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Graphic Resources

Easter Sale: 6,000 Web Icons – 65% OFF

Posted · Category: Icons

Are you a Webmaster, Web Designer? This is the ONLY ICON PACK You will ever need. Awesome Icons Bundle with 6,000 icons is now available for the astonishing LOW price. This Bundles includes Flat Icons, Outline Icons, Glyphs Icons.

Squid.ink has every website icon you can imagine – all perfectly scalable, in the vector format, with multiple varieties to fit your every project. 6,000 icons are bundled together in our set – ideally suited for any website, web application, or wireframe creation. They’re very professional. Very modern. And very handy to have at your fingertips – all in ONE Awesome Icons Bundle!

Now is the time to “stock up” on these great icons. You might never see such a great deal again. Once you have this bundle in your tool kit, you won’t need anything else. Act now… before the price goes back up!

Get the Deal now.

Easter Sale (65% OFF): $68 for 3 Days. (Original Price: $195)

WordPress Event Registration Forms Made Easy

Posted · Category: Forms

For anyone who administers a blog or manages a website, understanding the importance of interacting with readers has not escaped your attention. And if you have your company’s profile or blogs on WordPress, that interaction at times requires informing readers or customers of upcoming events.

Even if you manage a couple of blogs that have acquired a large group of loyal readers, there are times when you want to announce a special event or topic. Aside from using the “Comment” section, there is a great way to contact, interact and allow visitors to register for more interactive communication or to register for special events.

It’s surprisingly simple to create a registration form in WordPress, in fact it is as easy as simply installing and activating a plug-in. This is a much easier option than having to code forms or hire someone else to take care of it for you. CaptainForm has a great WordPress event registration plug-in that I have found out that not only saves time, but it also provides features that automate the invitation and registration process.


You won’t need any programming or technical expertise to get a customized form up and running on your website. Let’s face it, not everyone is technologically talented. That’s one of the best things about using event registration forms from CaptainForm: they work smoothly and seamlessly without any add-ons. It’s a wonderful way to collect and analyze the data on your target audiences, which is key to having a successful readership and or business. Read the rest of this entry »

SuperPlaceHolder.js – Bring Your Input Placeholders to Life

Posted · Category: CC License, Forms

SuperPlaceholder.js is a library to bring your input placeholders to life by cycling multiple instructions in a single input placeholder. It is less than 1KB minified & gzipped. Superplaceholder.js supports AMD and commonJS module pattern out of the box. It works best on latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari and Chrome mobile. For all non-supported browsers, the library will graceful degradate without any explicit handling in your code.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://kushagragour.in/lab/superplaceholderjs/
License: Creative Commons License

Open Foundry – Curated Fonts in Most Cleat & Dynamic Way

Posted · Category: Fonts, License Free

Open Foundry — The ‘open’ stands for open-source, free and easily available. The word ‘foundry’ is taken from the ‘type foundry’ and suggests professional quality and industrial heritage. Their solution is to offer a carefully curated number of fonts in the most clear and dynamic way possible. Instead of overwhelming the user, Open Foundry provides enough interest and excitement to encourage further exploration. All fonts are distributed under an open-source license and are free to use. Every font provides you with a source button to its open-source hosted project, a direct download and the site where it was initially found or published.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://open-foundry.com/
License: License Free

1,000 Vector Mini Icons Free for Download

Posted · Category: Icons, License Free

Minimalistic design never goes out of style. These icons will look great with clean and minimal web designs. All of them are monochromatic, you can put different colors, create your own letterpress and different effects. Mini Icons are now free for download. Over 1,000 of them are vector icons, they are completely scalable, and can be used widely in your user interface, package labels, sticker, mobile apps, and more.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://thesquid.ink/mini-icons/
License: License Free

List.js – Add Search, Sort, Filters and Flexibility to Anything

Posted · Category: Tables

List.js is tiny, invisible and simple, yet powerful and incredibly fast vanilla JavaScript that adds search, sort, filters and flexibility to plain HTML lists, tables, or anything. It works both lists, tables and almost anything else. E.g. <div>, <ul>, <table>, etc.  It is released under MIT License.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://www.listjs.com/
License: MIT License

How to Create Icon Animations with Mo.js

Posted · Category: Icons, License Free

Maybe you’ve already stumbled across mo.js, a very powerful motion graphics library for the web made by Oleg Solomka. You can do tons of awesome things with it and today we’d like to share our take on some icon animations using the library. It would be really great to be able to animate icons easily to look like Twitter’s heart animation. Codrops has shared some Icon Animations with us. The icons that we are animating are actions where it makes sense to have an active state, like for example the “favorite”, “like” or “upvote”. Although, theoretically, you could apply these kind of effects to anything, it really feels more sensible for these kind of actions.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/Animocons/
License: License Free

Pexels – Free Stock Photos with API Available

Posted · Category: CC License, Stock Photos

Pexels started a year ago and has since evolved to a huge database with a lot of amazing free stock photos. To grow Pexels even further they had recently rewrote the whole application and released Pexels 3.0. You can like photos to save them for later and to motivate the photographer. You can upload your own photos to Pexels. And also, there is API available now. Pexels is one of the best sources for high quality stocks. This new version makes it easier to find and download images.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://www.pexels.com/
License: Creative Commons License

Free Download: A Minimal Mobile Chat UI Kit

Posted · Category: License Free, PS Tutorials

Chat is a a minimal mobile UI kit from InVision. Immerse users in minimal, thoughtful designs using Chat’s free iOS app templates, tablet templates, and web templates—available for Sketch and Photoshop. With 60 design templates, 12 categories, and 80 UI components for web, tablet, and mobile, the creative possibilities are endless. Within Chat, you’ll find completely customizable, scalable vector shapes. The high-resolution, retina-ready components are designed to delight, and the grid system keeps everything organized.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.invisionapp.com/chat
License: License Free

A Clone of Medium.com Inline Editor Toolbar

Posted · Category: Forms, MIT License

Medium Editor is a clone of medium.com inline editor toolbar. It uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution. MediumEditor has been written using vanilla JavaScript, no additional frameworks required. View the MediumEditor Options documentation on all the various options for MediumEditor.


Requirements: –
Demo: https://yabwe.github.io/medium-editor/
License: MIT License

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Flat Icon Set

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