Fixed Responsive Nav is a responsive, fixed and touch friendly one page navigation, using Responsive Nav, smooth animated scrolling & vanilla JavaScript. This project is built using progressive enhancement and tested to be working on Internet Explorer 6 and up.
You can add a mask over the content when navigation is opened. Auto highlights current location. Closes the navigation when user tap’s outside of it. You are free to use the JavaScript, styles and the icon fonts provided here in your own project. Commercial or non-commercial.

Requirements: JavaScript frameworks
License: MIT License
Seen.js renders 3D scenes into SVG or HTML5 Canvas. Seen.js contains a simple abstraction on top of the graphics capabilities of SVG and HTML5 Canvas elements. All of the other components of this library are agnostic to the type of context it will be rendered in.
Seen.js contains a looping, event-firing class for animating scenes. The render context
contains a method .animate()
which will create and return an animator that is set up to invoke the context’s .render()
method. To modify the scene on every frame, listen to the ‘beforeRender’ event.
Seen.js includes adapters for mouse rotation and mousewheel zooming. For best results, use a quaternion
to create a rotation matrix from the x,y movement of the mouse. The zoom adapter directly returns a scale factor that can be applied to your scene’s model.

Requirements: JavaScript frameworks
License: Apache 2.0 License
Perfect Scrollbar is a tiny but perfect jQuery scrollbar plugin. The scrollbar does not affect the original design layout. The design of the scrollbar is fully customizable. You can change nearly all css styles of the scrollbar. The scrollbar design has no dependency on scripts.
Perfect Scrollbar support ‘update’ function. Whenever you need to update the size or position of the scrollbar, just update. Additionally, perfect-scrollbar do use ‘scrollTop’ and ‘scrollLeft’, not absolute position or something messy.

Requirements: jQuery framework
License: MIT License
Treed is a Powerful Tree Editing Component. Treed wants to be for tree editing what ace is for text editing. Extensible, customizible, powerful, and just plain easy to use.
Treed is constructed using the MVC pattern such that it is simple to, for example, create an entirely different view for the tree. You can also create your own “Node” class if you wanted to do more than just have a single text input. You could add buttons, more fields, whatever you want.

Requirements: –
License: License Free
Crumpet is a deliciously simple SASS/SCSS responsive framework that keeps your HTML clean & stays out of your way. Built to make use of placeholder selectors to reduce the size of your HTML markup. No one likes messy HTML.
Creating website layouts fast & responsive will be a breeze. Not windy like it is in Autumn. Allows you the freedom to do what you want with your code. Easy and simple to hack about and make your own. Everything is straight forward, all of the code is commented and gives you instructions on how to use Crumpet, so you can spend all your time in the code editor.

Requirements: –
License: MIT License
TaggingJS is a jQuery plugin to create an highly customizable front-end tag system. It is less than 3 kb and support major browsers in the world. It is licensed under MIT License.
There are several ways to customize the default behavior of taggingJS: 1. Use a JavaScript custom_options object to customize the global taggingJS behavior. 2. Use data attributes in the tagBox HTML Markup. 3. Use a combination of the first two way.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
License: MIT License
Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library. The library is designed to be easy to use, handle large amounts of dynamic data, and enable manipulation of the data.
The library consists of the following components: DataSet and DataView. A flexible key/value based data set. Add, update, and remove items. Subscribe on changes in the data set. Filter and order items and convert fields of items. Timeline. Display different types of data on a timeline. The timeline and the items on the timeline can be interactively moved, zoomed, and manipulated. Graph. Display an interactive graph or network with nodes and edges.

Requirements: –
License: Apache License
jQuery File Uploader is a jQuery plugin to drag and drop files, including ajax upload and progress bar. The idea for this plugin is to keep it very simple; unlike other options/plugins that mess up a lot with the markup and provide some really ‘hacky’ ways to make it available for prehistoric browsers.
The focus will be for modern browsers, but also providing a method to know when is the plugin is not supported; with an easy interface to use on any design you come up. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.

Requirements: jQuery frameworks
License: MIT, GPL License is a technology-savvy company that is committed to high quality conversions of graphic web design into HTML and CMS like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal to provide a better user experience for websites.
Once you see how much they can help in terms of overall design, responsiveness, and growth, you won’t want to leave their sides. They have a research lab that is on the cutting edge of technology and are determined to keep it that way to give you, the customer, more of what you are looking at now and in the future. is making it possible to learn more about their services firsthand by providing prizes to a few lucky people. There will be a total of three prizes given – $200, $300, and $400 worth of services given to the winners.
This giveaway contest makes it possible for three lucky winners to learn more about what has to offer the masses. As much as $400 can be given away so that the money can be used on improving site design.
Ready to learn how to win some of the services to improve the look of your website? It’s as simple as leaving a comment under the posts. Let us know what service is of interest to you from PSD2HTML and how you think it can change the way you operate your business. A winner will be chosen from those who make a comment under the post. Hurry, because the deadline is 26th April and the winners will be chosen shortly after.
Winners (Updated: 26th April 2014)
1. gwippich ($400)
2. David DuVal ($300)
3. SergeyDruid ($200)
Flickerplate is a cool jQuery plugin that lets you flick through content. This plugin is by definition a jQuery plugin and so is required. It also requires Modernizr for touch detection and the jQuery.Finger library for touch events. Both jQuery and a custom build of Modernizr are supplied.
Flickerplate is configurable through a variety of ways. You can either setup the options through the Javascript call or you can set the options via data attributes on the actual element. Some options can even be set globally and on each list item.

Requirements: jQuery frameworks
License: Apache License