Some advertising Agencies and big corporations has done a very good job in advertisement. They are creative advertisements really stand out of the crowd, the idea is really out of the box, something that makes you laugh, talks about it or at least make you look twice.
They send a lot of money on trying to catch your attention, in this collection you’ll find 30 Brilliant & Creative Advertisements in Technology Niche that probably reached their goal. I am sure you can get some inspirations of creativity too.
Viewing Koala
Amazingly Big Downloads
Energy that Lasts
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A modern and easy to use Admin User Interface is the key to success of web applications. A custom made web admin user interface usually cost you a fortune.
Due to the popularity of 20 Professional Web Admin Templates we have published a year go, we have hand picked the following 10 New Professionally Designed Admin Templates on ThemeForest. You may find them useful when designing your own web application. All of them are professionally designed, and selling at a very low price.
1) Supr Responsive Admin Template
Supr is a full admin skin based on popular Twitter Bootstrap framework. This template is designed to help you build the site. Administration without losing valuable time. Template contains all the important functions which must have one backend system.
2) Aquincum Responsive Admin Template
Aquincum – a new premium admin skin with lots of custom elements, 35+ plugins and very flexible content structure. It has 3 columns liquid structure with 3 level navigation and 2 level sidebar. Available 10 main backgrounds, compatible with Bootstrap 2.0.3 and latest jquery versions.
3) Zice Admin Colorful Admin Templates
Zice Admin is Colorful Admin theme, includes dashboard, form, full option gallery, graph presentation, file management, calender, user interface, map & location, error page, 200+ icon,Theme PSD File and documentation for admin management. It is colorful style effect and design templates for easy to use
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We live in an age of data. It’s now possible to collect all kinds of data – from website analytics to stats on your fitness and health. But now that we’re able to start collecting data like this, we often find that there’s too much of it – that there’s too much noise and not enough signal. And to make it even harder, our attention spans are getting shorter. We don’t want to spend time digging through the data to understand it, we want the answer immediately in front of us.
As data, and the analysing of huge volumes of information, becomes more and more important to us, it also becomes more important that the answers are presented in a meaningful, simple and useful way. Designs that display the data effectively and beautifully are more likely to be used again and again, and designs that are complicated, noisy and hard to use will be ignored.
We’ve brought together a showcase of innovative, stunningly beautiful dashboard concepts & designs to help inspire you. If you’re about to start a project that deals with data visualization, hopefully this collection will give you some inspiration into how you can show your information in a useful, simple and uncluttered way.
New Dashboard Line Graph
Chartbear Dashboard
Cutest Paw Dashboard
Minimal Dashboard
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jQuery Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.
It’s suitable for websites with a stream of pictures. Users can browse the pictures in a seamless way without clicking “next page”. We have found the following 15 Great Examples of Websites using jQuery Masonry. I hope it can gives you some inspirations for designing similar style websites.
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We have got a really nice collection of Free Web Icons for Different Purposes. So what if we just need more unique looking icons but cannot afford custom icons design? We may consider buying premium stock icons in this case.
Stock icons are usually the collections of specific icons, which stand for particular themes such as E-Commerce, Applications, Pictogram and etc. Some of our readers have asked where we can get quality premium stock icons at a very low price. Therefore, we have compiled a list of 20 Best Places to Buy Professional Stock Icons.
Please also stay tuned with our Free Icons section, which is updated regularly.
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When we are designing a website, or even a web application, we always need some pretty icons in order to complete the design. There are over hundred thousands of icons available on the internet. However, how many of them are nicely designed and suitable to you? I am sure you will find “The Best Free Web Icons for Different Purposes” useful to you.
We have selected the following top quality web icons, e.g Blogging Icons, Application Icons, Social Media Icons, Emotion Icons, Browser Icons, Mini Icons, Weather Icons, Flag Icons and Mobile Icons, which can be used for different purposes. Come back here if you ever designing a website again, I am sure you can find the web icons you need here.
You can use these icons on your blog. Cute Blogging Icon Set inclides Design, Download, Freelance, Part-time, Hire Me, Not Available, About Me, Services, My Blog, Contact.
There are total 12 shiny and modern icons for your blogs including Author, Article, BlogRoll, Comment, Email, RSS, Theme icon and etc… It comes with 3 sizes, 24×24, 36×36 and 48×48 in png format.
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