DryIcons has released a new beautiful free icon set called “Coquette“. “Coquette” will make sure to bring all attention and admiration to your software applications, websites, blogs.This playful free icon set contains curvy and colorful free icons made with one goal, to get all the affection to your projects.
These free icons flirt with style. “Coquette” free icon set contains 50 high quality, free icons in these sizes: 16x16px, 32x32px, 48x48px, 64x64px and 128x128px and 32-bit transparency PNG file format.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://dryicons.com/free-icons/preview/coquette-icons-set/
License: Terms of Use
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. It is similar to sIFR which accomplishes this by using a combination of javascript, CSS, and Flash. FLIR generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) to <span> elements and everything in between.
Requirements: Javascript Enabled
Demo: http://facelift.mawhorter.net/
License: GPL License
Do you have any products like CDs or DVDs for your readers? Sometimes, you would like your readers know the actual look of the CDs or DVDs. However, It takes quite a bit of time to desgin a CD or DVD case. You do not have to worry about it now, because some of the talented Photoshop designers have created some stunning CD / DVD case templates in PSD format for us. You can customize them easily. You can download them and use them for your products, however, a link back would be appreciated.
1. DVD Case Template by Manicho
2. DVD Plastic Case Template by Manicho
3. Jewel Case Template by LeMarquis
Requirements: –
Demo: http://manicho.deviantart.com/art/DVD-Case-Art-PSD-file-61443492
Demo: http://manicho.deviantart.com/art/dvd-Plastic-Case-PSD-file-86546288
Demo: http://lemarquis.deviantart.com/art/JEWEL-CASE-PSD-FILE-69316052
License: License Free or Creative Commons License
PrettyCheckboxes is for people who wants to have a consistent look for checkboxes across browser or those who simply want them to look better. By using this script you wont loose any of the regular inputs usability. It has been tested and is known to work in Firefox 2+, Opera 9.5, Safari 3.1.1 and Internet Explorer 6+. This script is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5. So you can use it in all you projects even commercial ones.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.no-margin-for-errors.com/projects/prettyCheckboxes/
License: Creative Commons 2.5 License
Amazing Photoshop brushes come from talented designer Paul Willocks and Marielle. You can find some Line Brushes, Abstract Tech Brushes, Circle Brushes and a lot more in Paul Willocks Gallery. You can also find some Floral Brushes, Frames Brushes, Hearts Brushes and Dividers Brushes in Marielle Gallery. Most of them are licensed under Creative License. You might want to use them to decorate or design your websites.
Demo: http://mouritsada-stock.deviantart.com/gallery/#Brush-Packs
Demo: http://paulw.deviantart.com/gallery/#Photoshop-Brushes
License: Creative Commons License
We have got another Color Picker for our websites. This is a simple jQuery plugin that let you select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop. You can display the ColorPicker as a popup or and element in page. It is really easy to customize the look by changing some images, therefore you can have a custom skin for your ColorPicker as well.
Requirements:jQuery Framework
Demo: http://eyecon.ro/colorpicker/
License: License Free
One of our lovely WebAppers readers, James Wright has found an interesting tool and submitted to us. This is called dBug, which is a PHP version of ColdFusion’s cfdump. Basically, it outputs colored and structured tabular variable information. Variable types supported are: Arrays, Classes/Objects, Database and XML Resources. Stylesheet can be easily edited. Table cells can be expanded and collapsed as well. dBug is free for download, and it has been downloaded over 20,000 times now.
Demo: http://dbug.ospinto.com/
License: GPL License
Ever wanted to find a font just like the one used by certain publications, corporations, or ad campaigns? Well now you can, using WhatTheFont font recognition system. Upload a scanned image of the font and instantly find the closest matches in our database.
Or, you can try Identifont, the largest independent directory of typefaces on the Internet, with information about fonts from 517 publishers and 144 vendors. You can identify a typeface by answering a series of simple questions about its appearance.
Demo: http://www.identifont.com
Demo: http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/
License: License Free
Alternate Select Multiple (asmSelect) is a progressive enhancement to <select multiple> form elements. It provides a simpler alternative of with the following advantages:
- Easier for users to understand and interact with than regular <select multiple> form elements. Users know how to interact with it sans instruction.
- Doesn’t require user to Ctrl-Click or Shift-Click multiple elements. Instead users of your form can add or remove elements individually, without risk of losing those that have already been selected.
- Selected elements are always visible (within the confines of your interface) while unselected elements are always hidden (within a regular <select>).
- Unlike regular <select multiple> option elements, those on asmSelect are optionally sortable with drag and drop (this part requires jQuery UI).
- If a user does not have javascript, then of course the regular <select multiple> form element is used instead.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.ryancramer.com/projects/asmselect/examples/example1.html
License: GPL License
You may have seen the lovely mini icons set Diagona (400 icons are included in PNG format) from Pinvoke. Now Pinvoke has released another great set of mini icons – Fugue Icons. There are 422 icons are included in PNG format. The icons can be used free for any personal or commercial projects. However, if you would like to remove the attribution, you should purchase the license.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.pinvoke.com/
License: Creative Commons 3.0 License