Most jQuery image sliders hover at around 8 kbs for minified versions, and around 15kbs or more for uncompressed development files, but what if there was a way to keep the simple fades, slides, and a couple other nifty bits, but strip the bloated and corny diagonal-cross fades or spiral dissolves.
Orbit is a killer jQuery plugin that lets you create a simple, effective and beautiful slider for images of any size, and even includes some parameters for making awesome captions and a sweet timer.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
jQuery.carouFredSel is a plugin that turns any kind of HTML element into an infinite, circular carousel. It can scroll one or multiple items simultaneously, horizontal or vertical, automatically, by pressing buttons or keys on the keyboard.
You can dynamically add and remove items to/from the carousel. It is compatible with most popular (jQuery) lightbox-plugins. The carouFredSel-plugin was built using the jQuery-library. It is licensed under the MIT-license.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Sideways is a simple, yet elegant fullscreen image gallery created with the jQuery framework and some simple CSS. It utilizes the jQuery UI (jQuery User Interface), jQuery Easing by George McGinley Smith and Brandon Aaron jquery mousewheel plugin.
You can use Sideways on both personal and commercial projects you choose, develop it further or just make it better.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
Full Page Image Gallery with jQuery shows us how to create a stunning full page gallery with scrollable thumbnails and a scrollable full screen preview. The idea is to have a thumbnails bar at the bottom of the page that scrolls automatically when the user moves the mouse.
When a thumbnail is clicked, it moves to the center of the page and the full screen image is loaded in the background. Now the user can move up and down and the image will get scrolled automatically, giving him the opportunity to see all of the image.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
We often work with clients that maintain accounts with Twitter, Flickr, Youtube and other services in addition to their website. Often they will want to pull in data from one of their accounts to their website.
With Flickr, this is pretty easy because they make a simple API available. Having worked with it a few times, HiFi decided to make it even easier to pull photos from a public feed. jFlickrFeed works by pulling a JSON feed from Flickr and applying the data it gets back to a template. You can also look at Flickrshow, which is a simple Javascript slideshow for Flickr.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Thumbnails Navigation Gallery with jQuery tell us how to create an extraordinary gallery with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation. We are going to use jQuery and some CSS3 properties for the style.
The main idea is to have a menu of albums where each item will reveal a horizontal bar with thumbnails when clicked. The thumbnails container will scroll automatically when the user moves the mouse to the left or right. When a thumbnail is clicked it will be loaded as a full image preview in the background of the page. We will also have a text container for one of the menu items.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Codrops has created an Interactive Photo Desk with jQuery and CSS3 that provides some “realistic†interaction possibilities for the user. The idea is to have some photos on a surface that can be dragged and dropped, stacked and deleted, each action resembling the real world act.
If we drag a picture, it get’s “picked up” first, making it appear a little bit bigger. Dropping it results in the picture being “thrown back” to the table, in a random rotation. Viewing all photos mirrors the action of collecting all images into a pile and viewing the first one in a none rotated way. Clicking to see the next one then, makes the previous one being thrown back to the surface. Deleting an image will make it appear as a crumpled paper ball. When using the shuffle function, the photos get rotated and spread over the desk randomly.

Requirements: jQuery Framework & CSS3
License: License Free
Beautiful Photo Stack Gallery with jQuery and CSS3 tells us how to create a nice and fresh image gallery. The idea is to show the albums as a slider, and when an album is chosen, we show the images of that album as a beautiful photo stack. In the photo stack view, we can browse through the images by putting the top most image behind all the stack with a slick animation.
We will use jQuery and CSS3 properties for the rotated image effect. We will also use the webkit-box-reflect property in order to mirror the boxes in the album view – check out the demo in Google Chrome or Apple Safari to see this wonderful effect.

Requirements: PHP Framework, jQuery Framework
License: License Free
Codrops has shared a tutorial of how to create Sliding Panel Photo Wall Gallery with jQuery. The idea is to have a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover. When an image is clicked, a panel slides up from the bottom revealing the full picture. When clicking on the full image, the thumbs panel slide back from the bottom. This effect will give the impression that we are stacking the panels on top of each other every time we change the mode.
In the full picture view we add some nice transition effect when we browse through the photos. In addition, we will use a function for resizing the full image, adapting it to the size of the screen. So, when the screen get’s resized, our image will adapt automatically.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free
In many blogs and news sites images are mostly included as an addition to the content. Space is often limited and therefore it would be a good idea to integrate a miniature image gallery that does not occupy a lot of space.
Micro Image Gallery jQuery plugin transforms a set of images into a tiny gallery with several options. It allows to switch between a grid view which shows a preview of the images as thumbnails and a single view showing one image only. The navigation bar can be hidden and sliding out when hovering over the gallery, or visible. A total of nine thumbnails are shown in the grid preview. The plugin will automatically resize the image according to the chosen gallery size.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: License Free