Marble UI Kit is designed by Jian Wei from Singapore. He designs for the screens, specialise in front-end web development, user-interface and user-experience design.
Jian Wei is currently pursuing a BFA in Art, Design and Media at Nanyang Technological University. He has recently made a switch to Sketch after using Photoshop for almost 9 years. To test the app out, He designed this amazing Marble UI Kit for practice. It’s free for download.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
It looks like all of those rumors of Apple’s flat design for iOS 7 were accurate. The new icons are cleaner and aim for minimalism, compared to the detailed and colorful icons we’ve seen on the OS so far. As for other key differences, cellular reception is now indicated by five dots instead of bars, and the dock icons are separated by a simple transparent line.
Flat Design is a new trend labeled by the community as an interface striking similar to Windows 8 and Microsoft’s Metro UI because it leaves behind drop shadows, subtle textures and gradients in favour of solid colours, clean layouts and sharp typography. The Design Inspiration has collected the 20 Free & Awesome Flat Design Resources for your projects.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
teehan+lax has released iOS 7 GUI PSD which is a Photoshop template of GUI elements found in the beta 1 release of iOS 7. The sole purpose of this file is to help you pitch, design and build amazing software.
The PSD is a well organized, labeled and layered PSD full of editable shape layers. Most people find it useful for mocking up apps. Others use it to concept ideas or create custom interface elements that work harmoniously with those native to iOS.

Requirements: Photoshop
License: License Free
Microframe is a micro (200px wide), grid based wireframe PSD template for mocking up website and app layouts. The repo includes: A Microframe PSD Template with a 12 column grid and 3 sample layouts, A Blank Microframe PSD Template with 12 column grid. A Microframe Detail PSD Template which you can place your Microframe PSDs in to explain/present to clients, or simply detail components for your own reference. The Detail PSD also has a view for laying out your layout variations.
The PSD uses guides to create a 12 column grid which you can use to align your elements all pertty like. There is a 12 column layout (for standard laptop/desktop views), a 6 column layout (for tablet views), and a 4 column layout (for mobile views). Each layout is grouped into a Photoshop group.

Requirements: Photoshop
License: License Free
Smashing Magazine has released the Polaris UI Pack, which is a set of beautiful UI components. It includes Edit Boxes, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Page Navigation, Menu, Buttons, etc. You can use this set in any of your projects, and even learn with it, by examining each component to see how it is put together.
Components are made in Adobe Photoshop using Shape Layers (vector elements). Therefore, you can increase or decrease the size of each element without any loss of image quality. In addition, the set contains 48 fully scalable vector icons with outline styles.

Requirements: –
Download Link:…
License: License Free
Photoshop Lady aims to collect the best and free photoshop tutorials around the internet. All of the high quality photoshop tutorials are categorized into 3D Effect, Abstract Effect, Drawing Effect, Photo Effect, Text Effect, Texture & Patterns and User Interface Design.
You can add your favorite photoshop tutorials simply by clicking “Add to Favoriteâ€, so that you can revisit them at any time. Photoshop Lady is updated daily. Please make sure you have subscribe to our RSS Feed as well, so that you can receive new high quality photoshop tutorials everyday.

User interface design involves a lot of creativity, inspiration, testing and motivation along with the skills necessary to communicate effectively with clients. A good UI is consistent and can make a website easier to understand and use.
Having a set of editable UI elements is essential for every web designer to make quick layouts and prototypes for their projects. Today, we have a comprehensive collection of Free UI Kits and templates for you. All of the UI kits are editable, in .psd format and all are perfect for creating web mockups.
Sharp UI Kit

Pizza UI Kit

iTunes Inspired UI Kit

Pandora UI Pack

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Cut&Slice me is a free Photoshop plugin that exports your assets to different devices in seconds. Improve your workflow by just naming your layers. It exports them in pngs format trimming the pixels you don’t need, or you can specify the size you want, or you can export all states of your buttons in the blink of an eye.
Cut&Slice me export to iPhone and Android, also removes all unsupported characters in the file name. For iPhone design for retina, for Android design for xhdpi and then export to ldpi, mdpi and hdpi with only one click.

Requirements: Photoshop
License: License Free
iPhone 5 has a series of new features including larger display and a faster chip. Since the size of screen is different to the old one, to iphone apps designers, it is a new business opportunity through development of new iOS apps.
Without good PSD mockup, your apps cannot be presented nicely. Therefore, dressing up your mobile apps is extremely important to your apps development.
To ease of your design works, Mobile Tuxedo has published a Collection of iPhone 5 PSD Mockup Templates. The mockups include black and white colours in both regular front and side views to ensure your design to become more presentable. These PSD files are fully scalable and completely free for your download. In addition, a printable iPhone 5 template is also provided for your design drafting works.

Requirements: Photoshop
Demo: iPhone 5 PSD Mockup Templates
License: License Free
iOS App Icon Template is an App Icon Template that, through Smart Objects in Photoshop, attempts to automate the process of rendering the various sizes that needs to be bundled with iOS Apps.The idea is to edit the largest size and have the smaller sizes automatically rendered enabling a much quicker workflow when designing icons. You’ll also find a selection of ready-made textures that you can build on and easy export actions that spit out the exact files you need to deliver to Apple.
You’ll need Photoshop CS2 or later. Open the PSD file in Photoshop. Find and right click the layer called ‘EDIT THIS SMART OBJECT’ and hit ‘Edit Contents’. This opens the Icon.psb file – create your artwork in this canvas. After saving the Icon.psb, the multiple sizes in the Main PSD file should be automatically rendered. Use the Photoshop Actions bundled with the resource to export your icon files in both squared and rounded corner versions.

Requirements: Photoshop
License: License Free