SWFAddress is a small, but powerful library that provides deep linking for Flash and Ajax. It’s a developer tool, allowing creation of unique virtual URLs that can point to a website section or an application state.
SWFAddress enables a number of important capabilities which are missing in today’s rich web technologies including: Bookmarking in a browser or social website. Sending links via email or instant messenger.
It also enables finding specific content with the major search engines. And utilizing browser history and reload buttons.
It has been tested on Internet Explorer 6.0+, Mozilla Firefox 1.0+, Safari 1.3+, Opera 9.5+, Chrome 1.0+ and Camino 1.0+.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.asual.com/swfaddress/
License: MIT License
CSSHttpRequest is cross-domain Ajax using CSS. Like JavaScript includes, this works because CSS is not subject to the same-origin policy that affects XMLHttpRequest. CSSHttpRequest functions similarly to JSONP, and is limited to making GET requests. Unlike JSONP, untrusted third-party JavaScript cannot execute in the context of the calling page.
function(response) { alert(response); }
Data is encoded on the server into URI-encoded 2KB chunks and serialized into CSS rules with a modified data:
URI scheme. The selector should be in the form #c<N>
, where N is an integer index in [0,]. The response is decoded and returned to the callback function as a string:
#c0 { background: url(data:,Hello%20World!); }
#c1 { background: url(data:,I’m%20text%20encoded%20in%20CSS!); }
#c2 { background: url(data:,I%20like%20arts%20and%20crafts.); }
CSSHttpRequest is open source under an Apache License (Version 2.0).
Requirements: IE6+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, iPhone
Demo: http://nb.io/hacks/csshttprequest
License: Apache License

The Symfony Components are standalone and reusable PHP classes. With no pre-requisite, except for PHP, you can install them today, and start using them right away. Currently, there are three components available at the moment.
YAML – A PHP library that speaks YAML
Symfony YAML is a PHP library that parses YAML strings and converts them to PHP arrays. It can also converts PHP arrays to YAML strings.
Event Dispatcher – Facilitating communication between PHP classes
Symfony Event Dispatcher is a PHP library that provides a lightweight implementation of the Observer design pattern.
Dependency Injection – Reinventing how you manage PHP classes
Symfony Dependency Injection is a PHP library that provides a robust Dependency Injection Container.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://components.symfony-project.org/
License: MIT License

Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like web.py or Google’s webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure.
The framework is distinct from most mainstream web server frameworks because it is non-blocking and reasonably fast. Because it is non-blocking and uses epoll, it can handle thousands of simultaneous standing connections, which means it is ideal for real-time web services.
They built the web server Tornado specifically to handle FriendFeed’s real-time features — every active user of FriendFeed maintains an open connection to the FriendFeed servers.
Requirements: PycURL and a JSON library like simplejson installed
Demo: http://www.tornadoweb.org/
License: Apache 2.0 License
jQTouch is a jQuery plugin for mobile web development on forward-thinking devices. You can create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and jQuery. It supports native animations, automatic navigation, and themes for mobile WebKit browsers like iPhone, G1, and Pre.
jQTouch requires one basic theme to make page transitions work which is very small. One could use just the core CSS file to build a completely custom UI. Themes are additional CSS files which provide native-looking styles, mostly centered around the iPhone OS. Themes included are: Apple, jQT and Vanilla.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://jqtouch.com/
License: MIT License
Baseline is a framework built around the idea of a “real†baseline grid. Built with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography.
Baseline starts with several files to reset the browser’s default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website and grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real†baseline grid as it’s foundation.
Baseline is free and will always be free, it is a way to give back to the web community and promote better typography. It is licenses under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://baselinecss.com/
License: Creative Commons License
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It’s an open source software package, aimed at enabling users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own.
Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.

Requirements: Yahoo User Interface Library
Demo: http://www.picok.org/en/
License: GPL 3.0 License
eyeos is an open source web desktop following the cloud computing concept. It is mainly written in PHP, XML, and Javascript. It acts as a platform for web applications written using the eyeos Toolkit. It includes a Desktop environment with 67 applications and system utilities. It is accessible by portable devices via its mobile front edu. eyeos lets you upload your files and work with them no matter where you are. It contains applications like Word Processor, Address Book, PDF reader, and many more developed by the community.
For developers, eyeos provides the eyeos Toolkit, a set of libraries and functions to develop applications for eyeos. Using the integrated Portage-based eyeSoft system, anyone can create their own repository for eyeos and distribute applications through it.
Each core part of the desktop is its own application, using javascript to send server commands as the user interacts. As actions are performed using ajax (such as launching an application), it sends event information to the server. The server then sends back tasks for the client to do in XML format, such as drawing a widget.
On the server, eyeos uses XML files to store information. This makes it simple for a user to set up eyeos on a server, as it requires zero configuration other than the account information for the first user, making it simple to deploy. To avoid bottlenecks, that flat files present, each user’s information and settings are stored in different files, preventing resource starvation from occurring.

Requirements: Apache + PHP5
Demo: http://eyeos.info/?lang=en
License: Affero GNU Public License version 3
UIZE (pronounced “you eyes”) is a powerful, open source, object oriented JavaScript framework – supporting widgets, AJAX, DOM, templates, and more. UIZE allows you to create more effective user interfaces in your Web-based applications and services.
UIZE does not extend native objects, and supports interoperability with other libraries that adhere to this principle. UIZE is server agnostic – so you can use it with any choice of server language and platform, including Java (Apache TomCat), C# (IIS / ASP.NET), Visual Basic (IIS / ASP), C/C++, Perl (Perl / Apache), PHP, Ruby (Ruby on Rails), Python, etc.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.uize.com/
License: GPL License
Gestalt is a library released by MIX Online Labs that allows you to write Ruby, Python & XAML code in your (X)HTML pages. It enables you to build richer and more powerful web applications by marrying the benefits of expressive languages, modern compilers, AJAX & RIAs with the write » save » refresh development model of the web.
For people to use the pages you write, they will need to have Silverlight installed on their machines. They harness the power of the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) to transparently compile any Ruby, Python & XAML blobs before running the scripts.

Requirements: Silverlight
Demo: http://visitmix.com/labs/gestalt/
License: MSPL License