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A Photoshop (PSD) File Parser in JavaScript

Posted · Category: License Free, Tools

psd.js is a Photoshop (PSD) file parser written in Coffeescript/Javascript for both browsers and NodeJS implementations. Given a PSD file, it can parse out information such as image size and color modes, image resources, layer info, image contents, etc.

This implementation is more or less a direct port of pypsd with some help from psdparse. However, this is still a work in progress and is not finished yet. We do not recommend using in production anywhere.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://meltingice.github.com/psd.js/
License: License Free

Bootstrap 2.0 Released with Lots of New Features

Posted · Category: Framework

Bootstrap 2.0 has just released with a lot of new features, rewritten documentation, and use cases to test with the addition of media queries.

They have also added some new components like progress bars, customizable gallery thumbnails and split buttons. Another great new feature are the new glyph icons, that you can use to style your buttons and menus.

Now there are total 12 custom jQuery Plugins for you to enhance Bootstrap. It includes, Modals, Tooltips, Dropdowns, Scrollspy, Carousel and more. All in all a huge update with many exciting features.


Requirements: –
Demo: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
License: Apache License v2.0

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