15 Effective Tools and Services You Should Pay Attention To
One of life’s pleasures is discovering when some small action taken yields a highly positive, or even a game-changing outcome. A web designer could spend many hours creating a modern website with old tools. A single new tool or a single new service could cut the time required to do so dramatically and produce an even better result.
There’s no shortage of tools or services that could make a difference. The problem is that there are many hundreds of them. There are far too many to devote the amount time it could take find one that might make your day or prove to be a game changer.
One or more of these 15 top tools and services could easily make your day; which is why we suggest you give each one a good close look.
That said, may your shopping experience be a happy and profitable one.
1. UXPin

UXPin provides designers with a set of advanced prototyping features perfect when designing for all screen sizes. UXPin has also been built for great collaboration, making it possible for everyone on the team to jump into one design and work together in context and in real-time.
These features include:
- Easily accessible built-in libraries for Material Design, iOS, and Bootstrap
- Hundreds of useful icons, interactive elements, and animated states
- Vector drawing tools that enable designers to effectively draw and combine vector shapes to create icons or illustrations
- The ability to save code components; thereby eliminating the necessity to redraw patterns over and over
- HTML import, in which a web page or page section can be imported to UXPin to support the prototyping effort
Team members have ready access to these and other features in addition to being able to exchange design-related information and feedback with team members and project stakeholders in real time.
Click on the banner to learn more about this powerful labor-saving tool.
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