Depositphotos is a platform that brings authors of high-quality licensed stock photos, graphics, vectors and videos together. 75+ million files. 24/7 support in 20 languages. Now, you can nab either 100 or 200 images of your choice for up to 75% off the regular price! Besides a ginormous library to browse, you can select ANY SIZE photo you want, including XXL and XXXL sizes and…. with this deal, you can download the images with NO MONTHLY LIMIT and with NO EXPIRATION DATE!
Over 70 million high-quality images! At less than $1 per image (as little as $0.75 each for the 200 image pack option). Do you really need to even think about this one?

Every image, in every webpage you work on, should be flawless in terms of its quality, and its ability to fit with the concept or idea behind the page. An image should also fit in contextually with the accompanying text.
These considerations, and how cleverly you apply them, can make or break user perception of your website.
Images have three super-important roles to play:
- They help us to better understand something.
- They teach us how to use something, and;
- They show us how something is done.

When you are tasked with building a more indie, artsy, or outside-the-envelope project, the images you use can take on an entirely new meaning. They could represent a departure from the norm, be used to establish a context, or help to tell a story.
Images are always an important part of your design work. To make them suitable for the task at hand, they often require a certain degree of processing before you feel comfortable using them. With that in mind, we’ve selected 3 photo effects in Luminar, (the only Mac photo editor that adapts to your style and skill level) that we are sure you’ll fall in love with.
1. Work with Presets
Presets offer the simplest way to give a web image a certain “wow†effect. They can, for example, be used to make a photo appear classic or edgy, or give it an ethereal quality.
This video gives a brief presentation on the use and power of presets in Luminar. Read the rest of this entry »
Need help with pixels and vector shapes in Photoshop, Adobe Xd or Sketch? The Guacamole UI kit will get you going. Whether you feel like designing an eye-catching look book in Photoshop, a spicy app in Sketch, or a sweet sweet interaction in Xd, Guacamole goes well with anything.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Pexels started a year ago and has since evolved to a huge database with a lot of amazing free stock photos. To grow Pexels even further they had recently rewrote the whole application and released Pexels 3.0. You can like photos to save them for later and to motivate the photographer. You can upload your own photos to Pexels. And also, there is API available now. Pexels is one of the best sources for high quality stocks. This new version makes it easier to find and download images.

Requirements: –
License: Creative Commons License
Placemat got some pretty nice placeholder nouns for your site. The three current endpoints are,, and Any one of those will actually give you a valid image back on its own, but you probably want to do something a little bit fancier. The good news is that all three endpoints accept the same parameters, so there’s not too much to remember. Everything is controlled via a few simple query string parameters: width, height, text, text color, overlay color, overlay blend mode and etc…

Requirements: –
License: Creative Commons 2.0 License is beautiful placeholders using images from unsplash. Just put your image size (width & height) after our URL and you’ll get a placeholder. You can easily get a random image by appending ?random
to the end of the url; Get a blurred image by appending ?blur
to the end of the url; Select the cropping gravity by adding ?gravity
to the end of the url. You can use the /g/ path to greyscale the image. You can also get a specific image by appending ?image
to the end of the url.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
CamanJS is (ca)nvas (man)ipulation in Javascript. It’s a combination of a simple-to-use interface with advanced and efficient image/canvas editing techniques. CamanJS is very easy to extend with new filters and plugins, and it comes with a wide array of image editing functionality, which continues to grow.
It’s completely library independent and works both in NodeJS and the browser. Both CamanJS and this website are fully open-source and accepting pull requests. To contribute: fork either project, create a new branch for your changes, and send a pull request when ready.

Requirements: Meteor Framework
License: License Free
StockSnap is the best place on the internet to find beautiful free stock photos. They select nothing but the highest quality, highest resolution pictures and add them to their database on a daily basis. This is not your typical crappy stock photo site.
All photos uploaded to the site are released under Creative Commons – CC0 and do not require attribution. No more hassle trying to figure out whether you can use photos for commercial use and whether you need to provide attribution.

Requirements: –
License: Creative Commons License
Creative Market Big Bundle III has just released. They’ve handpicked 75 top products from the marketplace for this very special bundle. You can download and use your products right away and access them any time via your Creative Market account. The Creative Market Bundle is valued at $1,092, but you can pick it up today for just $39. That’s 96% off.

Buy it Now
Lychee is a free photo-management tool, which runs on your server or web-space. Installing is a matter of seconds. Upload, manage and share photos like from a native application. Lychee comes with everything you need and all your photos are stored securely.
You can upload, move, rename, describe, delete or search your photos in seconds. All in one place, right from your browser. Look at all your images in full-screen mode, navigate forward and backward by using your keyboard or let others enjoy your photos by making them public.

Requirements: PHP and MySQL Framework
License: MIT License