Sliding Content Aside to Reveal Secondary Content Pane
As web developers, we spend precious time laying out our pages, using every UI concept in the book to conserve space, while trying to maintain a user’s focus on the task at hand. There are many techniques to use Lightbox, Carousel and Tabs to name a few – and recently Scott Robbin has offered up another: jQuery pageSlide.
jQuery pageSlide was inspired by the UI work of Aza Raskin. Aza introduced the idea of sliding content aside to reveal a secondary content pane. This plugin allows any developer to recreate a similar interaction on their own website using a few simple lines of Javascript.
By attaching the method to an anchor tag, pageSlide wraps the original body content into a wrapper and creates an additional block for the secondary content load. The slide is animated whenever the click event is invoked.
Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: GPL License