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Refills – Components Based on Bourbon, Bitters & Neat

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Bourbon provides Sass mixins and eliminates vendor prefixes, for faster CSS coding. Neat provides a lightweight grid framework. Bitters provides basic variables and structure to a Bourbon/Neat project. Refills are prepackaged patterns and components, built on top of Bourbon, Bitters, and Neat.

Simply click the “Show Code” link under the component/pattern you want to copy to your project and use the “copy” buttons to get the code to your clipboard. If a component uses Javascript, that code will be included at the bottom of the HTML file. Each component/pattern has a set of variables at the very top of its Scss file. These pull out the most important properties of the component/pattern to enable quick changes of color, size and general appearance.


Requirements: Bourbon, Neat, Butters frameworks
Demo: http://refills.bourbon.io/
License: MIT License

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