SmoothState.js – Transitions without Hard Cuts and White Flashes
We’ve accepted the jankiness of page loads as a quirk of the web even though there is no technical reason for it. SmoothState.js lets you add transitions to eliminate the hard cuts and white flashes of page loads that deface the beauty of the user experience.
Javascript SPA frameworks, sometimes referred to as MVC frameworks, are a common way to solve this issue. However, these frameworks often lose the benefits of unobtrusive code, such as resilience to errors, performance, and accessibility. smoothState.js lets you start adding transitions that eliminate the hard cuts of page loads to improve the beauty of the experience. It does this with:
Progressive enhancement – a technique that exemplifies the principles universal design
- jQuery – a library a great many of us are familiar with
- history.pushState() – a method that lets us maintain browsing expectations
- Ajax – a way for us to request and store pages on the user’s device without refreshing the page
SmoothState.js will unobtrusively enhance your website’s page loads to behave more like a single-page application framework. This allows you to add page transitions and create a nicer experince for your users.
Requirements: –
License: MIT License