Glow is a JavaScript library which aims to make working with JavaScript and the DOM easier. It tries to do this by abstracting common tasks, hiding cross-browser issues, and providing a set of user interface widgets. Glow isn’t the BBC’s first JavaScript library, although it is the first to be released as open source software.
There are a range of excellent open source JavaScript libraries available nowadays. However, on reviewing the major libraries, BBC found that none met their standards and guidelines, with browser support in particular being a major issue. Therefore, they decided to build a JavaScript library tailored to their requirements. Naming it Glow.
Glow is available under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0. This allows you to use the library in nearly all circumstances, and to modify it as you see fit.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.bbc.co.uk/glow/
License: Apache 2.0 License
scripty2 is a complete rewrite of the venerable script.aculo.us library. It is a powerful, flexible JavaScript framework to help you write your own delicious visual effects & user interfaces.
However, scripty2 is still in a prerelease alpha version and not meant for production use at the moment. Even in alpha, the effects engine can now do so much more, with less code to write.

Requirements: Prototype Framework
Demo: http://scripty2.com/demos/cards/
License: Creative Commons 3.0 License

Hemlock is an open-source web development framework, focused on allowing easy development of real-time, many-to-many apps. Hemlock follows the inspiration of Ruby web frameworks like Rails and Merb. It can be used for applications such as games, workspace collaboration and education.
A client registers for message and is only contacted when a relevant one arrives. By combining the scalability of XMPP with the flexibility of Flash, Hemlock allows you to create web applications that are more dynamic, interactive and exciting.
Hemlock 0.1 is now ready for download. Hemlock includes an example app called DrawingDemoContainer. This shows off two of the starter HemlockWidgets: a basic chatroom, and a multi-user canvas for drawing pictures. Either of these can be reused, modified, and skinned across Hemlock apps. You can learn more about Hemlock and the setup process in Learn section.
Requirements: Flash Required
Demo: http://hemlock-kills.com/
License: MIT License
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important user-interface components for today’s websites. This single JavaScript file weighs only 5.8 Kb. This library contains some useful JavaScript tools like tabs, tooltips, accordions, overlays, smooth navigation, great visual effects and all those “web 2.0” goodies that you have seen on your favourite websites.
You don’t need to be a programmer to use these tools. They have lots of Demos you can explore and you can copy their source code to your site and things will work. Each tool is used in a similar manner and by learning one tool you can easily learn the other tools.
And above all, the library is constantly maintained and updated. Expect to see new releases coming out on a regular basis. This library is dual licensed under MIT and GPL 2+ licenses.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://flowplayer.org/tools/demos/index.html
License: MIT, GPL 2+ License
Moousture is a mouse gesture library with power and flexiblity to mould itself for you. Implemented on Mootools following the Object Oriented standards. Library is aimed to set out a future framework for mouse guesters for any browser including modern mobile devices.
Its based on three major concepts. A probe, which probes the pointing device. A monitor, which tests the stability of probed device on given intervals and accordingly notifies Moousture events (onStable, onUnstable, onMove). And a Moousture recorder class that records the mouse movements and invoke the guesture object passed to it. Each class allows you to tune the way gestures for yourself.

Requirements: MooTools Framework
Demo: http://neofreeman.freepgs.com/Moousture/
License: GPL License
jQuery Masonry is a layout plugin for jQuery. Think of Masonry as the flip side of CSS floats. Where as floats arrange elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges them vertically then horizontally. The result leaves no vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall. Masonry will work with all structural elements: div’s, lists, p’s, spans.
There are no setting or options within in the plugin. Instead, all spacing properties can be set with CSS. The only property required for Masonry to work is for the width of the child elements. Child elements should be should have equal width in order to avoid any overlapping.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://desandro.com/resources/jquery-masonry
License: License Free

RestfulX is a framework that brings a clean, REST-inspired approach to Adobe Flex and AIR development and makes integration with RESTful Web Services as simple as possible.
If you want to use Ruby on Rails, Merb, Sinatra, CouchDB or Google App Engine and you want a UI that puts the word Rich into Rich Internet Applications give RestfulX a spin. RestfulX only takes 5 minutes to get started.
Instead of WSDL, SOAP or other complex specifications you’ll find a few common conventions that help you to abstract your application from repetitive CRUD code and switch/synchronize between various data providers with minimal effort.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://restfulx.github.com/
License: MIT License
Ext Core is a cross-browser JavaScript library for building dynamic web pages. It is lightweight with high performance. The code is clear and maintainable. Ext Core is intuitive with easy to use API as well. You can easily build Carousel, Lightbox, Menu, JSONP, Simple Tabs with Ext Core.
The Carousel example provides a widget for browsing a set of objects. It can be configured to meet any of your specific requirements – auto-play, animations, custom navigation dynamic content and more. The Lightbox example provides a widget used to overlay images on the current page.
The Menu example provides a widget that converts an existing list of links on the page to either a horizontal or vertical menu. The JSONP example shows how you can fetch JSON data from a different domain. It includes a class you can use to connect to any possible web service that supports the JSON format. The Simple Tabs example shows how you can create powerful navigation with only a few lines of code using Ext Core.

Requirements: Internet Explorer 6+, FireFox 1.5+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+
Demo: http://extjs.com/products/extcore/
License: MIT License
The Guardian Open Platform is the suite of services that make it possible for us to build applications with the Guardian. They have opened up their platform so that everyone can benefit from the journalism, the brand, and the technologies that power guardian.co.uk. The Open Platform currently includes two products, the Content API and the Data Store.
1. The Content API is a mechanism for getting Guardian content. You can query their content database for articles and get them back in formats that are geared toward integration with other internet applications. The Content API is a free service including commercial applications. However, there are some limits and restrictions.
2. The Data Store is a collection of important and high quality data sets curated by Guardian journalists. You can find useful data there, download it, and integrate it with other internet applications. The Data Store has a range of different uses for different types of partners. They will include relevant terms and conditions along with each service.
The Guardian Open Platform is a useful environment for anyone who creates for the internet. They will offer more services in the future such as an ad network and an application platform.

Source: The Guardian Open Platform
Stephen Bau has been looking for a means of rapidly developing interactive prototypes for his site designs. He has been building a library of commonly used HTML elements, combining these with CSS for typography and layout.
He finally created Fluid 960 Grid System Templates (960 pixel fixed width, 12-column fluid width and 16-column fluid width) which have been built upon the work of Nathan Smith and his 960 Grid System using effects from the Mootools JavaScript library.
These templates are offered free of charge in accordance with the applicable licenses for 960 Grid System and Mootools.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://designinfluences.com/fluid960gs/
License: GPL, MIT License