If you’ve ever compared website creating to magic, you may have noticed that both online shop creating and a magic trick consist of 3 parts.
In the first part you see the object: a ‘raw’ template with plenty of Latin text, a name which doesn’t even fit your project and a design which you still need to adjust. The second part is “The Turn”. The ordinary thing turns into something extraordinary. At this stage you customize a template to a state which you hope impresses your customers and becomes eye-candy to you. The third part of the trick is usually getting everything back to the initial state… but not for you. This is actually the only thing that differentiates a website creation from a regular magic trick. Your rock-solid, online store endures for a long time, spreading joy and profit to the owner and customers alike. Actually, it is more magical than a regular trick, and that’s great.
We suggest that you check out these 20 free & premium eCommerce templates: OpenCart, Magento, Prestashop & WooCommerce. Beautiful, elegant and ready to roll, they can become a superb foundation for your online stores. Start a new project at the drop of a hat, check out the themes, get inspired and – most important – remember anything is possible for you.
Free PrestaShop Themes
1. Tire Rack

Wheel & Tires template will become a great theme for a wheel & tire store. Strict square design is the central idea of the layout. Ironically, square design sells round-shaped items best. Anyway, this theme will also be perfect for industrial, architecture, interior and sport stores.
2. Ikon

IKON is a free PrestaShop theme. A truly clean design excludes any distracting items, focusing your attention on the products in the store. The proper effect is achieved by using lots of white space and the hover effect applied in the menu. Simplicity – that’s the main idea.
3. GameGear

Another free PrestaShop theme for creating an online shop. An unusual shape is used in the design of this theme – a rhombus. There is a call-to-action button on it; overlooking it is absolutely impossible. When you scroll down, you see the first New Products section, then Featured Products and Recent Blog almost at the bottom. Read the rest of this entry »
Primer is the CSS toolkit that powers GitHub’s front-end design. It’s purposefully limited to common components to provide our developers with the most flexibility, and to keep GitHub uniquely GitHubby. It’s built with SCSS and available via Bower, so it’s easy to include all or part of it within your own project.
It is available for use under the MIT license and built with open source projects like SCSS, Jekyll, Grunt, and more. It includes a small Gruntfile for compiling SCSS, Autoprefixer for vendor prefixes, and Parker for CSS stats.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://primercss.io/
License: MIT License
Restive.js is a jQuery Plugin that helps you quickly and easily add features to your Web Site to enable it respond and adapt to virtually every Web-enabled Device. Using a combination of Device Detection, Advanced Breakpoints Management, and Orientation Management, Restive.js will give your Web site an uncanny ability to stay robust in the face of a constantly changing device landscape.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://restivejs.com/
License: MIT License
Dom Animator is a nifty JavaScript library, used to show small ascii animations within comments in your dom. It’s a little easter egg for anyone inspecting your code. Nothing more, nothing less.
It is a stand alone library (no jQuery, or the likes) so usage is pretty straight forward. You won’t need any CSS, or HTML… just JavaScript. (since the animations live in comment nodes, in the dom, only)

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://tholman.com/dom-animator/
License: MIT License
Click Magick is the next-generation ad tracking and link management system that makes every click you get more profitable. It was specifically designed to track all types of direct response advertising – including everything from PPC ads on Google, Bing, and Facebook, to CPV ads on networks like LeadImpact and 50onRed, to banner ads, “Solo Ads”, links you post on forums, and everything inbetween. It even lets you add custom pop ups and “MagickBars” to any page.
Unlike with most other trackers, Click Magick allows you to easily track entire marketing funnels starting with the first opt-in all the way to the last upsell or downsell. It can even track clicks from your follow-up emails and attribute any resulting actions or sales to the proper sales funnel – giving you the most accurate stats possible.

Source: http://clickmagick.com/
Dropplets is a minimalist Markdown blogging platform focused on delivering just what you need in a blogging solution. When it comes to basic blogging, all you really want to do is write & publish which is where Dropplets excels.
Dropplets is a fresh platform dedicated to making blogging simple. With no database, you can install Dropplets in seconds on any server, compose offline using markdown, then simply upload to publish. You can install it on any server in just about 30 seconds.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://dropplets.com/
License: License Free
Purple is a UI kit for all of Heroku’s digital properties. Purple provides guidelines for the aesthetic, function and form of user interfaces to provide a consistent experience for our customers. This is a living document and is under constant interation. They are not releasing a Bootstrap clone, they are simply creating documentation for their own design standards.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://purple.herokuapp.com/
License: MIT License
Type.js is a typography tools for better web type. It allows you to write new CSS properties to take finer typographic control of type styles on the web. Set up is simple. Upload type.js to your site, and link it in your HTML, just before the end of the body.
Next, add a style tag before the script, and write these new CSS properties just like you would any other styles. You can also manually adjust the space between two specific glyphs with a simple syntax. You can also set rules for where lines will to break in a paragraph.

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://typejs.org/
License: License Free
What CSS can do is changing the layout of web pages, typesetting, adjusting letter spacing and so on. Yet, there was one thing that CSS couldn’t do. That is “To design a character itself.” And that’s why we have CSS SANS. They have designed letters from A to Z by facilitating the various factors of CSS. Each letter is made by one <div>
CSS SANS is the font created by CSS, the programming language for web designing and typesetting.
It is an unprecedented font that reflects history and evolution of the Web, and even changes its own shape.

Requirements: CSS
Demo: http://yusugomori.com/projects/css-sans/
License: License Free
Codyhouse has just shared a minimal and customizable snippet to throw a semantic form into your web projects on the fly. There are some optional features (i.e. floating labels) that can be easily removed in case you want the form to be simpler. We included all common form elements like radio buttons, checkboxes, select, error messages etc.

Requirements: CSS and JavaScript
Demo: http://codyhouse.co/demo/contact-form/index.html
License: License Free