards — and the amazing things they enable web designers to do. You can also visit Safari Dev Center for more information about HTML5 and to see how you can add effects like these to your website.

Source: http://www.apple.com/html5/
Google Chrome is designed to be fast in every possible way: It’s quick to start up from your desktop, loads web pages in a snap, and runs complex web applications fast. And Chrome’s browser window is streamlined, clean and simple. And also, Extensions are a great way to add more features and functionality to the browser.
Now, we have got a list of Featured Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers. Complement Google Chrome’s developer tools with extensions, to make web development faster and more efficient. Edit HTML, test your pages on various screen resolutions, improve the performance of your apps and more — all directly from the browser.

Source: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/featured/web_dev
I think most of us have written at least one jQuery Plugin / Script. In this post, Latent Motion would like to show us how to get the most out of that script by also releasing it as a jQuery Bookmarklet. You will find two examples of utilities that are ripe for bookmarkleting, as well as a prepared jQuery Bookmarklet file that you can easily modify for the purpose.
Within the article: How to Create a jQuery Bookmarklet. You will find a jQuery Bookmarklet template provided for us. What it does is:
1. Test if jQuery already exists, attempts to load it, and then tests if it’s loaded 5 times every second, waiting to call the jqReady function.
2. Use a similar process with the array JS, attempting to load jQuery dependent scripts (such as jQuery plugins). Once done, it will call jqCustom.
3. In jqCustom, if uncommented, it will load myCSS, and then run any jQuery code you’ve added.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.latentmotion.com/how-to-create-a-jquery-bookmarklet/
License: Creative Commons License
Isobar Code Standards & Front-end Development Best Practices contains normative guidelines for web applications built by the Interface Development practice of Isobar North America (previously Molecular). It is to be readily available to anyone who wishes to check the iterative progress of their best practices.
The document outlines their de-facto code standards. The primary motivation is two- fold: 1) code consistency and 2) best practices. By maintaining consistency in coding styles and conventions, they can ease the burden of legacy code maintenance, and mitigate risk of breakage in the future. By adhering to best practices, they ensure optimized page loading, performance and maintainable code.

Source: Isobar Code Standards & Front-end Development Best Practices
Envato Marketplace has recently launched CodeCanyo. At CodeCanyon, you can purchase and sell scripts and components for a variety of languages and frameworks, currently including JavaScript, PHP, ASP.NET, and Java. Most of the items are at very low price.
Here we have collected the following 20 Really Useful Scripts & Components on CodeCanyon. You may find them useful when developing your own web applications. Please feel free to suggest some useful scripts you found somewhere else as well.
1. Living Form

This technique allows you to create unique forms that are guaranteed to impress your clients. You can choose multiple colors and adjust more than ten different variables to create your own effects. The possible combinations are infinite and there are no limits to the effects you can create.
2. ThumbsUp

ThumbsUp would be a nice addition to your website. It allows visitors to vote for anything you want. It ships with an admin interface and six different templates for you to choose from.
3. Advanced Backup System

This script is a must have for every webdeveloper/webmaster that want to save some time. Advanced Backup System or Abs helps you with tasks as backing up files, backing up databases and deploy new version to a server. Read the rest of this entry »