Faye is a publish-subscribe messaging system based on the Bayeux protocol. It provides message servers for Node.js and Ruby, and clients for use on the server and in all major web browsers.
It also includes a solid set of tools for easily building plain WebSocket servers and clients, compatible with a wide range of protocol versions. The latest version is 0.8.2, released April 12 2012. It is open-source software, released under the MIT license. You can follow development on Faye’s GitHub page.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://faye.jcoglan.com/
License: MIT License
Brunch is an assembler for HTML5 applications. It is a lightweight approach to building HTML5 applications with emphasis on elegance and simplicity. It’s agnostic to frameworks, libraries, programming, stylesheet & templating languages and backend technology.
To simplify app development, brunch watches your files for changes and automatically wraps your scripts and templates in require.js modules. All build errors are printed to console. If you have growl / libnotify, brunch will use them too.
There are some people who are using brunch already. Ranging from internal tooling to high traffic facebook apps. Feel free to check out the examples they mentioned on the website.

Requirements: Node.js
Demo: http://brunch.io/
License: License Free
Firebase is a cloud service that automatically synchronizes data between clients and with our cloud servers. It frees developers from worrying about how their data will be communicated and stored, and allows them to focus on their own application logic. Apps built with Firebase can be written entirely with client-side JavaScript, update in real-time out-of-the-box, are inherently scalable, and interoperate well with existing services.
Firebase is designed so developers can build great apps quickly, and it is intended for both expert developers as well as those just getting started. Firebase’s synchronization approach can provide all of the data storage and transmission needs of many apps. This does not mean, however, that developers can’t run their own servers.
Firebase plays nicely with any existing system through its REST API or its Node.js library, allowing developers of existing apps to add scalable real-time functionality with just a few lines of code.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.firebase.com/
License: License Free
Miso is an open source toolkit designed to expedite the creation of high-quality interactive storytelling and data visualisation content. The first release under the Miso Project is Miso Dataset, a JavaScript client-side data management and transformation library.
It makes managing client-side data easy by handling loading, parsing, sorting, querying & manipulating data from all sorts of sources. Unlike client-side frameworks that focus on entity modelling, Dataset is designed exclusively for working with matrices/tables of data. This allows a rich set of number crunching capabilities and helps optimise the handling of large numbers of rows.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://misoproject.com/dataset/
License: MIT, GPL License
Koottam Social jQuery Plugin is a simple, powerful and elegant Social jQuery Plugin to display your social links. The plugin can be highly customized through 10+ options. There are 7 themes available, and it’s very easy to add more themes in css. One of the best things is that you can make the count display animated easily.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://jobyj.in/koottam-jquery-plugin/
License: License Free
Juice UI is an open-source collection of WebForms components that brings jQuery UI Widgets to your project with ease. Start leveraging the power of the world’s most popular JavaScript UI library while working with familiar code in your ASP.NET projects.
Juice UI allows you to create flexible, interactive web applications quickly. Entice your users with behaviors such as drag & drop, resizing, sorting and selecting. Build first class apps with accordions, autocompletes, datepickers, sliders, and more. Juice UI provides the simplicity needed for prototyping and the robustness needed for enterprise class production applications.

Requirements: ASP.NET
Demo: http://juiceui.com/
License: MIT, GPL License
CreateJS is a suite of modular libraries and tools which work together to enable rich interactive content on open web technologies via HTML5. These libraries are designed to work completely independently, or mixed and matched to suit your needs. The CreateJS Suite is comprised of: EaselJS, TweenJS, SoundJS, PreloadJS, and Zoë.
I really like PreloadJS, which makes it easy to preload your assets: images, sounds, JS, data, or others. It uses XHR2 to provide real progress information when available, or fall back to tag loading and eased progress when it isn’t. It allows multiple queues, multiple connections, pausing queues, and a lot more.

Requirements: JavaScript Enabled
Demo: http://createjs.com
License: License Free
Meteor is a set of new technologies for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started. It is built around Smart Packages: little bundles of code that can run on a client, inside a cloud service, or both, and that can manage their lifetime inside the modern distributed environment.
Meteor provides a Smart Package to address each of the main challenges that developers face in this new world, such as updating a web page automatically when data changes, or performing a “hot code push” to update a running application without users noticing the change.
Developers can freely pick and choose the Smart Packages they would like to use in their app. Meteor then processes the Smart Packages together with their application into a self-contained bundle that is ready to deploy into the cloud.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.meteor.com
License: GPL License
Spaceport helps you build beautiful high-performance games and run them as native apps. Spaceport uses OpenGL to accelerate rendering on native devices. With Spaceport’s graphics engine, you use versatile and efficient vector graphics formats instead of bloated sprite sheets. Doing so minimizes the size of asset downloads and drastically reduces loading times.
Spaceport leverages universal web standards like HTML5 and Javascript to deliver remarkably consistent gaming experiences across platforms. Spaceport allows you to create dynamic online games for multiple devices without a large development team. Better yet, Spaceport is completely free to use. Only pay if your game makes you money.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://spaceport.io/
License: See Agreement
Pinterest is getting very popular recently. Would you like to design a website with layout like Pinterest? The Wookmark jQuery Plugin is designed for laying out a dynamic grid of elements similar to jQuery Masonry. The Wookmark plugin detects the size of the window and automatically organizes the boxes into columns. You can resize your browser to see the layout adjust.
You can either set the width and height of all images in the HTML img attributes. The grid layout can be performed as soon as the document is rendered, before images are loaded. Or you can perform the grid layout after all images are loaded if the width and height of the images is not known.
You can also check out 15 Great Examples of Websites using Dynamic Grid Layout we have published some time ago. It gives you some ideas when creating such websites.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.wookmark.com/jquery-plugin
License: MIT License