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A Highly Modular Framework for JavaScript Apps

Posted · Category: Framework, MIT License

Ampersand.js is a highly modular, loosely coupled, non-frameworky framework for building advanced JavaScript apps. It’s a well-defined approach to combining a series of intentionally tiny modules.

Everything is a CommonJS module. No AMD, UMD, or bundling of any kind is included by default. The clarity, simplicity, and flexibility of CommonJS just won. Clear dependencies, no unnecessary wrapping/indenting, no extra cruft. Just a clearly declared set of dependencies in package.json.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://ampersandjs.com/
License: MIT License

Google’s Design Guidelines, Assets and Resources

Posted · Category: Framework, License Free

At Google they say, “Focus on the user and all else will follow.” They embrace that principle in their design by seeking to build experiences that surprise and enlighten their users in equal measure.

Google always challenged themselves to create a visual language for their users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science. Google Design spec is a living document that will be updated as they continue to develop the tenets and specifics of material design. You can read their design guidelines, download assets and resources.


Source: http://www.google.com/design/

How to Create Minimalist Newsletter Subscription Form

Posted · Category: Forms, License Free

Subtle, minimalist and intuitive UI is what I like most about web design, having the visual part of it in mind. The design is in details. Refine each of them in the context of user experience and you’re almost perfect.

Newsletter subscription form is the detail that can easily get you one step closer to the perfection. There are quite a few things you can do with it, such as floating label, unusual visual approach, etc. But there’s one thing we’ll surely do now: hide the submit button by default and only show it if user enters the correct email address. Here we got Minimalist Newsletter Subscription Form.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://osvaldas.info/minimalist-newsletter-subscription-form
License: License Free

Showcase of Innovative, Beautiful Dashboard Designs

Posted · Category: Inspiration

Dashboard design is a tricky business. It’s difficult to get right, but I think many of these examples have lots of good things going for them.

The Design Inspiration has brought together a showcase of innovative, stunningly beautiful dashboard concepts & designs to help inspire you. If you’re about to start a project that deals with data visualization, hopefully this collection will give you some inspiration into how you can show your information in a useful, simple and uncluttered way.


Source: 25 Innovative Dashboard Concepts and Designs

HTML Table Export jQuery Plugin

Posted · Category: MIT License, Tables

HTML Table Export jQuery Plugin helps user export HTML Table to JSON, XML, PNG, CSV, TXT, SQL, MS-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Powerpoint and PDF. You can easily set the font size, separator, export type, margin and etc. It is licensed under MIT License.


Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://ngiriraj.com/pages/htmltable_export/demo.php
License: MIT License

Hya.io – Web-Based Digital Audio Workstation

Posted · Category: License Free, Sound

Hya.io is a web-based plugin-based audio application that supports hardware MIDI though Web MIDI, audio synthesis, sequencers, and lots of plugins. You can add plugins to the workspace, connect them to route audio, play, experiment.

Hya supports AMD and ES6 modules. They use a simple JSON object that describes the plugin, and a constructor function. You can bind to the Hya GUI using various events, like handleMouseOver and handleMouseDown.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://app.hya.io/
License: License Free

Medium.com Style Commenting Interface Plugin

Posted · Category: Forms, MIT License

SideComments.js is a UI component to give you Medium.com style comment management on the front-end. It allows users to comment directly on sections of content rather than the boring comment stream on the bottom of the page that we’re so used to.

Note that this component only handles the display / user interface of how your comments are presented. It does not provide any utilities to help manage storing or retrieving your comment data from your server, how you do that is entirely up to you.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://aroc.github.io/side-comments-demo/
License: MIT License

VisualCaptcha – A Configurable Captcha Solution

Posted · Category: Forms, MIT License

visualCaptcha is a configurable captcha solution, focusing on accessibility & simplicity, whilst maintaining security. It also supports mobile, retina devices, and has an innovative accessibility solution. visualCaptcha is now available across multiple backend languages. If you are using JavaScript, Ruby, or PHP, you can use visualCaptcha.

You can now use visualCaptcha as plain JavaScript, as a jQuery plugin, and Angular JS directive, or even build your own integration with your favourite framework. You can use your own pictures or audio as captchas which can be configured through JSON files. There are thousands of websites are already enjoying the benefits of visualCaptcha, with less spam and more customer engagement.

Screen Shot 2014-06-21 at 11.55.07 pm

Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://demo.visualcaptcha.net/
License: MIT License

CSV.js – CSV Parsing and Encoding in JavaScript

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

A comma-separated values (CSV) file stores tabular data (numbers and text) in plain-text form. A CSV file consists of any number of records, separated by line breaks of some kind; each record consists of fields, separated by some other character or string, most commonly a literal comma or tab. CSV.js is a simple, blazing-fast CSV parsing/encoding in JavaScript. Compatible with browsers, AMD, and NodeJS.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: https://github.com/knrz/CSV.js
License: License Free

Improve Your PayPal Shopping Cart with Minicart.js

Posted · Category: License Free

Minicart.js is a great way to improve your PayPal shopping cart integration. One simple change and your users will be able to manage their shopping cart directly from your website. Additional APIs provide you the power to customize the behavior to your needs.

The minicart has a JavaScript API for advanced users to customize the behavior. The minicart HTML template and CSS can be fully customized using two different approaches: configuration and custom themes. In both approaches, all functionality from the API is available using Embedded JavaScript Template syntax.


Requirements: JavaScript Framework
Demo: http://minicartjs.com/
License: License Free

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