Discourse is the 100% open source, next-generation discussion platform. You should consider using Discourse when you need a mailing list, a forum to discuss something, and a chat room where you can type paragraphs.
Discourse is a from-scratch reboot, an attempt to reimagine what a modern, sustainable, fully open-source Internet discussion platform should be today. They tried to build the community that has a natural immune system to defend itself from trolls, bad actors, and spammers. There’s also a trust system, so engaged community members can assist in the governance of their community.
The act of participating in a discussion should fundamentally feel good in a way that it currently does not on all existing forums and mailing lists. It should be fun to have discussions with other human beings, not a chore, or something that’s barely tolerable.

Requirements: PostgreSQL 9.1+, Redis 2+
Demo: http://www.discourse.org/
License: GPL License
Every app needs controls, such as buttons, check boxes, and drop-down lists. Windows Store apps built for Windows using JavaScript can use two types of controls: intrinsic HTML controls and Windows Library for JavaScript controls. Intrinsic HTML controls are those controls, such as buttons and check boxes, that are a part of the HTML standard.

Here we focus on how to create and use HTML controls. The next topic, Quickstart: Adding WinJS controls and styles, describes how to create and use Windows Library for JavaScript controls.
We assume that you can create a basic Windows Store app using JavaScript that uses the Windows Library for JavaScript template. For help creating your first app, see Create your first Windows Store app using JavaScript.
What is a control?
In many application programming models, you need a control to display or interact with content. Because most HTML elements are capable of displaying content and responding to a variety of events, the distinction between a control and an element isn’t always clear for Windows Store apps using JavaScript. We refer to elements and objects whose primary purpose is to provide interactivity as controls. For a list of elements and objects that fall into this category, see Controls by function.
Adding an HTML control
You can use any HTML control in your Windows Store app using JavaScript. Read the rest of this entry »
ThreeSixty is a jQuery plugin for generating a draggable 360 preview from an image sequence. Simply include the latest jQuery and threesixty.js in your HTML page. Keyboard arrow keys are supported. It also supports touch and wipe on mobile devices as well. nextFrame() & prevFrame() methods allows users to connect UI controls.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://nick-jonas.github.com/threesixtyjs/
License: MIT License
Textillate.js is a simple plugin for CSS3 text animations. Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text. Simply include textillate.js and it’s dependencies in your project to start creating unqiue effects.
Textillate.js is built on top of the simple, yet amazingly powerful animate.css and lettering.js libraries.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Download Link: http://jschr.github.com/textillate/
License: MIT License
This article recently appeared on BuildNewGames.com, a collaboration by the teams at Bocoup and Internet Explorer. Recently, I released Empty Black, my 2D shooter/puzzler/platformer. In this article, I’ll describe how I made the player movement deft and intuitive. Play the game before you read on, so you’ll know what I’m talking about.
My general approach was to change something, then try it out. I took the ideas for adjustments from several sources.
One. I examined the parameters affecting the movement of the player characters in other 2D platformers. Is the floor slippy? What is the ratio of sideways movement to jump height? Does the character accelerate as it moves? Is the character’s jump height affected by the length of time the player holds the jump button? Is the character slowed when it bumps into a moveable object?

Two. I examined the unusual behaviours of the player characters in other 2D platformers. Super Meat Boy makes the character leap away from the wall automatically when wall-jumping. Spelunky lets the character pull himself up and over ledges. In Castlevania, the character can do an extra jump while in mid-air. Three. I got people to play test. Kemal told me that the character movement should be effortless. Specifically, if the character hits a wall near the top, it should slip up and over. Ricky told me it was weird that the player had no control over the height of the character’s jump. He showed me how, when hopping over an obstacle in a room with a low ceiling, he bumped his head. Ricky also pointed out the jarring effect of the initial slow down of the character when it lands after a jump. Everyone told me that airborne movement was too sensitive. Everyone told me that wall-jumping was too finicky.
Four. I read pieces written by programmers about their character movement algorithms. These pieces were mostly confined to short comments, rather than in-depth analyses. Hence, this article. Â Read the rest of this entry »
Cool Kitten is a Parrallax Scrolling responsive framework written by Jalxob. It is a collection of HTML/CSS and JavaScript files to be used for web designers and developers.
Cool Kitten is responsive, which is the best way to have a website with abilities to be viewed in every computer, tablet and mobile. It supports Parallax Scrolling, which makes a beautiful visual effect that brings a second life to every slide.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://jalxob.com/cool-kitten/
License: License Free
Lazy Line Painter is a jQuery plugin for path animation using the Raphaël Library. First of all, Export your line art from Illustrator as an .SVG, Ensure their are no fills, No closed paths – Line needs a start and end, Crop Artboard nice & tight.
And then drop your .SVG file into the ‘SVG to Lazy Conterter’ and Copy the .JS code. At the end, you can import jQuery, Raphaël & Lazylinepainter. Paste Lazyline code with’in DOM ready function and publish.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Download Link: http://lazylinepainter.info/
License: WTFPL License
Roole is a language that compiles to CSS. It drew many inspirations from other CSS preprocessing languages like Sass, LESS and Stylus.
The most unique feature of Roole is that it has vendor prefixing built-in, so the language stays dead simple yet being able to prefix some extremely complex rules transparently. Roole is implemented in JavaScript, so it can be run both on the server side (via node.js) or in a browser.

Requirements: –
Download Link: http://roole.org/
License: MIT License
This article recently appeared on BuildNewGames.com, a collaboration by the teams at Bocoup and Internet Explorer. It has been authorized to be published on WebAppers.
Sprite Fundamentals
I’ve always loved web games; they’re just fun to make, easy to code (mostly), and there’s something really nice about how accessible a game is when the user just has to click a link to start playing.
Ajax and moving dom elements around made for some fun, but limited in what kind of experience you could create. For game developers, things are changing, and quickly. HTML5 is introducing a bunch of new options for game development purely in the browser, and the browser vendors are competing hard to be the best platform for the new standards.

So from a game developer’s perspective everything is going in the right direction: 2D  and 3D hardware-acceleration, high-performance javascript engines, integrated debuggers and profilers, and, probably most importantly, browser vendors who are actively racing to be the best for serious game development.
So the tools are becoming usable, the browsers capable, and the vendors are listening, we can just go make awesome games right? Well, mostly.
HTML5/Javascript game development is still early, and there’s pitfalls to avoid, as well as choices to make on which technology to deploy.
In this article I’ll run through some of the choices to be made developing 2D games, and hopefully give you some ideas for developing your own games using HTML5.
Read the rest of this entry »
Photoshop can do some magical things. By combining all sorts of tools, you can literally make thousands of variations to a single photo. And with Photoshop action sets, you can do it all with pretty much just a click.
If you’re looking for a ton of new creativity to add to your Photoshop toolbox, then have we got the Mighty Deal for you! From PhotographyPla.net comes a massive Photoshop Action Set Bundle!
You’ll get 14 premium Photoshop action sets for a total of 205 individual actions. This bundle includes the following actions: Fashion, Autumn, Vintage, Sunset & Sunrise, Black & White, Faded & Hazy, Light Leaks, Monochromatic, and more. The actions in this bundle require Photoshop CS4, CS5, or CS6.

These high-quality action sets normally cost $238 when purchased individually, but for a limited time only, you can get the entire bundle of 205 actions for just $17!