Plugoo enables you to chat directly from your Instant Messenger with any visitor of your blog, personal webpage, e-sales site or even your web application. When you’re logged into your Instant Messenger (Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, AIM, GoogleTalk, Jabber or ICQ), you can receive in real time all the comments of your visitors or any question they might ask, and answer instantly!You can also change colors, title of your Plugoo, and visitors can choose a nickname to contact you.
Requirements: Any Modern Browsers
License: License Free
YShout is a lightweight yet full-featured package that allows you to easily add an interactive shoutbox to your website. So that you can communicate with your visitors in real time, and also provide a great chat room for the visitors to discuss on your website or web application. You can tailor YShout’s appearance to fit your website perfectly by using CSS. YShout 5 features a completely rebuilt control panel. It contains some new preferences, as well as a lot of returning favorites.
Requirements: PHP and Javascript
License: Donationware
Ajax im is a browser-based instant messaging client that you can use it freely on your website projects or web applications. It uses the XMLHTTPRequest object in JavaScript to send and receive commands to and from the server. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this “web application” to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript. It is very easy to install and the user interface is so elegant.
Requirements: Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, Safari
Demo: ( Username: test Passowrd: test )
License: BSD License