Laker is a compendium of files, styles and tips for designing digital publications in HTML5. This development guide shall help you solving some of the common problems when designing and building a digital publication with HTML5. It provides you with all information about files, scripts, styles etc. used in Laker.
Laker uses a customized version of the “Baker ebook framework†for producing an iOS app. It basically reads a bunch of HTML files and displays them one after another. Designing pages and adding interactivity is all done in HTML5. That makes it more accessible and cheap to develop, because you do not need any proprietary software.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Box-shadow is a pretty powerful property in modern browsers. With just six little values, you can make some really neat stuff. How much neat stuff, you ask? The result is 39 Ridiculous Things To Do With CSS3 Box Shadows that, due to whatever issues, can only be viewed in Chrome 11 or better.
You can navigate with the arrow keys, and he has moved the CSS for each object into the object HTML, which should make it easier to look at particular effects.

Requirements: Chrome Browser
License: License Free
Nick La has written a detail tutorial on how to create an Animated Scroll to Top as seen on Web Designer Wall. It is very simple to do with jQuery (just a few lines of code). It checks if the scrollbar top position is greater than certain value, then fade in the scroll to top button. Upon the link is clicked, it scrolls the page to the top.
Note the back to top button is linking to anchor #top which is the ID of the <body> tag. Technically speaking you don’t need to assign any anchor link because jQuery can scroll the page to any position. However, it is nice to include it because it provides a fallback if Javascript is not supported.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
Though it’s not widely known, you can write native-feeling iOS apps for the iPhone and iPad in JavaScript (+ HTML and CSS). If you want to put it in the app store, you can even package your web app as a “native” Objective-C app.
In this article, Matt will explain HOWTO: Create native-looking iPhone/iPad applications from HTML, CSS and JavaScript, which includes how to strip away the browser chrome (the url bar and button bar); prevent viewport scrolling and scaling; respond to multi-touch and gesture events; use webkit CSS to get the iPhone OS look and feel; cache the app so it runs without internet access; get a custom icon on the home screen; and have a splash screen load at the start.

JavaScript Garden is a growing collection of documentation about the most quirky parts of the JavaScript programming language. It gives advice to avoid common mistakes, subtle bugs, as well as performance issues and bad practices that non-expert JavaScript programmers may encounter on their endeavours into the depths of the language.
JavaScript Garden does not aim to teach you JavaScript. Former knowledge of the language is strongly recommended in order to understand the topics covered in this guide. It is published under the MIT license and hosted on GitHub.

Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Web technology has filtered its way in to portfolios especially in the digital work place job market. Creative Professionals are looking for an portfolios websites for an exclusive online presence to present their work more professionally and elegantly.
Recently, I have been working on my personal portfolio website, which mainly showcase the websites I have done in the past. I have been browsing through hundreds of Professionally Designed Personal Portfolio Websites for inspirations. And I have hand-picked the following most beautiful ones for you. Please feel free to suggest the ones you love too!
Josh Sullivan

Adham Dannaway

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Text messaging has become extremely widespread throughout the world – to the point where an increasing number of web applications have integrated SMS to notify users of events, sales or coupons directly through their mobile devices. Nettuts has written a tutorial: How to Send Text Messages with PHP.
There are a myriad of methods to accomplish the task of sending a SMS through a web application. This method is really meant for low volume messaging (most likely less than 1,000 text messages per month) and developers looking to get their feet wet without forking out cash.

&YET has written a detailed article on Re-using Backbone.js Models on the server with Node.js and to build real-time apps.
Using this approach we send very small changes over an already established connection, we can very quickly synchronize state from one client to the other or the server can get updates from an external data source, modify the model on the server and those changes would immediately be sent to the connected clients. Best of all – it’s fast. Now, you can just write your views like you normally would in a Backbone.js app.

Envy Labs Rails 3 Cheat Sheets is another great cheat sheet to add to our Web Developers Cheat Sheets. Some of these sheets may be a review if you’ve already been working with Rails 3 for a few months now, but they’re great if you’re just now getting the hang of it or you want a good reference guide.

Drop-shadows are easy enough to create using pseudo-elements. It’s a nice and robust way to progressively enhance a design. The article: CSS drop-shadows without images, is a summary of the technique and some of the possible appearances.
There is no need for extra markup, the effect can be applied to a single element. A couple of pseudo-elements are generated from an element and then pushed behind it.

Requirements: Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 5+, Safari 5+, Opera 10.6+
License: License Free