Zenbe is started because they wanted the functionality and performance of a desktop application, and the simplicity and accessibility of webmail, at the same time, for all their email addresses. They wanted to access more features and services from the internet, without logging into a bunch of different websites everyday. They wanted better ways to share and work with friends, but they didn’t want to abandon email to use them.
Zenbe is free email that works with the email you already use. Zenbe offers many features, including email, online calendar, lists, mobile sync, file sharing, team collaboration. It even works with Facebook and Twitter. You can do them all without leaving your email.
With 4GB (and growing) of storage, you treat Zenbe like a computer you can access from anywhere. Sometimes, email just isn’t the best way to work together. With Zenpages, you can share files, email, events – anything you would share in an email – on a Zenpage.
If you like to stay organized with folders, you will love Zenbe’s email tags. Tags are like folders, but better. But with Zenbe’s excellent search, you don’t need to use tags to stay focused on what you care about. Zenbe is one of the best webmail experiences you can find.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://www.zenbe.com/
License: License Free
We can create javascript treeview component quickly with jsTree. It accepts various data sources including predefined HTML, JSON and XML. User can open, close, rename, create, delete nodes easily. jsTree supports drag & drop and multiple select as well. And also, jsTree supports easy CSS customization of icons, dots, background, fonts & sizes. So that you can create your own unique javascript treeview component easily.

Requirements: jQuery Framework
Demo: http://www.jstree.com/jsTree/examples/
License: MIT, GPL License
3D Typographic design is now more popular and we can notice a surge for 3D Type work on portfolio sites, DzineBlog has collected 45 Beautiful 3D Typography Deisgns For Inspiration, these designs are really inspiring, and I love them a lot.

Source: 45 Beautiful 3D Typography Designs For Inspiration
Jx is a javascript library for creating graphical user interaces based on the fabulous MooTools library. They provide access to the library as well as extensive documentation and examples. The Jx examples are a set of web pages that illustrate specific Jx components. Simply click on a page in the tree to the left to load the appropriate sample and get started exploring Jx right away.
The theme selection allows you to change between Jx skins on the fly. Simply click the button to expose a list of available skins and select a new skin to see the effect immediately. They store a cookie in your browser so you don’t have to keep changing skins every time you load a new example. Jx is distributed under the MIT license.

Requirements: Mootools Framework
Demo: http://jxlib.org/
License: MIT License

VirtueMart is an Open Source E-Commerce solution to be used together with a Content Management System (CMS) called Joomla! (and Mambo). Joomla! and VirtueMart are written in PHP and made easy for use in a PHP/MySQL environment.
All you need is to download the latest Joomla distribution from www.joomla.org and the VirtueMart package from this site. Joomla provides the Core System and the Framework, which VirtueMart can use. So you can easily use a complete Shopping Cart Solution within your own dynamic Website (“Portal”), together with many other Plug-Ins, called Components and Modules, like Forums, FAQ, Guestbooks and Galleries.
VirtueMart is free software released under the GNU General Public License. No limitations exist for VirtueMart. You can create and maintain a site with an unlimited number of categories, products, orders, customers, etc.
Requirements: Joomla! Framework
Demo: http://virtuemart.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view…
License: GPL License
Ever wondered which JavaScript framework was used on a specific website but was too lazy to check the source code for the answer? Fear no more WTFramework is here.
Our WebAppers reader Oskar Krawczyk has written a pretty simple and straight–forward bookmarklet. Say you come across a website, see a few pretty cool effects and you’d like to know which of the some JavaScript frameworks (MooTools, Yahoo User Interface, jQuery, the infamous Scriptaculous, Dojo Toolkit, Mochikit, etc.) are being used to rise the magic.
Typically, you’d have to look for the script tag in the source. Well forget about it, now you have WTFramework – one click and a info pops–up informing which framework are we dealing with.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://nouincolor.com/wtframework/2.0/
License: License Free
Would you like some glossy modern web browsers icons? J.max from Morcha has designed 9 glossy modern browsers icons including, Internet Explorer, TheWorld, Opera, Safari, Firefox, Netscape, Tencent Traveler, Maxthon and Google Chrome. All of them are in the size of 256x256px in Ico and Png format. The site is written in Chinese, you can download the file directly here.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://morcha.blogbus.com/logs/30886671.html
License: Personal, Non-Commercial Use
CSS Frameworks have been a hot topic the past few months. Although they’ve been getting a lot of heat from semantic freaks and minimalists (for adding unnecessary code), I think they’re a step forward. Web design is about doing things quickly and beautifully. No matter how you feel about frameworks, it’s undeniable that they speed up the design process.
We have seen some of the popular CSS Framework like, 960.gs, Blueprint, YAML. Capsize Designs decided to combine the good points of each of them to get something that I was satisfied with. He has pretty much taken the entire grid from Blueprint (with a bunch of his own changes) and the entire typography from Tripoli (with a bunch more of his changes). Since most of it came from BlueprintCSS or Tripoli, This CSS Framework is called BlueTrip. The end result ended up really nice.

Requirements: –
Demo: http://capsizedesigns.com/blog/2008/04/bluetripcss…
License: MIT and GPL License

Using the Ribbit Voice Platform, voice is now a programmable feature that is free from the traditional device. Going way beyond the call, Ribbit is an open platform for multi-protocol communication, empowering a new market of voiceware applications and services.
It can go anywhere… on a phone, on a webpage, inside email, and in an existing app. Voice can now live inside any environment including online communities or stores, CRM systems, call center applications, media properties – you name it. It can be captured, stored and sent in traditional and non-traditional ways…it is totally free for your innovation across any industry.
Coding voice as a feature is easy. Build your rich voice applications in either Flex or Flash. Their voice components are available in both flavors. Now you can easily add the ability to make and receive calls, record, send and receive voice messages, as well as add and organize contacts to your applications with the Ribbit API. Leverage the Ribbit Voice Platform to enrich your applications with voice, others have.
Requirements: –
Demo: http://developer.ribbit.com
License: Read License
There is a lot of money being made in Open Source, although the profitable companies are not always the ones you would expect.
While many companies don’t disclose detailed financial information we have dug around to find numbers for some well-known open source companies and projects to see how they are doing financially. Royal Pingdom has collected the financial information of some of the most popular open source companies.

One of the great examples is Mozilla which has the famous Firefox web browser and the Thunderbird email client. In 2006 the Mozilla Corporation generated $66.8 million in revenue with 85% of the revenue coming from Google for being the default search engine and ads placed on search result pages. Google and Mozilla recently extended the deal to 2011 (just before Google launched Chrome, ironically).
You can have look at other popular open source companies like Canonical, Novell, Sun Microsystems, Red Hat, Yahoo and Nokia.
Source: This is the money being made TODAY in Open Source