StockSnap is the best place on the internet to find beautiful free stock photos. They select nothing but the highest quality, highest resolution pictures and add them to their database on a daily basis. This is not your typical crappy stock photo site.
All photos uploaded to the site are released under Creative Commons – CC0 and do not require attribution. No more hassle trying to figure out whether you can use photos for commercial use and whether you need to provide attribution.

Requirements: –
License: Creative Commons License
It can be difficult to hire a developer without knowing all of their skills. To avoid problems once you hire them, it’s possible to use a PHP Online Programming Test so you can test the full extent of their knowledge prior to offering them a job.
PHP is a scripting language that is used for a lot of web development. More than 240 million websites have PHP installed on them, so it is a very popular language that is used. Not all programmers have the same level of knowledge and you will want to know what they do and don’t know. Tests for Geeks is there for you.
The PHP/MySQL test ( will be useful when deciding what they know. You can have a candidate take the test and once they have completed it, you will get the results. This will allow you to see how much they know and then decide if you want to hire them.

The test is not designed to take the place of an interview. You may still want to conduct an interview. However, you can narrow down the candidates that you interview by first finding out about the full extent of their PHP knowledge. If they don’t do well on their test, then you may not want to bother with an interview. This will save you time and ensure you’re only interviewing the most qualified of the candidates. Read the rest of this entry »
Codrops has shared a tutorial on how to create various types of (animated) fills and strokes for text using different techniques including CSS and SVG. In the article: How to Create (Animated) Text Fills, there are five ways to create patterned filled text.
In three out of these five cases we will retain the ability to select the text. For each of the techniques it shows the browser support, the ability to select text and, most importantly, the possibility to animate the fill (highly experimental).

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Datedropper is a plugin that provides a quick and easy way to manage dates for input fields. You can easily edit the CSS located into datedropper folder. Datedropper works properly from 9 to current version of IE. Datedropper works properly from jQuery 1.7 to current version. And it is licensed under MIT and Creative Commons License.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT, Creative Commons License
GitHut is an attempt to visualize and explore the complexity of the universe of programming languages used across the repositories hosted on GitHub.
Programming languages are not simply the tool developers use to create programs or express algorithms but also instruments to code and decode creativity. By observing the history of languages we can enjoy the quest of human kind for a better way to solve problems, to facilitate collaboration between people and to reuse the effort of others.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Do you need to query large JSON structures? Do you end up coding loops to parse the JSON and identify the data that matches your query? DefiantJS offers a better way.
DefiantJS provides the ability for you to build smart templates applicable on JSON structures, based upon proven & standardized technologies such as XSLT and XPath. DefiantJS also extends the global object JSON with the method “search”, which enables searches on JSON structures with XPath expressions and returns matches as an array-like object.

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License Flat Icon Pack offers 2000 handcrafted, consistent and pixel-perfect icons ready to use. The icons have been specially built to match the current design trends and to help you expand on your projects. This beautiful icons are perfect to create a unique design experience.
They are happy to share with you 40 of their best icons from Flat Icon Pack. It includes PSD files for 32px & 64px Icons, PNG files for 32px & 64px Icons, SVG files for 32px & 64px Icons, AI & EPS vector files. Big thanks to for providing us with this wonderful freebie! Be sure to check out their full pack of 2000 flat icons here.

Free Download: Click to Download icons
Reapp helps you make beautiful hybrid apps that feel great with React, Webpack and ES6. Reapp isn’t a framework, it’s just a collection of packages that work well together. On top of that, it’s a CLI that does exactly three things: Creates a new app for you, Runs a reapp-structured app, Builds a reapp-structured app into ./build.
React enables incredible boosts of both productivity and performance. It’s declarative components with lifecycles are the future of making apps. JavaScript has grown up as well. We have amazing build tools that bring us new features. Webpack and 6to5 give you ES6/7, JSX and more. With react-hot-loader you have insanely fast development. Enjoy flexibility, but without needing all the glue.

Requirements: –
License: MIT License
Riot is against the current trend of boilerplate and unneeded complexity. We think that a small, powerful API and concise syntax are extremely important things on a client-side library.
Riot brings custom tags to all browsers starting from IE8.A custom tag glues relevant HTML and JavaScript together forming a reusable component. You can roughly think of React + Polymer, but squeezed into 2.5KB. Riot is free, open source and licensed under the MIT License.

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
License: MIT License
In spite of the fact that WordPress — the most popular and widely used Content Management System — has always been simpler in terms of user interface, making users set up their websites or blogs in a few seconds, availability of a lot of scripts for installation of WordPress CMS has brought things even simpler! Nowadays, when it comes to ‘techy’ aspect of setting up a WordPress site, it is all about choosing an appropriate WordPress theme. In the post, however, we shall have a list of top WordPress themes, which, we hope, will help you when kick starting your WordPress blog or website. We hope we can now move on to the list.

X is one of the best themes you can now find in WordPress theme market, when you are concerned about simplicity of User Interface, different designs to choose from, deep-level customization and lots more. Even though basic kinds of elements may resemble the real theme, you can change almost everything in Theme X, making it seem somewhat exclusive in perspective of a user. This completely responsive theme includes other features such as a page builder, based on drag-and-drop layouts, typography that includes more than 600 Google fonts, shortcodes to extend looks & productivity of your blog or site, customizable backgrounds, integration with eCommerce etc.

More often than not, Bridge — the WordPress theme —can be an appropriate way to bridge the gap between your, or your client’s, firm and the customer. Truly impressive & simple design of Bridge will steal almost everyone’s mind, given that the theme offers an intuitive control panel to keep things in motion. As great blessing to the visual impact, Bridge offers other sorts of features such as retina-ready display, background that supports videos and images, tons of shortcodes to extend reach etc.

Well, if you are one of those who do not like coding, Brooklyn will be one of the best themes you can find for blog or site you have created using WordPress CMS. With a number of impressive designs, Brooklyn can different categories of requirement a professional internet marketer, blogger or web developer might have. Some of the other features of Brooklyn are ultra-responsive design and layout, seven different header styles, unlimited page styles to use etc.
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