Animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for you to use in your projects. To use them in your project, simply add the class to the element, or call the animation yourself in your CSS file. The classes and the animations have the same name.
CSS animations are supported in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. Microsoft have also promised support for Internet Explorer 10, and support has been announced for Opera 12.
Animate.css is actually built to complement tools like jQuery. Use something like Modernizr to detect support for CSS3 animations, then use jQuery or another library to provide fallback animations for the browsers that don’t support them. It’s a win-win situation.

Requirements: CSS3 Browsers Support
License: MIT License
Tangle is a JavaScript library for creating reactive documents. Your readers can interactively explore possibilities, play with parameters, and see the document update immediately. It is a lightweight library that provides a simple API for tangling up the values in your document. Tangle.js has no dependencies, and works with any JavaScript framework, or none at all.
TangleKit is an optional collection of UI components that let your readers adjust values and visualize the results. You can grab whichever components you want, use them, extend them, modify them, or just learn from them and make your own. TangleKit also includes (and depends on) a few helpful libraries, such as MooTools, sprintf, and BVTouchable.

Requirements: Javascript enabled
License: MIT License
Kendo UI framework is developed by Telerik, which is a leading provider of development and testing tools for web, desktop and mobile applications. Kendo is an HTML5, jQuery-based framework for building modern web apps.
The framework features more than 10 UI components, including a Grid and Chart, and all of the tools needed for a HTML5 app development, such as Data Binding, Templating, Drag-and-Drop API, and more. There’s no need to manually assemble a full framework for HTML app development; Kendo provides all the pieces, designed to seamlessly work together. It’s UI and much more.
Even though Kendo UI is built to leverage the power of new HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript technologies, it is also built for the realities of a world that does not universally support HTML5 today. In fact, Kendo helps developers adopt the latest in web standards faster by automatically handling the support for older browsers. It does for HTML5 application development what jQuery does for just JavaScript. Kendo UI also provides full support for mobile devices and touchscreen input.

Kendo UI is dual-licensed, Commercial and Open Source (GPLv3). The Commercial license includes full source, professional support, access to the latest Kendo UI hotfix builds, and priority influence on the Kendo UI roadmap.
Kendo UI is very easy to use, and it’s free for download as we mentioned. Why not give it a try and see if you like it or not? I am sure you will be impressed what Kendo UI can do for you.
jwerty is a JS lib which allows you to bind, fire and assert key combination strings against elements and events. It normalises the poor std api into something easy to use and clear. All jwerty events will require a jwertyCode in some way. jwertyCodes can be passed as strings, or arrays, strings being the easiest way to express a combo.
jwerty is a small library, weighing in at around 1.5kb bytes minified and gzipped (~3kb minified). jwerty has no dependencies, but is compatible with jQuery, Zepto or Ender if you include those packages alongside it.

Requirements: Javascript enabled
License: MIT License
PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. PhoneGap leverages web technologies developers already know best… HTML and JavaScript.
PhoneGap is an open source implementation of open standards. That means developers and companies can use PhoneGap for mobile applications that are free, commercial, open source, or any combination of these. The PhoneGap project will always remain free and open source under an MIT license.

Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website. It is jam-packed with cool apps. It’s comes with the territory of being a kick-ass Content Management System.
They have also a wide collection of beautiful themes build by talented designers. With Fork CMS, being a marketing guru is super easy. It also plays nicely with excising services like Campaign Monitor and Google Analytics.
With Fork CMS anyone can contribute to our Content Management System through the power of Open Source. This allows anyone anywhere to use Fork CMS, love Fork CMS and help expand Fork CMS.

Requirements: –
License: See License Terms
Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more. With the help and feedback of many engineers at Twitter, Bootstrap has grown significantly to encompass not only basic styles, but more elegant and durable front-end design patterns.
Bootstrap is tested and supported in major modern browsers like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox. Bootstrap comes complete with compiled CSS, uncompiled, and example templates.

Requirements: Safari, Google Chrome, Firefox 4+,IE 7+, Opera 11
License: Apache License
Sugar is a Javascript library for working with native objects. It is designed to be intuitive, unobtrusive, and let you do more with less code. Sugar is similar to Prototype in that it adds methods to native Javascript objects. However, it doesn’t carry any of the weight of classic browser-oriented frameworks (ajax, DOM manipulation, inheritance, etc.).
Sugar is similar to Underscore.js in that it is intended as a support library for “functional” programming. However, it takes a very different tack with what and how it chooses to implement. Sugar modifies native objects, and is more concerned with intuitive syntax, whereas Underscore.js leaves native objects alone, and is more oriented toward performance.
Sugar will never overwrite methods that already exist, and so is safe to include in any of your pages. It can be opted in over existing frameworks like Prototype, YUI, and MooTools, adding in only the extra bits of sweetness.

Requirements: Javascript Enabled
License: License Free
Would you like to create a game similar to Angry Birds in Javascript? box2dweb can probably help you with that. box2dweb is a port of Box2DFlash 2.1a to JavaScript. The Box2D physics engine was developed by Erin Catto.
There already exists a port to JavaScript called Box2dJs, but it’s not up-to-date and you have to import a big amount of JavaScript files in every project, whereas this version is stored in a single file.

Requirements: Javascript Framework
License: License Free
LevelDB is a fast key-value storage engine written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. Google has recently announced that they are open sourcing LevelDB under a BSD-style license.
LevelDB is a C++ library that can be used in many contexts. For example, LevelDB may be used by a web browser to store a cache of recently accessed web pages, or by an operating system to store the list of installed packages and package dependencies, or by an application to store user preference settings.

Requirements: –
License: BSD License