JSLoader is a dead-simple, non-intrusive “Javascript-on-demand” packaging convention which helps developers and the internet community rapidly develop and prototype applications without the headache of figuring out the witches’ brew of files that need to be copied, included, etc. You do not need to download anything to use all the Javascript frameworks. it is because multiple sites will share this code the browser and proxy caches will help make things more efficient.
All Javascript Libraries are already installed on their server, so all you need to do is create a <script></script> tag with inside <noautolink> of your page and you should be able to load any of the available modules. Once you’ve loaded them, close the script tag out, and use a separate script block for using the API.
JSLoader supports many Javascript Framewroks. The following the an example of how to load a particular Javascript Library on your website / web application.
// Ext.js
// JQuery (no plugins yet…)
// Lightbox (for prototype/scriptaculous)
// Prototype.js
JSLoader.load(“ria”,”prototype”,”1.6.0-rc0″);// Scriptaculous
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://www.jsloader.com/
License: LGPL License

When developing PHP applications a great deal of time and effort is wasted writing tedious SQL queries to create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) entities. This situation is exacerbated when working with objects because relational database management systems, with which most persistent storage is maintained, can only store scalar values organized into tables. The developer is responsible for translating objects into a series of scalar values. This translation process is often very time consuming.
Junction maps an object’s state to a database, letting application developers concentrate on application level details. It is the glue between your application and its database, and it is easy to use and extensible.
Requirements: PHP 5+
Demo: http://junctionphp.com/
License: MIT License
Microsoft® Silverlight™ is a cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web.
Silverlight offers a flexible programming model that supports AJAX, VB, C#, Python, and Ruby, and integrates with existing Web applications. Silverlight supports fast, cost-effective delivery of high-quality video to all major browsers running on the Mac OS or Windows.
You can see the power of Silverlight from the Showcase.
Requirements: Microsoft Silverlight Runtimes 1.0
Demo: http://silverlight.net/Showcase/
License: License Information
We have got an official User Interface Library of jQuery eventually… It is called jQuery UI, is a set of themable widgets and interactions, built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library, that you can use to build highly interactive web applications.The core of the library revolves around different mouse interactions, namely drag and dropping, sorting, selecting, and resizing.
On top of the core interactions are built a number of reusable widgets, including accordions, date pickers, dialogs, sliders, table sorters, and tabs. Finally, the library is finished off with a few effects that you can use to liven up your site, specifically magnifier and shadow. The photo gallery and the speed testing application is particular impressive which shows you the power of the UI.

Requirements: jQuery Javascript Framework
Demo: http://ui.jquery.com/
License: MIT License / GPL License

RichFaces is a rich component library for JavaServer Faces built on an advanced open source framework (Ajax4jsf). It allows easy integration of AJAX capabilities into enterprise-level business application development. RichFaces enriches the Ajax4jsf framework in two important ways. First, it expands the number of visual ready-to-use components. Secondly, it fully implements the skinability feature of the Ajax4jsf framework including a large number of predefined skins. Using skinability, it is much easier to manage the look-and-feel of an application.
This demo Web application showcases the most important functionality available in RichFaces components. For each component or component set selected in the left-hand sidebar, you can see it in action. Also, you can instantly see the effect of predefined skins on the application whole look-and-feel. I really like the “Drag Indicator” one.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://livedemo.exadel.com/richfaces-demo/
License: LGPL License
Jitsu contains an integrated set of tools to enable developers to build and deploy sophisticated user interfaces for web applications. These include an Xml markup language, page compiler, data binding engine, JavaScript runtime, control library, runtime inspector, animation engine, cross-platform library, Ajax, and back button support. Jitsu applications use DHTML and run in most modern web browsers.
As a startup with a consumer focus, their budget for software is minimal. They like free and open-source technologies like Apache, Linux, MySql. They couldn’t find any open source Ajax frameworks that supported compiled Xml and data binding. So they built their own, and released Jitsu under an open source license.
Jitsu is still in its infancy and the code provided is intended for evaluation and feedback only. They don’t feel that Jitsu today is suitable for use in a large-scale project. In the near future, they will release a Beta version of Jitsu that will be much more suitable as a building base.
Requirements: Any Modern Browsers
Demo: http://www.jitsu.org/jitsu/quicktours/index.html
License: MIT License
Akelos is a PHP4 and PHP5 port of Ruby on Rails PHP framework for developing database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Controller pattern. From the Ajax in the view, to the request and response in the controller, to the domain model wrapping the database the Akelos PHP Framework gives you a pure-PHP development environment built upon programming best practices. To go live, all you need to add is a database and a web server. Akelos PHP Framework is designed for PHP developers who want to enjoy writing web applications and Ruby on Rails developers who need to code in PHP. It allows developers to write multilingual web applications easily as well. It lets you write beautiful PHP Code by favoring convention over configuration.
Requirements: Web Server and Database
Demo: http://www.akelos.org/screencasts
License: LGPL License

Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing. Some people think this is not necessary to have a framework for just CSS. On the other side, some people think CSS frameworks is there to improve effeciency and give you a better start from the gate. You decide.
As a result of this unexpected surge in traffic, the entire project has moved to Google Code.
Requirements: No Requirements
Demo: http://bjorkoy.com/blueprint
License: MIT License
The Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) Library is a set of utilities and controls, written in JavaScript, for building richly interactive web applications using techniques such as DOM scripting, DHTML and AJAX. The YUI Library also includes several core CSS resources. All components in the YUI Library have been released as open source under a BSD license and are free for all uses. YUI version 2.3.0 has just released on July 31, 2007 with six new additions to the library as well as a new skinning architecture and a new visual treatment for most of our UI controls. The new features include Rich Text Editor, Base CSS, YUILoader Utility, ImageLoader Utility, Color Picker Control, YUI Test Utility.

Requirements: Modern Browsers
Demo: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/
License: BSD License

CodeIgniter is an Application Development Framework/Toolkit for people who want to create full-featured web applications using PHP. Its goal is to enable you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, by providing a rich set of libraries for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and logical structure to access these libraries. CodeIgniter lets you creatively focus on your project by minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
Requirements: PHP version 4.3.2 or newer with Database
Demo: http://codeigniter.com/tutorials/
License: License Free