Thank you Patrick for bring this wonderful web resources to my attention. Do you love Apple? Do you Love iTunes? Do you Love looking at all your albums in your iTunes in a sense of accomplishment. Now you can do it in Flash. iTunesAlbumArt allows us to display the albums we love or just our photo albums with the interface of iTunes Cover Flow. iTunesAlbumArt looks stunning and works smoothly. Users can scroll or click to select the album. All the album pictures and details are defined by an XML file.

Requirements: Modern Browsers with Flash installed
License: MIT License
Shadowbox is a cross-browser (supports Firefox 1.5+, Camino, Safari 2+, Opera 9+ and Internet Explorer 6+), cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript. In other words, it is similar to lightbox but focusing on displaying different media formats, e.g. Flash, QuickTime, and Windows Media Player.
It’s easy to use Shadowbox with your JavaScript library of choice for a given project as well. Shadowbox comes bundled with adapters for Yahoo! User Interface Library, Ext (standalone), Prototype + Scriptaculous and jQuery. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display pictures and movies in all major browsers without navigating away from the linking page.

Requirements: Firefox 1.5+, Camino, Safari 2+, Opera 9+ and IE 6+
License: LGPL License
There are many popups and galleries scripts we can use, Multibox is one of them as well. Multibox is lightbox that supports images, flash, video, mp3s, html. You can set the color of the background or use a semi-transparent background. It supports Firefox 2 (mac / pc), IE 7, IE 6, Safari (mac). However, it requires Mootools v1.1+ to run properly.

Requirements: Mootools 1.1+
License: MIT License
Lightview was designed from the ground up to make the overlaying experience as nice as possible. The idea was to have the image be the most important thing while the box is there to present it without interfering with it. That is why the author has created the animated side buttons to make sure the image is always 100% visible. Button around the image will change in opacity, having lighter buttons by default and darker buttons on hover keeps the focus on the image.
Lightview is very easy to style as well, even someone who doesn’t know CSS can be able to customize it. The javascript options and the images are basically all you need to change to get the look and feel you want within seconds. One of the best things is that Lightview uses Canvas an VML to draw a those images for you. This way it’s possible to change the corner radius very fast. It also works on every screen resolution, all images are automatically resized to fit within the viewport when you open them. Even the close button will adjust as you go smaller.

Requirements: Prototype, Scriptaculous with Javascript Enabled
License: License Free
SimpleViewer is a free, customizable Flash image viewing application with the following features. However, if you want more customization options and does not include the download link, you have to purchase SimpleViewer-Pro instead.
- Intelligent image pre-loading.
- Intuitive image navigation
- Lightweight (17k).
- Customizable interface – Set text color, frame color and width, navigation position.
- Resizable interface – Interface scales to fit browser window.
- Cross platform – Windows/Macintosh/Linux (requires Flash 7 or higher).
- Flash 7 detection. Users without Flash 7 are messaged to upgrade Flash.
- International font support.
- Keyboard Navigation (Cursor keys, Home, End, Page Up/Down)
- Mousewheel navigation
- Optionally right-click to open image in a new window.

Requirements: Flash 7+
License: License Free
flickrshow provides you with the simplest way of displaying your Flickr photosets on your own website. It is simple to install, completely free and doesn’t require Flash or any server side programming knowledge. It is free to use flickrshow, however flickrshow is not available for people to download and use on their own servers at the moment. It has the following main features.
- Unobtrusive and compatible: they built flickrshow on top of Prototype so it will work with all modern browsers and won’t interfere with any other Javascript on your page.
- Themeable to match your site: You can alter the colour of flickrshow to match your site.
- Can be used multiple times: it caused a number of headaches, but you can run as many slideshows on your site as you want, as long as your viewers can handle the loading times.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Gerard Ferrandez has created a Photo 3D Gallery. The interactive gallery is written in Javascript which is very user friendly. The photos will move according to your mouse movement. You can click on any pictures to zoom in and out. Now we have one more choice for embedding a photo gallery in your projects.

Requirements: No Requirements
License: License Free
Highslide JS is an open source JavaScript software, offering a Web 2.0 approach to popup windows. It streamlines the use of thumbnail images and HTML popups on web pages. The library offers these features and advantages:
- No plugins like Flash or Java required.
- Popup blockers are no problem. The content expands within the active browser window.
- Single click. After opening the image or HTML popup, the user can scroll further down or leave the page without closing it.
- Compatibility and safe fallback. If the user has disabled JavaScript or the JavaScript fails in any way, the browser redirects directly to the image itself or to a fallback HTML page. This fallback is able to cope with most exceptions and incompatibilities.
Highslide is free for a personal website, a school site, your family’s photo album or a non-profit organisation. If you want to use Highslide for a commercial website, you need to pay for it.

Requirements: IE 4.0+, Firefox 1.5+, Opera 8.5+, Netscape 7.2, Safari 2.0+
License: License Free for Personal Use
minishowcase is a small and simple php/javascript online photo gallery, powered by AJAX/JSON that lets you put easily your images in an online gallery, without having to configure databases or changing and customising code (though you may do it if you feel so) allowing to have an up-and-running gallery in a few minutes. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License and has the following major features.
- Simple galleries: just upload a folder full of images to your /galleries/ folder and you have a new gallery!
- Lightbox view: Images can be viewed in a lightbox way, easier and more precise, with a convenient integrated thumbnail menu.
- Languages: set your gallery in French, Italian or Spanish. Set it to select the user’s local language (if available). Translate it to your own language!
- Automatic thumbnails: you don’t have to worry anymore about creating your images’ thumbnails. Let minishowcase take care of it

Requirements: Server with PHP and GD/GD2 Support
License: Creative Commons License
The Flash Image Gallery (FIG) is a gallery application that can be used by anyone to display multiple galleries of photos, artwork, or other pictures with descriptions. It requires no server-side language and will run on any web host. It is idealy suited for artists with online galleries, but can be used by anyone. It supports up to 224 images in each gallery. The user interface is simple and intuitive. Most importantly, it is FREE.

Requirements: Any Modern Browsers with Flash and PHP Support
License: License Free