$fx() is a compact lightweight JavaScript library which extends DOM element by adding animation methods. It lets you to alter any CSS property allong time line by passing just simple configuration. Moreover you can combine effects, group them to the chains and run parallel, also you have ability to set different callbacks what gives you even more flexibility.
$fx() is not the attempt to compete with existing existing frameworks, but just the library for some different purposes. Most of animation libraries are based on different JavaScript frameworks like jQuery or prototype or have pretty big size theirself. So if you want to keep you scripts extremely lightweight and and do not load and run a bunch of extra JavaScript then $fx() fit the best.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://fx.inetcat.com/
License: License Free
UI.Layout was inspired by the extJS border-layout, and recreates that functionality as a jQuery plug-in. The UI.Layout plug-in can create any UI look you want – from simple headers or sidebars, to a complex application with toolbars, menus, help-panels, status bars, sub-forms, etc.
UI.Layout creates a ‘page-layout’ that has auto-sizing ‘center pane’ surrounded by up to four collapsible and resizable ‘border panes’ (north, south, east & west). It can also create multiple headers & footers inside each pane.
For more complex layouts, you can nest layouts within layouts. Or use an iframe as a pane to create a ‘sub-form’ that can have its own layout. The possibilities are unlimited – from simple fixed headers or sidebars to rich applications. Layouts are created from existing elements (divs, iframes, etc), so UI.Layout will degrade gracefully.
Combined it with other jQuery UI widgets to create a sophisticated application. There are no limitations or issues – this widget is ready for production use. You can checkout Demos page for a list of all demos and samples.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://layout.jquery-dev.net/
License: GPL, MIT License
WireIt is an open-source javascript library to create web wirable interfaces like Yahoo! Pipes for dataflow applications, visual programming languages or graphical modeling. Wireit uses the YUI library (2.6.0) for DOM and events manipulation, and excanvas for IE support of the canvas tag. It currently supports Firefox 1.5+, Safari 2.0+, IE 7.0, Opera 9+ and Chrome 0.2.x.

Requirements: YUI Framework
Demo: http://javascript.neyric.com/wireit/
License: MITLicense
OpenZoom is an Open Source Framework for Multi-Scale Images and Zoomable User Interfaces (ZUI). The OpenZoom core framework is built on top of the Adobe Flash Platform and provides custom components that can be used either in Flash or Flex.
MultiScaleImage is a component that built on top of the OpenZoom framework.There are three core concepts of the MultiScaleImage, namely transformers, controllers and constraints.
The transformer controls the animation of the viewport. Controllers are the glue between user input and viewport control. The constraint controls what states the viewport can reach. Don’t want people to zoom out too much? Just add a ZoomConstraint and set minimum and maximum zoom.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://gasi.ch/blog/flex-multiscaleimage-component/
License: GPL License
Sinatra is a Ruby “micro framework” for developing Web applications. It seems to have reached critical mass – it’s on the cusp of becoming really popular.
This is a good time to check it out and see where it could fit into your own projects. Lots of awesome articles about Sinatra, Sinatra apps, and various links and resources have cropped up over the past few months.
RubyInside shows us the best links and resources for Sinatra they have found on Sinatra: 29 Links and Resources For A Quicker, Easier Way to Build Webapps. Most of which you should find useful as you start to explore Sinatra in detail.
The resources includes Tutorials and Presentations, Sinatra Applications, Deployment, Sinatra Blogging Engines and Sites Built on Sinatra.
Requirements: Sinatra
Demo: http://www.rubyinside.com/sinatra…
License: MIT License
Facebook Connect is the next evolution of Facebook Platform – enabling you to integrate the power of Facebook Platform into your own site. Enable your users to seamlessly “connect” their Facebook account and information with your site. Find their friends who also use your site. And also, share information and actions on your site with their friends on Facebook.
With Facebook Connect, users can connect their Facebook account with any partner Web site using their simplified and trusted authentication. Facebook users represent themselves with their real names and real identities. Users can take their friends with them wherever they go on the Web. As a user moves around the open Web, their privacy settings will follow them, ensuring that users’ information and privacy rules are always up to date.

Update: You can also look at the video which shows you how to “Add Facebook Connect to Your Blog in 8 Minutes“.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://developers.facebook.com/connect.php
License: Facebook TOS
A lot of people have been asking for some comparison articles for some of the popular frameworks. Here I found a nice comparison between Zend framework and CakePHP framework from Douglas Brown.
ZF offers a simple component library to provide 80 percent of the functionality mostly needed by developers. The rest of the 20 percent can be altered as per your requirements of the business. This can be done since it has a flexible architecture and you do not need any configuration file to get started with. Due to this, training costs are lessened and the product reaches the market sooner.
CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP that offers a flexible architecture for development, maintenance and deployment of applications. It uses the usual design patterns like MVC and ORM within the convention over configuration paradigm that helps lower development expenses and does not need the developers to write a lot of code.
Just like ZF, CakePHP does not require configuration. It is very simple to use. The company has a user friendly community called #cakephp on IRC that helps new users to begin. It is distributed under the MIT License and promises Best Practices like security, authentication and session handling. It has an object-oriented approach to keep you at ease.
Overall, both these frameworks are good to use as per your requirements. CakePHP is suitable for developers new to MVC and those who require stricter conventions. ZF is a choice for those who need better control over the application design and built-in support for renowned Web services. Both the frameworks are developing fast and the choice is entirely yours.
Some of the people noted that CakePHP has poor documentation. The Zend Framework definitely has better documentation. So if you were just getting started using an MVC Framework, ZF would be a good place to start.
Source: Zend Framework vs CakePHP Framework

PRADO is a component-based and event-driven programming framework for developing Web applications in PHP 5. PRADO stands for PHP Rapid Application Development Object-oriented. A range of web applications have been built using the PRADO Framework.
There is a configurable and pluggable modular architecture and full spectrum of database support within PRADO. It supports AJAX-enabled Web components, Customizable and localizable error/exception handling and Generic caching modules and selective output caching. There is some sort of Security measures: cross-site script (XSS) prevention, cookie protection as well. Most importantly, Rich documentation and strong userbase will help you through.
The sole requirement to run PRADO-based applications is a Web server supporting PHP 5.1.0 or higher. PRADO is free. You can use it to develop either open source or commercial applications.
Requirements: PHP 5.1.0+
Demo: http://www.pradosoft.com/
License: Revised BSD
Jx is a javascript library for creating graphical user interaces based on the fabulous MooTools library. They provide access to the library as well as extensive documentation and examples. The Jx examples are a set of web pages that illustrate specific Jx components. Simply click on a page in the tree to the left to load the appropriate sample and get started exploring Jx right away.
The theme selection allows you to change between Jx skins on the fly. Simply click the button to expose a list of available skins and select a new skin to see the effect immediately. They store a cookie in your browser so you don’t have to keep changing skins every time you load a new example. Jx is distributed under the MIT license.

Requirements: Mootools Framework
Demo: http://jxlib.org/
License: MIT License
CSS Frameworks have been a hot topic the past few months. Although they’ve been getting a lot of heat from semantic freaks and minimalists (for adding unnecessary code), I think they’re a step forward. Web design is about doing things quickly and beautifully. No matter how you feel about frameworks, it’s undeniable that they speed up the design process.
We have seen some of the popular CSS Framework like, 960.gs, Blueprint, YAML. Capsize Designs decided to combine the good points of each of them to get something that I was satisfied with. He has pretty much taken the entire grid from Blueprint (with a bunch of his own changes) and the entire typography from Tripoli (with a bunch more of his changes). Since most of it came from BlueprintCSS or Tripoli, This CSS Framework is called BlueTrip. The end result ended up really nice.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://capsizedesigns.com/blog/2008/04/bluetripcss…
License: MIT and GPL License